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  1. kevin gallen

    Depression [Aware Helpline 1890 303 302]

    anti depressants are think they do nothing...then someone says to you....the first few years i know you, you never said a word to me, now yer always talking shite about something...creeps up on ya....don't realise the difference. personally i'm never NOT taking AD's again. All the...
  2. kevin gallen

    Is my laptop too slow to run Pro Tools LE 7?

    Seems to be RealTek audio
  3. kevin gallen

    Is my laptop too slow to run Pro Tools LE 7?

    Deadly info, cheers lads, according to I have 2 memory slots of 512mb each so i can update both of these to 2gb to have 4gb overall. Komplett looks a good cheap option.
  4. kevin gallen

    Is my laptop too slow to run Pro Tools LE 7?

    Cause it seems like it... It's painfully slow. Here is my spec Windows XP Toshiba Satellite A100-200 Core Intel Duo T2050 1.6 GHz 0.99GB of RAM 80GB Hardrive so maybe I need more RAM? I see some people suggesting 4GB RAM on other message boards. I put RAM in an old desktop...
  5. kevin gallen

    Harley Benton

    Hey Pantone, did you buy that bass? any use?
  6. kevin gallen

    Drum Pads

    pads, of course! I've been using keys. never even thought about the fact that it had pads. dumb. ok gonna try that.
  7. kevin gallen

    Drum Pads

    cheers. one more question... do you think an m-audio trigger finger would work out much better than me just using my m-audio axiom 25 midi keyboard which i find has a delay when trying to play drum sounds.
  8. kevin gallen

    Drum Pads

    cheers man, looks like a dodged a bullet with that. I have about as much frustration as I can take already with pro tools (reason in particular) without adding to it. i guess this - would also be really bad? any idea of names of a...
  9. kevin gallen

    Drum Pads

    I'm very much a pro tools novice and was wondering about buying something like this for drums - Unfortunately that's not midi compatible with protools so would there be any way of recording it as an audio source onto protools? I realise...
  10. kevin gallen

    IP Address Check
  11. kevin gallen

    google / gmail down?

    Gmail Sucks. Whats with the loading bar? brings me back to my spectrum days. messages will no longer scroll in IE for me for the past two weeks, just freezes up, no virus or spyware on my laptop - all clean. been using yahoo mail for 12 years, never had any problem.
  12. kevin gallen

    Motown night, tonight on BBC4

    I was told this was on Saturday night. so have i missed it? seen standing in the shadows before. What becomes of the broken Hearted is the best song ever. FACT.
  13. kevin gallen

    Black Daisy

    jealous Napalm? they are goin to win.yes we're back lets bring it home. It can be the eighties all over again.
  14. kevin gallen

    people in dublinwho like free beer and music puns

    Wheres the free beer part come in?
  15. kevin gallen

    Ireland v Georgia

    Great atmosphere in 2nd half. 3 points job done. Trap is doing exactly what was expected of him. Booing at half time was ridiculous as were the bunch of idiots behind me changing their minds every second "You're fuckin useless mcgeady" " - "Mcgeady man of the match so far" - "bring on...
  16. kevin gallen

    Wonder who he means...

    Pascal Chimbonda
  17. kevin gallen

    Happy Birthday to Stan Bowles, eucrid eucrow on 7th February 2009

    Happy B'day Stan, Heres to a birthday victory tomorrow....
  18. kevin gallen

    Happy Birthday to nlgbbbblth on 28th January 2009

    Happy Birthday Dude
  19. kevin gallen

    Anyone know where record their live sessions?

    don't do the Bose advertisement thing. supposed to get free headphones for it but nothing. First commercial offering i ever got in music and i sold out in an instant :D:D:D