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  • Before: Oct 30, 2007
  • Users: Lord Damian
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  1. Lord Damian

    Any decent date coincidences?

    Bob Dylan married Isis on the 5th day of May. 24 + 5 = 29 2 + 9 = 11 1 +1 = 2 there are only two Bob Dylans. weird.
  2. Lord Damian

    Poutine - A Canadian Delicacy, Not a Russian President

    add shredded smoked meat on top of it all for that peculiar Montreal experience. poutine, if done right, rules. if done wrong it's shit.
  3. Lord Damian

    The, 'Why do Americans....' thread.

    this talk of "red sauce", "brown sauce" and "white sauce" reminds me of Bill Hicks' "orange drink" rap. and yes, i too am looking forward to spending the rest of the day reading Jane's post.
  4. Lord Damian

    3000 miners

    that's comedy gold, right there.
  5. Lord Damian

    Jason Molina/Songs: Ohia play crawdaddy nov 30th

    He's back as/with Songs:Ohia? He's been touring as/with Magnolia Electric Co for years now...
  6. Lord Damian

    The, 'Why do Americans....' thread.

    quite right. now back to how bad the yanks suck.
  7. Lord Damian

    3000 miners

    i don't own any gold (or any jewellry, for that matter) and never will, therefore i don't feel personally responsible for this, however tragic it is. although, i suppose that gold keeps the economy afloat in some way, so i guess the entire western world is complicit.
  8. Lord Damian

    The, 'Why do Americans....' thread.

    you've changed, man. it's so obvious to everyone.
  9. Lord Damian

    St. Johns, Newfoundland

    i know fuck all about Newfoundland, but i know a few Newfies...i think people don't visit there to see the sights, but more to soak up good vibes from the hospitable, honest and friendly folk that populate the place. or maybe i'm thinking of PEI...
  10. Lord Damian

    The, 'Why do Americans....' thread.

    actually, that rules. mainly because what they do is called "sheet rocking". as in, rocking the sheets. as in, being cassanovas. i think Gang Green had a song called Sheet Rock on "You Got It".
  11. Lord Damian

    The, 'Why do Americans....' thread.

    that's AMAZING.
  12. Lord Damian

    The, 'Why do Americans....' thread.

    i hear ya, i'm on your side.
  13. Lord Damian

    The, 'Why do Americans....' thread.

    Well that's just nonsense - of COURSE you're going to get a "portion" - not like they're going to give you every fried potato in Ireland.
  14. Lord Damian

    The, 'Why do Americans....' thread.

    north american solidarity.
  15. Lord Damian

    The, 'Why do Americans....' thread.

    not even close.
  16. Lord Damian

    The, 'Why do Americans....' thread.

    and why the fuck is GREY spelled with an A????? America - Unilaterally destroying the Queen's English one word at a time.
  17. Lord Damian

    The, 'Why do Americans....' thread.

  18. Lord Damian

    The, 'Why do Americans....' thread.

    wow - whaut a poupulaur threaud.
  19. Lord Damian

    The, 'Why do Americans....' thread.

    no U's in anything!! SAVAGES!!!!!!!!!
  20. Lord Damian

    The, 'Why do Americans....' thread.

    why do they call water "beer"?