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  1. M

    dont poke fun at Islam!

    I am Danish and I think this is a generalization of huge dimensions. People do have an understanding for different cultures and ethnic groups. Look back in recent history and you will find it. The truth is that there have been confrontations, and many of them through the last years in Denmark...
  2. M

    dont poke fun at Islam!

    Apathy is worse than insult. Insult would necessarily mean that you have taken a stand. NOT a stand for or against, religion for or against opinions. This allows you to speak as equal human beings regardless of race, religion, or nationality. A dialectic reality which has been founded hundreds...
  3. M

    eye candy

    Bit more new stuff to my ever expanding nonsense-gallery. Feel free to comment, -whatever you think. <---not done, needs more detail. :)
  4. M

    eye candy
  5. M

    Design Crit thread : All welcome

    the very beginning of an animation i am doing. it will be less frames a sec. and much longer...will be a music video.
  6. M

    Compilation Launch, 5 Bands + Free CD

    Adam in Raclet is NOT Danish, pure Irish.
  7. M

    eye candy

  8. M

    eye candy
  9. M

    Design Crit thread : All welcome

    Nah I draw because I enjoy it, and it's something I dont have to think about. When all comes to all it's just lines put together. Don't want to draw in any specific style to make it unique or anything. I like the way I draw, and it'll change in any random direction later, maybe.
  10. M

    Design Crit thread : All welcome

    Just an odd doodle i am going to use as a back cover...
  11. M

    Design Crit thread : All welcome

    A quick drawing for my portfolio. BED MONSTERS HAVE TEETH TOO!
  12. M

    Holy Fucking Christ.

    Is the NCAD an ok place to study? I am thinking of applying there next year...the visual communication line. Heard it was supposed to be alright. Now I am all worried though...
  13. M

    Holy Fucking Christ.

    Not more than your username...
  14. M

    Holy Fucking Christ.

    Arh if you don't have the talent for art, there are plenty of adjectives in the dictionary... ahh...It's a joke......
  15. M

    Design Crit thread : All welcome

    New cover for a future compilation cd...
  16. M

    Nice Posters for Irish gigs....

    Same as your IQ!
  17. M

    Nice Posters for Irish gigs....

    If nobody moved the boundaries of GOOD design we would still only be able to read the most simple visual messages. Art moves those boundaries and pushes design further. Complex visual ideas can be just as effective as a standard design my mind even better.
  18. M

    Nice Posters for Irish gigs....

    Raclet band poster. The date and place was added later, just don't wanna scan again. Yeah, well it's pure amateur-ish and I printed myself on a normal printer. They are ok though - I personally prefer illustration to graphic design by miles. Like the traditional drawing methods!! ;)
  19. M

    eye candy

    A little self-promo. Bumble-bee, Oil painting. Etching in copper: Sorry about the SIZE. There you go. Enjoy.
  20. M

    Design Crit thread : All welcome

    here is BORIS