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  1. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Huh ? Cool simpsons gif but still ... Wha ?
  2. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    I know, that's why I said it.
  3. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    A satirical movie is not the same thing as an article on the website of a mainstream newspaper.
  4. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    My complaint. This thread. I didn't check thumped for a few days and when I got back there was loads of posts to catch up on. Yay!!!! 16 fucking pages of which were this fucking thread. You fucking moany cunts. Christ.
  5. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Chicken wings ?
  6. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    I now need to know the answer to this. Mine was Outbreak. It had a monkey in it. I can't remember a whole lot else.
  7. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    I'll call Shane Meadows.
  8. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    When you all learn. There's a heirarchy to Women's love it goes cats, chocolate, jerks, shoes, complaining, Ryan Gosling Then people like us..... you know sound lads with average willy's, back hair and regular job - job type jobs. ;):D:p:rolleyes:
  9. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Lay off the pills?
  10. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    It is fucking ridiculous. Every day I think what is wrong with you ? You had a civil war for fuck sake, the wrong side won, you need another one.
  11. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    It drives you mental ? How do you think I feel, waking up to go "I didn't say that, that sounds reasonable and well thought out!! what the fuck was I thinking ? Oh wait..... oh thank god" Anyway my complaint ; London real estate agents - check this shit out. When you rent a flat you put down...
  12. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

  13. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    You mean you feel like you're sexually assaulting young women when you look at them ?
  14. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

  15. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Or Amy Winehouse. Idiot or nay she was fucking gold on that show.
  16. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    I hear ya but when people say China isn't communist I always chuckle inside. Like most democracies aren't essentially two parties of exactly the same privileged fuck bags to begin with
  17. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    And pretentious, pig ignorant, too fucking big and fucking boring.
  18. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    China is still running.
  19. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Don't listen to him it's a fucking hell hole from which there is no escape.
  20. washingcattle

    Minor complaints thread

    Have you tried replacing the fuse in the actual fuse board ?