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  1. brikelly

    New Don Caballero album leaked

    Never heard much from them actually. I think they're still going though. BTW, Don Cab will be playing Europe soon: 05/04/06 Bardens Boudoir London, United Kingdom 05/05/06 Kunstencentrum Hasselt, Belgium 05/06/06 Sonic Protest St. Ouen, France That's from...
  2. brikelly

    Anyone know anything about...

    Go see Dick Bish. Do it!
  3. brikelly

    New Don Caballero album leaked

    Yes Mark, taxfree Kelly here indeed :-) (Congratulations, btw!) Hermie - this is "don cab", i.e. a Damon-only enterprise. It sounds a lot like II but much cleaner and better rehearsed, which means it's not as appealing as the original lineup by far. However, it's still Damon Che playing a...
  4. brikelly

    New Don Caballero album leaked

    Howyiz, You can get the new Don Cab album "World Class Listening Problem" on Soulseek now. Or if you're on you can get it dead fast.
  5. brikelly

    viva voce?

    Sorry to drag this up from the bowels of history - but I saw Viva Voce play in June and it was one of the best gigs of the year. Much better live than on rekkid.
  6. brikelly

    Anyone have any experience with one of these mics?

    Never seen a bad review of an Earthworks mic, seriously.
  7. brikelly

    budget mic

    Howya Dudley, I'd recommend the SM57 over the 58 because it doesn't have as much proximity effect (where things go BOOMY when they get close).
  8. brikelly

    New U2 Allbum

    The opening of Vertigo sounds identical to Therapy's cover of "Isolation" by Joy Division. Load of shite regardless of the plagiarism.
  9. brikelly


    Remember the big move of US and British forces towards Fallajuah a few days ago? Yeah, that'll soon start making news. It's a slippery slope from here on in. I cannot, just *cannot* understand how anyone could vote for Bush.
  10. brikelly


    This thread has now been officially Hitlered...
  11. brikelly


    Yeah, I've been up all night. Sorry for the messy posts.
  12. brikelly


    Abortion according to Steve Albini - a position I completely agree with: "Anti-abortionists equate abortion with murder. This is based on the belief that life as a human begins at fertilization, and ending it any time after that by choice is murder. The basic flaw in this argument is that...
  13. brikelly

    Today is the day!

    Yep, reeeeeeeally unreliable.
  14. brikelly


    What a depressing morning. I shudder to think about the effect of Bush's reelection on this country and the rest of the world. I am ashamed of and embarrassed for the 51% of Americans who voted for Bush. Moral Issues? This has been the most immoral and downright evil president in the...
  15. brikelly

    The Race Is On....(the graphics dept have fun!!)

    Surprise surprise that Murdoch has called that. I can't believe that Bush is close to winning. This is a sad, sad day.
  16. brikelly

    Today is the day!

    Exit polls are showing a Kerry landslide in the swing states: Let's hope it stays that way. Exit polls are reeeeally unreliable.
  17. brikelly

    Today is the day!

    There are ways to fraud the system, and they include: - Registering and then voting in multiple states (multiple registrations are not illegal, but multiple votes obviously are!) - Impersonating a dead voter - Impersonating a non-existent voter - Voting without the right to vote...
  18. brikelly

    Today is the day!

    I drove my wife to our local polling place in New Hampshire this morning. She's a US citizen, but I still only have my Irish passport, so all I could do was watch :-( Regardless, it was insane. It took me 10 minutes just to get a parking spot, and then she was in line for 30 minutes. We live...
  19. brikelly

    Pinback Gig?

    Sounds like a certain band wants to attend ATP ;-)
  20. brikelly

    US Overseas Votes

    That's just brilliant!