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  1. LamStock

    Venue available to rent for gigs !

    it's back to anything goes
  2. LamStock

    Subhumans/Excuses/Droppin' Bombs This add on for firefox, downloads embedded videos from YouTube and Google, they are saved as .flv files and be played using Flash or the VLC player which plays any type of media out there
  3. LamStock

    Subhumans/Excuses/Droppin' Bombs

    enough chat, more video.... ;)
  4. LamStock

    Subhumans/Excuses/Droppin' Bombs

  5. LamStock

    Ex-mas gig Dec 16th (Punk For It presents...)

    Complan won't be singing xmas carols this month, but the brilliant Infinite Shurikens shall be taking their place. Also the contagiously named Septic Pussy shall be opening precedings. And don't forget SeanR will be joined by Jillcore for a run through some xmas greats...
  6. LamStock

    Gigs In December

    THIS IS NOT A REPOST/MAJOR CHANGES TO THE GIG (please delete earlier post) Complan won't be singing xmas carols this month, but the brilliant Infinite Shurikens shall be taking their place. Also the contagiously named Septic Pussy shall be opening precedings. And don't forget SeanR will be...
  7. LamStock

    Subhumans/Excuses/Droppin' Bombs

    Deko playing air guitar like your drunk uncle at a wedding! Ace!
  8. LamStock

    Subhumans/Excuses/Droppin' Bombs

    nice video Janer, keep 'em coming i had no money to venture out last night sucked bahlls to miss the Subhumans
  9. LamStock

    SUBHUMANS on friday

    i dunno man, after a few ciders he gets out his Pictionary...
  10. LamStock

    gig tomorrow

    But ye still can't charge band members Janer,
  11. LamStock

    Dream Deceiver

    yeah, it didnt sit right. well i'll defo watch it
  12. LamStock

    Dream Deceiver

    i downloaded it, pretty heavy seeing the guys face, man havent watched it all yet, shall relax and watch it later
  13. LamStock

    Denovissimis/Tunguska 7"

    can't fucking wait
  14. LamStock

    Toxic Xmas gig

    yeah, its one of those ones ye'd be fucking mad to miss
  15. LamStock

    Toxic Xmas gig

    everyone get in the xmas party mood by going to Paranoid Visions myspace page and listening to 4 xmas songs they have up "12 months at xmas" is especially rocking
  16. LamStock

    gig tomorrow

    a few bob over, ha end of the night i had only lost 12euro of my own money which wasnt bad, i tried to sort anyone that needed taxi fare or whatever out. i hope everyone that played was happy, i had a great time i disagree about charging band members... i really dont see that working..i...
  17. LamStock

    gig tomorrow

    i'm gonna break in and steal your telly and ur psp holy fuck where did you get The N11s sticker (on the bottom of your pc) wouldnt have thought you were into them, the drummer of that band plays guitar in a new band called Speshal Ed who is playing my january gig. also that was a N11s hat i...
  18. LamStock

    gig tomorrow

    ugh, delete that Janer, state of me
  19. LamStock

    Ballroom #58 - TONIGHT! The Arm

    shou;d've been at my gig, i've had it planned for weeks... ;)