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    • YoungHearts
      YoungHearts replied to the thread Ireland.
      The piece I linked to is quite interesting, alright, really worth a read, and that ad!
    • YoungHearts
      YoungHearts replied to the thread Ireland.
      I'm still here! (sometimes) 👋And a woman! :). I think I understand what you mean - in that objectification of women's bodies is just...
    • YoungHearts
      YoungHearts reacted to ann post's post in the thread Ireland with
      I don't really agree with this, sports are one of the finest expressions of humanity. If we didn't have these simulations of competition...
    • YoungHearts
      YoungHearts replied to the thread Ireland.
      Fairness is a cornerstone of sport (this is an incredibly relevant and valid theme in current discussions about women's sports!). It...
    • YoungHearts
      YoungHearts reacted to nuke terrorist's post in the thread Ireland with
      There are lessons to learn from how Irish (men especially) were raised only a few decades ago. - gender segregated schools. - corporal...
    • YoungHearts
      YoungHearts replied to the thread Ireland.
      I don't want to step across anyone here - but I took from this an acknowledgement that male and female bodies are quite different -...
    • YoungHearts
      YoungHearts reacted to JohnnyRaz's post in the thread Ireland with
      It's all the women running towards me that's my problem, wha?* *not even remotely true, even when I had all my hair
    • YoungHearts
      YoungHearts reacted to Deadmanposting's post in the thread Ireland with
      Plenty of drugs out there for sure. Just page after page here of the major differences here between men's and women's bodies, and the...
    • YoungHearts
      YoungHearts reacted to Deadmanposting's post in the thread Ireland with
      Fair enough. Prisons then. Domestic abuse shelters. Lockerrooms. Women don't want the "two to put you down" crew in there. Life and...
    • YoungHearts
      YoungHearts replied to the thread Ireland.
      Have been away from Thumped for a bit - and it's comforting to see that the flames are still burning 🔥 , although perhaps not so...
    • YoungHearts
      YoungHearts reacted to rettucs's post in the thread Getting rid of vinyls with
      Thank you, I haven't heard of Beat That before. Great tip though.
    • YoungHearts
      YoungHearts replied to the thread Getting rid of vinyls.
      And @rettucs I know you mentioned you're not often in Dublin, and this is not too far from Dublin, but Beat That in Arklow is great for...
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