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  1. Deadmanposting

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    I dunno, we may not approve but these people are living different lives. This lady is some up & coming Youtuber or whatever, not some inegnue out of her depth. Maguire is a notably horrible person, but everything is seemingly consensual here. He's not her boss, she's not a dope. I would...
  2. Deadmanposting


    Economist ranking the richest countries in the world They can't include Ireland cos our GDP and GNI is so fucked up with our multi-national deals, it is literally impossible to calculate to a meaningful degree
  3. Deadmanposting


    I would like to think so too But I think the Unionists are becoming even more hardline - fear of extinction BUt I am not a Nordie
  4. Cornu Ammonis


    Ok, given you’ve used a cloud pun about the weather, I’ll give you your last word.
  5. ann post


    in case where the total is 100% and that was the context, 3% drop does need to be balanced by 3% somewhere else. It did add up, ye's just didn't like it or somehting I brough the weather into to try and show ye's how nebulous ye's have gone on it.
  6. Cornu Ammonis


    Correct, it is maths to say there is a different value. It was the “the numbers are different and therefore this reason because maths” that was the part that didn’t add up. Statistics are not an abstract truth, context is everything and coincidences are common - a 3% drop in one does not infer...
  7. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

  8. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    I can't find a furter source for this beyond tweets
  9. MacDara


    Wordle 1,113 4/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨 🟩🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  10. G

    music documentaries

  11. M

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    The usual example given would be mid overtake, and something unexpected happens which leaves you with the choice of abandoning the manoeuvre, or accelerating to complete it. This *can* happen, but so rarely it'd barely make a dent in the argument I think.
  12. ann post

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    I know there probably isn't a way to talk sense into that. If such a fringe case actually happened, you'd be putting yourself in the legally responsible bracket by breaking the speed limit. But look it i grew up in boy racer land. It's really hard to argue against 6-10 billion euro of global...
  13. nooleen

    Tell me a joke thread

    An Irishman walks up to a building site looking for a job. The foreman says "alright paddy, I'll give you a job if you can tell me the difference between 'joist' and 'girder'." The Irish man says "that's easy, Joist wrote Ulysses and Girder wrote Faust"
  14. M

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    I've debated it on boards. The usual complaint is 'sometimes I need to accelerate beyond the limit to avoid a potential hazard' and it does strike me like that special pleading of 'sometimes wearing a seatbelt makes you more likely to be injured' you occasionally hear.
  15. ann post

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    I'm sure this'll have the jeremy clarksons of the world whinging for months - I'd possibly like the tech to go a bit further - limited speed and limited miles per gallon. The idea that a few lines of code could be 5% drop in transport emmissions across Europe is not to be ignored.
  16. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    ...once you hit a certain number of years - I don't think Gaiman is ever going to justify that stuff to be honest. half your age plus seven like....* I think maybe it might be closer to JK rowling 2.0 - people have a very close relationship with the books and they don't immediately want to live...
  17. M

    Tell me a joke thread

    I should have mentioned that this is about octopuses. A good hearty story about one.
  18. Deadmanposting

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Consistent accusations from female supporters about him agreeing to sex with condoms and then him slipping them off, or waking up to this guy having sex with them. It's when these women connected their stories that they went to the cops. They wanted STD tests for peace of mind. This is people...
  19. nooleen

    Celebrity Creeps Thread What I meant in both cases is that many people will side with a male celeb and very readily hate any woman going against him.
  20. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    my very rough post mortem on depp vs heard is that depp was cleared because she fabricated a load of shit. But what i meant in this case is that it'll become everyones celebrity drama for a few months and whos right/wrong is completely irrelevant so long as people score internet points.