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  1. YoungHearts

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    And it's also my weekly post to declare that I like JK. If I get asked to remove her books from my Children's Literature course, I'm going to stage a protest. I don't know what kind yet, but I do like the idea of sitting on a roof, for some reason.
  2. YoungHearts

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    Haha, I didn't think it "cringey" at all. I am still trying to work it out myself. I am in my late thirties, and started teaching around mid-twenties, and I have seen a real shift that disturbs me. I am really trying not to generalise, but from having, I suppose, thousands of students over a...
  3. YoungHearts

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    It's horribly interesting-but there is something fundamentally worrying happening in terms of how people think they are being righteous and heroic by shutting down debate, it serves absolutely no-one. I also have to be completely honest-through teaching students over the last thirteen years, I...
  4. YoungHearts

    People Who Died

    So sad, a constant throughout our lives.
  5. YoungHearts

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

  6. YoungHearts

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    I have realised that this could also mean I could be put in the "celebrity creep" thread, although I am not a "celebrity", of course. And I'm also not a "creep", honestly :).
  7. YoungHearts

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    I also think he should have just released an album of him reciting any old words, or an album of him laughing. Ooh I would have loved that.
  8. YoungHearts

    The 'Bands I don't Get' thread

    I love DB so much. His elegant voice just floors me. I miss him from the world. I have just realised this is in the "Bands I don't Get" thread, but hey, at least he is not a "band", so everything is FINE.
  9. YoungHearts

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    This has been a nourishing exchange. Don't be terrified (do) :)
  10. YoungHearts

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    :ROFLMAO:I might have had too much coffee. BUT THE POINT STANDS.
  11. YoungHearts

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    I have been gearing up my whole life for this very moment :love:
  12. YoungHearts

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    This made me laugh, I was waiting on the little cancelled don't realise, I LIVE FOR THIS, you're only feeding the monster hahaha.
  13. YoungHearts

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    I cancelled myself a while back, a pre-emptive move, and now I feel great! I just roam around the place feeling and thinking as I please :)
  14. YoungHearts

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    I agree with much of this, and perhaps, unsurprisingly, disagree with some aspects! It *could* be argued that women are also a marginalised community. We certainly don't have the issues licked that women face every day. This particular issue that JK Rowling is in the storm of at the moment is...
  15. YoungHearts

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    I agree with elements of this, and disagree with elements of this. And we should set up a band on that basis :)
  16. YoungHearts

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    this really made me laugh, and nearly spill my coffee.
  17. YoungHearts

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    I was being playful about the "arse" thing :) But in all honesty, almost everyone in these "debates" often weigh and wade in feet first. I have no objection to someone like JK-a public figure with a huge platform saying what she wants to say. People have every right to respond to what she is...
  18. YoungHearts

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    I know exactly what you mean. Also, that MA at St. Pat's has a great reputation. I find myself not fitting neatly into the academic world, and that kind of writing, so I really relate, but I don't fit neatly into any field in a way! I love ideas, and disseminating ideas, and learning more about...
  19. YoungHearts

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    Really? How did you find it? I love teaching it. I am at UCD. You are so right-it really is a great way of studying adults.
  20. YoungHearts

    What Twitter pile on are you watching right now

    But then those telling people that they are "an arse" might also have to listen to the reply being "and you are an arse." And then it's just "arses" being handed back to people, left, right, and centre. Maybe in the next few days Twitter will eat itself and we can all go on with our lives. Stop...