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  1. P

    Wool fucks with my head

    banshees are scary!!!
  2. P

    Wool fucks with my head

    hear!hear!boooo liverpool!
  3. P

    Argh Lads!!!

    hey im only a little girl sob!sob! ill be good i promise sob!sob! please dont get a clown costume!sob!sob!
  4. P

    Argh Lads!!!

    u gotta leave sometime mate and ill be the shadows......with bagpuss by my side.......more evil laughter....
  5. P

    Argh Lads!!!

    bagpuss is cute and im goin to bring my bag everywer with me know and if i ever meet u people im goin to make u hold him and cuddle him and LOVE him!!!!!
  6. P

    Wool fucks with my head

    youve made me cry! ru happy now???:(
  7. P

    C'mon in and Admire youre Goddess of Thumped

    best of luck!!x
  8. P

    Argh Lads!!!

    don't know how they can call themselves men if theyre afraid of something as cute and cuddly as bagpuss!:p
  9. P

    Wool fucks with my head

    you think the 123 is bad get a 27!!! wasps are evil!!! i get really freaked out if you're sitting on a bus and its flying around and u keep trying to dodge it but there's someone sitting beside you and you cant move and u feel trapped and u can hear it buzzing around behind you and it makes the...
  10. P

    Argh Lads!!!

    bod is soo fuckin funny, the music they walk on2 is gas!! r all the boys afraid of bagpuss?
  11. P

    Wool fucks with my head

    i hate spidders and i am also afraid of boys!:p clowns fucking horrible yokes which should be wiped off this earth and put on a freaky clown planet somewhere..
  12. P

    Wool fucks with my head

    oh yeah take me back to the dark days of being made to do knitting in primary school...:eek: biting wool is pretty awful alright!! licking batteries though that's cool!
  13. P

    Argh Lads!!!

    you leave me no choice but to go home later and get my calendar and post up all those creepy bagpuss rhymes that will haunt u forever!!he he he he (evil laugh)
  14. P

    Argh Lads!!!

    yeah freaky but true!! im waiting on sum1 to buy me a bagpuss vid for my bday!!hint hint!!
  15. P

    Argh Lads!!!

    sorry ill stop now!!:p but yes there was mice and a frog that played songs and a bird called professer yaffle i think. and the mice used to sing 'we will dress him and...' i dunno theyre singing was a bit creepy actually as they crawled all over bagpuss...
  16. P

    Argh Lads!!!

    my computer mouse is cream and pink stripes and furry!like bagpuss!!no joke it was a present..
  17. P

    Argh Lads!!!

    bagpuss oh pagpuss!!:p he looked so cuddly and cute you're mad!! if u saw my teddy/bag thing you'd see!! its so cute and cuddly!!!!!bagpuss its harmless it that emily kid you should watch out for i think she had a 2dimensional stare too!:p
  18. P

    Argh Lads!!!

    u big pussys!!how can u be scared of bagpuss??:D
  19. P

    Argh Lads!!!

    bagpuss is soooo cute i have a teddy but its also a bag pretty cool eh?:cool: i have a calendar and mouse pad and goin to stop now.....i didnt like the magic door music...does any1 know who bod is? i have a bid of him at home its class, gr8 fun to watch wen ure unde the influence of...
  20. P

    Argh Lads!!!

    my favourite part of bosco was when they used to show his little room in the box it was sooooo cute!!! the magic door was fucking pants though!! bagpuss reigns surpreme if u ask me!!