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  • Users: herv
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  1. herv

    mine still works. played it recently. cdrs for eva!
  2. herv

    New free Herv mini album Wrong Music's Net Lab!

    ah thanks guys. its actually a load of unreleased stuff that I gave to Net-Lab which they then cobbled together into a mini album, but i'm quite happy with it. plenty more stuff coming out over the next few months. share with your friends! I think the main site is down at the moment but its...
  3. herv

    New free Herv mini album Wrong Music's Net Lab!

    Folks, Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere but this is just a brief word to say that I have a new release on Wrong Music's Net-Lab label. (Cat No. NL25). Its called "Migration" and its available as a free download. Heres what the nice folks at Net-Lab had to say about it: NL25 - Herv...
  4. herv

    8 bit black metal check it
  5. herv

    Is anyone here from Co.Wexford?

    i suppose thats how i feel about ross too. but then, who wants to move back home? moved to dublin in 97. it has improved considerably though.
  6. herv

    Happy Birthday to nlgbbbblth on 28th January 2007

    happy bday old bean
  7. herv

    Lazybird on hiatus for a while...

    :( :( :( :( well, at least you can get those papers marked paul
  8. herv

    Best Gig of 2006

    i really didn't enjoy that show at all. too jammers, and where i was standing it was all bass.
  9. herv

    Ohm sweet Ohm on Thursday 28th w/ Willie Jones

    that shit is on the level!! unfortunately i am not. i am dying of booze related something-or-others
  10. herv

    The infamous alphabet set crimbo shakedown

    fucking up to the top of the roof cheapo cds on sale as well
  11. herv

    BEST OF 2006

    no worries. a pleasure. read the wire article and developed an interest. i got the 1st Belbury Poly ep and there most recent album The Owl's Map. Can send you copies in the new year if yer like. Some tasty stuff on there. just back from work xmas party urrgh
  12. herv

    BEST OF 2006

    no, thats it. thats what i wanted to hear. not dogging websites. super. i'll annoy him via email about it. ta
  13. herv

    BEST OF 2006

    oh, now i see, its not related in any way to public information films. dumbo
  14. herv

    BEST OF 2006

    oh, thick. i thought it was a dvd. will watch them now though
  15. herv

    BEST OF 2006

    oh! do you have this? i'd love to see it. did you get the cd i sent you? also, do you know this label: great radiophonic workshop/public advisory film buzz
  16. herv

    nlgbbblbth's top 50: 2006

    i can send you a copy if you like... email me your address old thing
  17. herv

    Top irish albums of 2006 - The Results

    thats the most complicated pile of nonsense i've ever read. you what now?
  18. herv

    Top irish albums of 2006 - The Results

    i'm not as radio friendly as you though... :(
  19. herv

    Top irish albums of 2006 - The Results

    Jaysus, you didn't hear what he said to me when I played with him in June. (I'll tell you at x-mas)