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    Gig photos.

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    irish poets

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    tesco tiger bread

    I think its utterly vile. they put it at the door in tesco so the spicy arse smell slaps you right across the face as you enter. any bread that big for a euro is not right....
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    annoying flatmates

    that actually happened to someone in the house i just moved out of. we had a party one night and he woke up to some random and very unattractive girl meeting (tongue punching?) the face off him in his own bed. she had crept in and was nuzzling (eating?) his neck while he drunkenly tried to...
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    Embarrassingly Addictive Pop Songs

    anybody else see shakira's she wolf? what duu fuckkk! woeful (won't embed) stealin ALL my dance moves.
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    Free Barry's Tea!

    free stuff tastes better GOT MINE TOO!!
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    Going "off piste" with prescription medicines..

    vali girl for life. no more sponging off anxiety mates, i'm going to the doc.
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    Obits (ex Hot Snakes, Drive Like Jehu), Dudley Corporation, Jogging. Sat oct 10.

    loooove drive like jehu, i shall give obits a good old listen edit: they sound nothing like drive like jehu :(
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    Best Porn EVER.

    anybody who's totally bored of their sex lives should watch "Conspirators of Pleasure" by jan svankmajer. it's a surrealist stop motion czech film about fetishes. after watching it i realised ANYTHING is sexual. even doughey bits of bread and dressing up as a crazy cockrel. DO IT
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    Inglourious Basterds

    grand movie but felt brad pitt was a bit redundant in it. funny, but redudant. the jew hunter was amazin tho! Sadistic, scary and hilarious. STIGLITZ!!
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    Best Porn EVER.
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    Shane Meadows Appreciation Thread

    wow thats great news, especially big brother being axed.
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    Kidd Blunt final performance Kilcoole pics

    fair play! alex sinclair's ones can be found here
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    recession food and booze deals

    in other tesco news, my local (ballybrack) no longer stocks kiss ciders. I think there is someone in the offy employed to break the news gently to absolute wagons like myself who drink it
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    oops driving on salvia was already posted, but here's an extended versh YouTube - Driving On Salvia Extended Version
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    animal rights in dublin

    yo guys thanks for putting glue in my bosses door, she was in absolute bits but vowed never to sell 2nd hand fake furs again
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    Hardcore/Punk in Seomra Spraoi

    you're just not thinking fourth dimensionally!
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    check this out!!!
