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  • Before: Oct 30, 2007
  • Users: Lord Damian
  • Order by date
  1. Lord Damian

    new mound track is awesome

    what, are ya ignoring my emails now?!?!?!?
  2. Lord Damian

    the 'so long, farewell, see ya, buhbye' thread for ernesto and RSJ..

    have many chances to use that, did ya...?
  3. Lord Damian

    the 'so long, farewell, see ya, buhbye' thread for ernesto and RSJ..

    hey RSJ, if you, in your travels in the US, happen to get anywhere near Toronto, just, you know, don't even bloody think about dropping in to say hi.* all the best chaps - i don't know why you're going where you're going, nor do i care, but godspeed and safe travels. kidding - if you're...
  4. Lord Damian

    Mad for yoghurts

    not yogurt, but i personally have become developing an addiction to ice cold cans of tomato juice...i've already had two today and haven't yet gone for lunch. it's what i drink in the morning instead of coffee. it sounds so weird, but feels so right. carry on.
  5. Lord Damian

    cat problem

    you're assuming i don't feed them, when in fact i do...on occasion...but i DO give them their 'treats' every night as i'm the first one home from work. more than half the time they don't even come in the bloody kitchen until after i've filled their bowls and left the room. INGRATES.
  6. Lord Damian

    cat problem

    this just in: water is Wet!!! keeps the litter from flying everywhere when they cover up their sinful business. IN THEORY.
  7. Lord Damian

    cat problem

    i told the missus in no uncertain terms today that i would assume control of taking care of the litterboxes. she seems fine with it. work is for money rock is for sanity!
  8. Lord Damian

    check out the size of this bastard

    dunno about anyone else, but i thought the collapsing bed was going to make a comeback.
  9. Lord Damian

    new mound track is awesome

    yup listening to it now for the billionth time WIFM RIFF!S
  10. Lord Damian

    [Access denied} Website blocked by WebMarshall......

    so there'd be no way for the Websense folks to find it? devious.
  11. Lord Damian

    [Access denied} Website blocked by WebMarshall......

    like the one from Joss's post above? i tried that and got blocked due to "Proxy Avoidance".
  12. Lord Damian

    favourite drop-d riffs

    my favourite drop d riff of all time is "Puff The Magic Dragon" (although technically the original was played with a different tuning altogether but dropped d works) or "Sweet Caroline" (although technically the original was played with a different tuning altogether but dropped d works) or...
  13. Lord Damian

    [Access denied} Website blocked by WebMarshall......

    yeah, i meant subscribers. as for that other bit, i have no clue what yr talking about. i'm ok with that.
  14. Lord Damian

    In Bed

  15. Lord Damian

    Songs that can alter your mood

  16. Lord Damian

    In Bed

    twas a joke, arnold. are you or are you not still looking for a man? actually nevermind, none of my bees.
  17. Lord Damian

    In Bed

    i doubt it, judging by her posts of late.
  18. Lord Damian

    Songs that can alter your mood

    you filthy bastard.
  19. Lord Damian

    check out the size of this bastard

    what's everyones problem with spiders? i'd keep that one as a pet and feed it...i dunno...cats.