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  1. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    I wanted that but was forbidden
  2. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    Hearing that Richard Dawson went down an absolute storm supporting Mitski at a sold out 3arena show last night. The wife was there and said the kidz were even singing along to some of it.
  3. dudley

    Minor Pleasures Different rules for Ukraine, it seems
  4. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    Fake tree = hates Christmas Fake tree in attic on January 2 = no wonder the world is doomed
  5. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    Speaking of dogging
  6. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    There's a thing I missed. Not only are the Drop Nineteens back, but they're releasing two LPs this year (one is rarities, one is brand new). Oh my...
  7. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    The LG C Tv's are absolutely amazing, heartily recommend one
  8. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    Cycled into and out of town on a beautifully sunny lunchtime for the first time in aged, and bought a bunch of records. Loved it.
  9. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    Did your nutritionist give you that recipe?
  10. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

  11. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    Been in this house over 10 years. Kitchen door never closed properly. Finally fixed it today. Now for the cutlery drawer. I'm thinking 15 years.
  12. dudley

    Minor Pleasures
  13. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    Voice is fucked from hollering at my first gig in over 2 years last night. Deadly
  14. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    Where those ponies going straight to hell otherwise?
  15. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    New king Gizzard LP release day, and I''m just back from a wee break to Wexford where I saw a man washing horses in a river, as you do.
  16. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    He liked my dog too!
  17. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

  18. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    "Transfer 90" it was. Halycon days.
  19. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    Loaded up the new Forza on Xbox last night, and was blown away to see they've included both choice of pronouns and things like prosthetic limbs when designing your character. Brilliant!
  20. dudley

    Minor Pleasures

    Reporting this post as inappropriate, it surely belongs in the major pleasures thread?