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  1. Lillian

    FOREVER presents FUCKED UP

    It was the first and last time.
  2. Lillian

    FOREVER presents FUCKED UP

    Fucked Up were really awful last time I saw them.
  3. Lillian


    yep, its nice to know I'm not the only fanatic.
  4. Lillian

    What band did you see last night?

    I didn't think they were that awful, yes the front man was annoying and it was more new agey than expected but it was entertaining and there were a couple of very good choones.
  5. Lillian


    Health were even better second time round, I also noticed I wasn't the only loser there two nights running. Sometimes you can't beat a good loud gig.
  6. Lillian


    I thought Health were fantastic, might even go see em again tonight. Deerhunter on the other hand were really disappointing, they seemed so bored, which made me bored, woulda left had I not been with a mate who wanted to stick around. Even the last song which was marginally more energetic...
  7. Lillian

    How do I stop my white peroxide blonde hair from going yellow

    Unless you've got naturally lightish hair going properly blonde is a right bitch in the upkeep, so I just gave up. Giving up is probably your best option
  8. Lillian

    Liars. andrews lane sat june 21

    Can't remember am I going to Russia on the 21st or the 23rd of June, damn I hope its the 23rd.
  9. Lillian


    What times this kicking off?In work till nine and I defo don't want to miss Health
  10. Lillian

    Jesus camp.

    Couldn't really watch much of it, found it far too upsetting.
  11. Lillian

    The Scottish Cheeseburger

    The Clamshell was the closest chipper to the city cafe so I spent most of my time there. Peckhams was at the end of my road, its the latest opening offo in the city which was super handy
  12. Lillian

    some album release dates

    many thanks, I'm off to listen to it now, bet its really summery
  13. Lillian


    I went to make an actual mix tape the other day only to realise that I have loadsa tapes but tape deck, so I might just have to make the virtual kind, what a sad day it is. I made this ages ago, Its entirely inappropriate for...
  14. Lillian

    The Scottish Cheeseburger

    The Clamshell is my favourite chipper in Edinburgh, they sell booze and the best haggis in the city.
  15. Lillian

    Times New Viking - May 26th

  16. Lillian

    The Scottish Cheeseburger

    Maybe you just needed the diet version, YouTube - raoul diet iron bru
  17. Lillian

    The Scottish Cheeseburger

    Sounds a bit like a whurly burger, the chippers greatest invention.
  18. Lillian


    Any idea what time this is kicking off, wanna make sure I don't miss Health
  19. Lillian

    Glorious Bank Holiday Monday

    I had a fantastic barbeque last night, breakfast in the garden this morning and then fell asleep on the grass for the afternoon, it's been a very lovely day.
  20. Lillian

    Spiritualized Gigs

    Would love to see Spiritualized but I'm almost positive it'd be shit in Tripod, has there ever been a good gig there?The support, Sian Alice group are excellent