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  1. mazzyianne

    world bank in dublin

    ...neo-liberal ideology that fuels the World Bank - profit for the few over the lives of the many - is destroying communities here in Ireland. We* think this is a perfect opportunity to have a bit of a party. So we've gathered up some buckets and spades, our favourite tunes we're making some...
  2. mazzyianne

    Roadburn 2008

    Except for the cold, it was freakin cold. Warm sleeping bag and camping mat recommended.
  3. mazzyianne

    world bank in dublin

    ...neo-liberal ideology that fuels the World Bank - profit for the few over the lives of the many - is destroying communities here in Ireland. We* think this is a perfect opportunity to have a bit of a party. So we've gathered up some buckets and spades, our favourite tunes we're making some...
  4. mazzyianne

    Seomra spraoi launch weekend

    Cabaret was amazing 2nite!! Stand-up comedian guests were totally hilarious. Amazing, hope she does another one soon. Glad the party went well last night, I was working :(
  5. mazzyianne

    Seomra spraoi launch weekend

    Here's the disappearing poster again..
  6. mazzyianne

    Seomra Spraoi Launch weekend

    Poster disappeared, here tis again. There's a cafe on sunday at 1 and the space is open all weekend to drop in.
  7. mazzyianne

    Seomra Spraoi Launch weekend!!

    Oops, link died there... There's a cafe on sunday at 1 as well
  8. mazzyianne

    Seomra spraoi launch weekend

    Lynched I think and some random people, everyone can bring instruments n join in or just come and listen
  9. mazzyianne

    Seomra Spraoi Launch weekend!!

    This weekend, come and see the new seomra!!
  10. mazzyianne

    Seomra Spraoi Launch weekend

    This weekend!! Come and see our lovely new space! Screen printing workshop also happening, day and time TBA
  11. mazzyianne

    Seomra spraoi launch weekend

    This weekend, come to the seomra and see our new space. There will also be a screen printing workshop, details TBA
  12. mazzyianne

    Courses, Dole(Benefits) and Working?

    you should be entitled to rent allowance surely
  13. mazzyianne

    T-shirt idea

    Great Idea! (happy birthday by the way:)) If you want to DIY there's screenprinting stuff in seomra spraoi, there's a group starting to do workshops n all, first one was today. The stuff is all there for using. When a friend of mine had to leave for canada due to all this shit some friends...
  14. mazzyianne

    Chinese Pancakes

    If the scallion pancakes in the china house on moore st are anything to go by, fry them in loads of oil and use them to mop up sauce from any tasty chinese dish. yum.
  15. mazzyianne

    Irish zines on zinewiki

    Hiya Eug! Seomra is open every day from about 6pm til 10pm (often people are there earlier than 6) and on weekends from 1pm til 10pm. I'm workin there sunday evenings (7-9.30ish) and would love to see ya, hope ur well.:)
  16. mazzyianne

    Me and My No Money

    I forgot to say to ya have u about st. michans, the church with the mummies, you even get to shake their boney hand and it's only €3.50 !!! .|..|
  17. mazzyianne

    Magpie Squat renovated

    Peck their eyes out, kick them up the hole :D fuckin mental photos...
  18. mazzyianne

    LIGNA radio artists - Seomra Spraoi 22nd August

    Saw some of this video and was talking to someone who did the radio thing today. I never read the e-mail or this post coz it sounded too arty and difficult to understand for my late night internetting but.. It looked and sounds amazing, basically a load of people wearing earphones wandering...
  19. mazzyianne


    Yis are all horrible, they're lovely!! Look...
  20. mazzyianne

    Cycling Holiday

    petethedrummer, I too did the france cycle, think dunch covered all the tips, we were supposed to write a zine about it including great stuff to cook in one saucepan... never happened.. You'll eat shitloads so leave room in your panniers. Don't overpack clothes, wash stuff as you go. One of...