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  1. ITalkShite

    You're Only Massive Live in Studio

    That said I kind of like the video.
  2. ITalkShite

    You're Only Massive Live in Studio

    I reckon the guy wrote this post.
  3. ITalkShite

    Jimmy Page, Jack White and The Edge - It might get loud.

    That woman at the beginning is very annoying.
  4. ITalkShite

    Happy Birthday to Pantone247 on 29th June 2009

    One. Should there be more?
  5. ITalkShite

    punks and the far right

  6. ITalkShite


  7. ITalkShite

    find my friend a job

  8. ITalkShite

    Elections Thread

    Someone did
  9. ITalkShite

    Protest over budget

    This is part of your coalition-building solidarity work, right? For the protest you're organising? We're all in this together!
  10. ITalkShite

    Protest over budget

    Amazingly, it's also possible to be a left-wing twat. I know! Who would have thought!?
  11. ITalkShite

    Protest over budget

    Green Goblin, back on form.
  12. ITalkShite

    All My Sons - Arthur Miller

    Yup, great production. Take it to the middle-class forum on, Mr. Jazz-and-dinner-parties!
  13. ITalkShite

    Synecdoche, New York

    Shut up Goff
  14. ITalkShite

    Meeting People / Aspergers

    Re: Meeting People I should add, Green Goblin -- I've plenty of sympathy for the fact that you're dealing with Asperger's. But you're coming across as more than a bit delusional and self-pitying. I do seriously wish you all the best, it can't be easy. But, cop on like.
  15. ITalkShite

    Meeting People / Aspergers

    Re: Meeting People It's been a long time since I've heard an actual, serious, non-pisstake use of the wife-beater's defence!
  16. ITalkShite

    Meeting People / Aspergers

    Re: Meeting People Well that's me told! Sorry my advice didn't match your snowflake specialness! A further, related question: why are you asking Thumped, of all places, for advice, and then complaining when people make a joke out of it? Thumped = for (and by) pricks.
  17. ITalkShite

    Meeting People / Aspergers

    Re: Meeting People Just curious: is there any advice or help that anyone could give you that you wouldn't summarily reject?
  18. ITalkShite

    Slumdog Not-Quite-Millionaires

    :confused: I actually have no idea what you're trying to say now, other than that you're automatically disagreeing with everyone simply for the sake of it. If you're trying to get a rise out of us, you have to at least make a tokenistic effort at making sense.
  19. ITalkShite

    Slumdog Not-Quite-Millionaires

    You're in ms.b.haven territory now. Is that seriously the best you can do?
  20. ITalkShite

    Slumdog Not-Quite-Millionaires

    At least when The Strange Guy is being 'controversial', he's actually funny, or insightful, or both. What's your excuse?