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  1. coraline

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Warriors of Heaven and Earth. Awful, possibly the worst film I have ever seen. Plot made no sense at all, everyone looked the same, crap music, buffoonish characters, terrible dialogue, and the most ridiculous ending. We watched half of it on fast forward and it improved it slightly...
  2. coraline

    Real Life Book Club

    Whats the name of the Saul Bellow one again?
  3. coraline

    Real Life Book Club

    So can we pick Riders ?? We should pick a date now too and put huge red circles round it in our calendar/diary/filofax/head so we don't have the trauma of last time :) I suggest Friday 16th of February, its 4 weeks from now.
  4. coraline

    Hotel Recommendation - Manhattan

    cosmopolitan hotel in tribeca is v good
  5. coraline

    Real Life Book Club

    thanks for coming everyone, this was fun :) any thoughts on our next book? or ???????
  6. coraline

    Real Life Book Club

    I hope so :) Well I am anyway. Around 8 o clock?
  7. coraline

    Real Life Book Club

    yay really looking forward to this, the perfect antodote to first week back to school. my kids have forgotten everything i ever taught them.... now *nobody* cancel, ok? :rolleyes:
  8. coraline

    people who are knitted

    m and s have a really yum bubble chocolate bar. not quite a wispa but a good substitute.
  9. coraline

    Real Life Book Club

    Friday suits me too, wooo :) What about you other dudes Brian Conniffe, deafmute, liadain? Aoife I can give you the Saramago book, my sister has the other one, pm if you need it.
  10. coraline

    Real Life Book Club

    wednesday? thursday? march ? 2009 ? :rolleyes:
  11. coraline

    green wing special

    :):) yes. me too.
  12. coraline

    Real Life Book Club

    that's a great idea but i'm going to a matinee of the tom crean play on saturday afternoon.... its impossible :rolleyes:
  13. coraline

    Real Life Book Club

    how about next friday or saturday then?
  14. coraline

    green wing special

    i loved this too, but i CANT STAND martin, so annoying.... mac or guy, hmmmm
  15. coraline

    fil ums of 2006

  16. coraline

    Real Life Book Club

    :(:(:( no point going ahead tonight really i guess we'll postpone til everyone can make it aoife are you in dublin for much longer?
  17. coraline

    Real Life Book Club

    next meeting is this saturday in my place in glasnevin, we'll be analysing in great detail ( :) ) blindness by jose saramago and skipping christmas by john grisham and making delicious cocktails anyone who hasn't been before, you're welcome to come, the grisham book is a very quick read :)...
  18. coraline


    brooklodge is amazing, i'm being tooken there as part of my christmas present, cant wait :) you would need a car though, its about an hour from dublin.
  19. coraline

    anyone else working on christmas day?

    my dad works in the air traffic engineering thingie, you might know him... the amount of scary near miss stories he tells, they'd nearly stop me flying but not quite :) one christmas day he was working and brought me in with him, we were in the control room and he showed me santa on the radar...
  20. coraline

    No Béarla - Amazing but depressing

    interesting thread. i did well in irish in school but despised it and still do, possibly the psycho religious fanatic hell and brimstone teacher i had for 6 years didnt help. i must be one of the very few teachers who doesnt enjoy/like irish and i love the fact that i dont have to teach it any...