Search results for query: *

  1. ICUH8N

    if you knew both your parents' blood types, is it possible to work out your own?

    nope, you can only work out the possible permutations, even if both parents have the same blood type, yours might still be different due to recessive something or other. Unless they're both O, in which case you'll be O. But then there's the Rh factor to be taken into account, and I dunno which...
  2. ICUH8N

    bill hicks night in the olympia tonight

    cop on.
  3. ICUH8N

    Your claim to fame?

    Kevin Spacey hit on me. Not that erotic. Well, maybe a bit. *frissons
  4. ICUH8N

    Eric Mendelsohn Exhibition

    Oooooh excellent. Saw some of his stuff at the Berlin/Tokyo exhibition. *checks out
  5. ICUH8N

    Maybe it's me being mad olt and that

    This explains why the bus was full of girls with mountie accents loudly braying about who was buying them drink and what time they'd be going to Wesley.. *lightbulb
  6. ICUH8N

    The eccentrics/weirdos of Dublin city hall of fame thread

    Anyone know that wiry angry-looking fucker who used to lurk outside the Stags Head in a pair of baggy trousers with the arse hanging down his knees and a silly hat, sucking on a dogend like his life depended on it?
  7. ICUH8N

    Whats the funniest quote you've ever heard ever?

    continuing in the arnie vein "It's not a tumah!"
  8. ICUH8N

    new apple stuff

    video output is the same resolution (640x480) as your creative thing now, lefterz.
  9. ICUH8N

    embarassing sexual situations

    Oh snnnnnnappppp
  10. ICUH8N

    The eccentrics/weirdos of Dublin city hall of fame thread

    That's jab, I believe. Full-on techno vampire clothing and elaborate mohawk-type hair? He's a good guy, have dealt with him professionally. He does some nice...motion graphics/interactive work.
  11. ICUH8N

    buying a laptop

    I love my new macbook pro. I got a matte screen (there's no discernible advantage to the glossy screen) and am waiting for my extra gig of ram at the moment. I haven't tried yet, but it apparently runs Vista RC1 blazingly fast using parallels or bootcamp. *hugs
  12. ICUH8N

    VBA script

    You could make them active/inactive with a checkbox, and then check to see if they've been used by going if chkCombo1 then strQuery = strQuery & txtCombo1 end if basically (no pun intended) make a string (strQuery) which will eventually become your query, and concatenate the search parameters...
  13. ICUH8N

    Latest Freedom Tower

    Well, at least it won't look like the set of a German expressionist horror movie anymore, now that they've gotten rid of Libeskind. It'll still be shit, of course, just a different kind of shit.
  14. ICUH8N


    I thought this thread was about fashionable children's names. See also: Qaeda, Jazeera
  15. ICUH8N

    Little Miss Sunshine

    Really want to see this.
  16. ICUH8N

    Bored in Work 221
  17. ICUH8N


    Easy lady, I got no beef with Rufus!