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  1. G

    I did not know it was a cover!

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    Bram Tchaikovsky

    Been listening to the first two a lot recently,anyone else a fan?
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    I'm listening to the Car Button cloth cd as I bought it for 50c today,and it's way better than I remember. Eight songs in and I've recognised everything so far. Not amazing or anything,but I'll definitely play it again. Not sure I could stomach It's A Shame About Ray still,I never really thought...
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    where have all the gigs gone?

    seems not too long ago there were way too many,now there seems to be buggerall. I can't think of any coming up.
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    Bad Religions xmas record

    Punk Rockers Knock Christmas Published: 12/21/2013 8:16 AM ET Subscribe to L. Brent Bozell III By L. Brent Bozell III Author Archive Print This Article What’s been called the “war on Christmas” is often a case of secular liberals wanting to engage in Christmas denial. In the name of not...
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    Non holy xmas songs

    Give me some good ones. Suitable for schoolkids. Thanks.
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    Napalm Death
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    anyone know where I can get the two 7"s from on one go?
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    recommend me a new smartphone

    I need a new phone,nothing too fancy,but something with a gps would be handy,probably get more use as a camera/mp3 player than anything else,some basic internet use,very little in the way of extra apps,other than a few basic kids games, if that means anything. (fuck facebook etc) Also,for use...
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    I think I've come round to the Telecaster

    While considering going to see Quo,I've been watching loads of videos,and the documentary etc on bbc last night. And the Tele has been becoming more appealing. (I used to really dislike them) Unfortunatly what I'd want is not remotely available,and I'm not gonna pay what it would cost to get...
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    Violent Arrest

    Been around ages now,ex Ripcord etc. New record's awesome.
  12. G

    Good Vibes (and related) reissues

    A Spanish label has some cool reissues of NI punk(Outcasts/Rudi/Ruefrex) here: Paramecium Records - Paramecium Records
  13. G

    Deals on strings?

    I know this has been mentioned before,I think ebay was mentioned a lot,but I can't use ebay. Anyway,where's cheap to buy strings in bulk? I've tons of individual strings I need to match up into sets,but some are ancient so may be corroded. So I probably need to buy a bunch of individual strings...
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    Has anyone ever heard of.........

    Saw a 2x12 speaker cab today at a market,badged with the name "Ohm" ,it's old,but gives nothing much else away. looks sturdy enough. Anyone ever hear of them? It's proving pretty difficult to find out about. I didn't get a chance to ask how much as I was in a hurry. I'm sure it'll be there for...
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    Doctor Who in the cinema

    Anyone know what cinema is showing it (if any?) in Dublin?
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    Poison Idea

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  18. G

    Frets,fret dressing etc.

    The frets on my SG are starting to get very noticeably worn,I can't quite really feel it yet,but possibly will soon enough. I'm way to broke to pay for a refret,so anyone done any fret work themselves? Any advice on tools or generally doing any such work? To be honest,I'll probably end up...
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    Shudder To Think

    Sloppy,but cool
  20. G

    9/11 never forget.
