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  1. timbot

    Solar energy

    I think it is sensible. The real problem is that big industry does not want to change. I heard a frightening statistic the other day that the smallest oil company in the world generates more revenue than all the world's car manufacturers in the world combined (ref. Discovery Channel)...
  2. timbot

    Parents of ill vegan girl may face police

    Yeah, while the report does seem to lay the blame squarely on the vegan aspect you have to agree that this is terrible parenting and the parents probably should be bought to the attention of the authorities...
  3. timbot

    Your favourite various artists compilations?

    Seconded, also, listened to this loads when I got it...
  4. timbot

    shellac dublin oct 28

    That's brilliant.
  5. timbot

    Radiohead and the Environment

    True, but if they can give a model for a low carbon (or even carbon neutral) tour that all other bands could then follow...
  6. timbot

    Radiohead and the Environment

    That's exactly my argument, we need a rational approach to solve these problems, not for us to become irritating neo-hippies.
  7. timbot

    When People Do Nice things for You

    Good lord that is dedicated!
  8. timbot

    Radiohead and the Environment

    That occurred to me earlier actually, that the biggest waste surely is the boxes and boxes of CDs and vinyl. Though they have nothing to do with that Best of to be fair (I think their old record company just went ahead and released it, correct me if I am wrong though...)
  9. timbot

    Radiohead and the Environment

    Well, what do you do and how do you make sure that your carbon emissions are as low as possible?
  10. timbot

    Radiohead and the Environment

    Well, that and what Egg said below are the problem I think. There is a tendency to break this into a moral problem (polluters = bad, non-polluters = good) which I don't think helps anyone. A real approach to a problem should be practical: Proposal: world is heating up due to man-made...
  11. timbot

    Radiohead and the Environment

    Well, we can't move over to solar power tomorrow so we will need oil to be refined for some time. But how much do we need, how is it done, how does the process affect the environment, what are the alternatives, how can we downscale these activities...the exact same logic can be applied to the...
  12. timbot

    Radiohead and the Environment

    Because they are a band and this is what bands do. A solution to climate change is not for us all to become seaweed farmers but to make sensible decisions about how we affect the environment.
  13. timbot

    Grievious error of judgment

    Ditch them. They are just another sign of corporate oppression by the man...
  14. timbot

    Radiohead and the Environment

    Ah yeah, but surely the message here is to make what changes you can to make things better. I always think that this is a really lazy argument. Just because you can't afford to get your car serviced every 5000 miles does that mean you should pour sugar in the tank? Of course not. Just...
  15. timbot

    When People Do Nice things for You

    I was standing outside Urban Outfitters last week smoking a cigarette and an Italian guy asked me for a light. We were both standing there, not talking, smoking away. I flicked the smoke across the road, it bounced off the road onto the pavement, off the pavement onto the road again and then...
  16. timbot

    weird posting problem

    It's cause you are clogging up the boards with too many boring comments...
  17. timbot

    FAGs appreciation post

    Yeah, it's great, only watched it again recently too. It is a pretty cringey show as well.
  18. timbot

    Eye floaters

    I have had them for as long as I can remember. After I saw Star Wars I pretended that they were the sight for a laser cannon and used to ride round in the back of my parents' car pretending to blow up livestock and whatnot... ...I think I am going to do that now again...
  19. timbot

    The most over/misused words in the English language

    In fact, that drives me crazy too...