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  1. P


    Men, be vigilant whilst using your accounts. It seems Pighead's opening post has gotten three negative points. Obviously people are leaving their accounts unattended as they go for a wee wee and the fiendish women are pouncing faster than an elephant going down a very steep hill on a pair of...
  2. P


    Pighead sometimes makes deposits into womens "banks" That's a vagina related joke by the way. The type of vagina related joke we wouldn't be able to crack if thumped opened their doors to women.
  3. P


    Excellent post sweetoblivion. Bursting with testosterone and underarm sweat. There's nothing Pighead loves more than a good old burst of manly testosterone dripping from a post. Tell Pighead this sweetoblivion. How different on a scale of 1-10 do you act when the chicks are around? Obviously you...
  4. P


    Jaysus haven't seen them two in years. Not since they embarrassed themselves Athlone and more importantly Ireland in the Eurovision Semi Finals four or five years ago. It eases Pigheads mind that at least one of those two is unable to darken's doors.
  5. P

    lady gaga vs. yann tiersen (mashup please)

    Hmmm never heard this Ma Baker tune. Just read the lyrics though and she sounded like one tough old bitch! She left her husband because he wasn't tough enough! Poor fella. Probably as honest as teh day was long. Worked in a job he hated to bring money home to his wife and his four kids, never...
  6. P

    lady gaga vs. yann tiersen (mashup please)

    Pighead likes GaGa. The women knows the power of a good tune. Very catchy songs and even though she seems a bit of a spanner her CD will be in Pigheads player for many months to come. She's a gal for all seasons. Feeling down? Stick on "Nothing Else I Can Say" Feel like a dance? Just Dance or...
  7. P


    :confused: If you're not a gentleman and women are barred from thumped then what are you? Are you actually a bunny rabbit? Knew that rabbits could type but to be honest Pighead never thought for a second that they had the ability to type. The rabbit has just jumped up two spots to number two in...
  8. P


    Pighead rang Papa Pighead last night and we were chewing the breeze for a few minutes about this and that, putting the world to rights as is so easy to do over telephonic electrical wires. Then he asks: Papa Pighead "So what did you do today Pighead? Pighead: "Joined a new internet gang on a...
  9. P

    Happy Birthday to choking_tara, Wobbler on 23rd July 2009

    Ah for the love of God. When will Pighead's rotten luck take a turn for the better? Pighead joins on the 22nd of July. When's his birthday? The flippin 6th of July ie 16 days ago or 349 days in the future. Absolute unmitigated disaster. It could have been Pighead basking in the...
  10. P

    Superiority Complexes

    Diarmuid was in N-Sync? No way! Which one was he, obviously not JT, so who? The old looking guy with the chubby facial features, the gay guy who wanted to fly to the moon or the other fella who nobody ever remembers?
  11. P

    Superiority Complexes

    Pighead is aghast that you think that he has come on here specifically to annoy and taunt Diarmuid. Nothing could be further from the truth. Actually think Diarmuid is great. he has a strong Irish name and fortright views. Anybody who knows Pighead will tell you that had he been born a woman...
  12. P

    Superiority Complexes

    No offense but it is you that is confused Diarmuid! Pighead could have kept those sweets and Fatty could still be with us today but that wouldn't justify the act of theft and the empty hollow feeling which stealing inevitably brings. It seems you are living in a world of "could have" whilst...
  13. P

    Superiority Complexes

    It depends. If you wore the T-Shirt with a regular pair of denim jeans or even flannel trousers you probably would be told by security to respectfully fuck off. On the other hand if you arrived wearing the t-shirt over a pink leotard or a transparent catsuit you'd probably be alright.
  14. P

    Superiority Complexes

    Pighead may be many things but he is in no way a sneak . There's not even a hint of sneakiness in this posters make up. Back in 89 whilst in primary school Fatty Finnegan left his quarter pound worth of strawberry and ice cream sweets on his desk by mistake. Pighead could very easily have...
  15. P

    Superiority Complexes

    An excellent question scutter and one that Pighead shall endeavor to try and answer. To be honest having been both an indie scenester and a pop scenester at various stages of his life, Pighead has come to the conclusion that the pop fraternity are a friendlier and perhaps slightly more welcoming...
  16. P

    Superiority Complexes

    It's all good ya big ninny! Especially the Dead and Gone tune! Pighead fails to see how you can dislike a song with the lyrics: I turn my head to the east I don't see nobody by my side I turn my head to the west Still nobody in sight So I turn my head to the north, Swallow that pill That they...
  17. P

    Superiority Complexes

    Au contraire Johnny! Current artists like 50 Cent (Ayo Technology) Rhianna (Rehab), TI (Dead And Gone), Ciara (Love and Sexy Magic) all at the top of their games in the U S of A at the moment. Also he was the voice for the Imagine of our generation that went by the name of "Where is the love"...
  18. P

    Superiority Complexes

    Of course they are Wobbler. You know it Pighead knows it and G knows it. Anybody who's called G is bound to be cool and by association so are his pals. Why would somebody cool hang around with a gang of nerds? Makes no sense. Anyway another Superiority Complex Pighead has are his toes. They're...
  19. P

    Superiority Complexes

    Excellent, another JT fan. Now tell Pighead this g-stereotypical. Would you wear a Justin T-Shirt to Electric Picnic or wherever it is the cool kids go nowadays or would you leave it at home for fear of being ridiculed by your achingly cool buddies. Pighead would wear the T-Shirt and if they...
  20. P

    Superiority Complexes

    Ridiculous assumption. So basically if we played scrabble, had a 100 metre dash and finished off the afternoon with an arm wrestle and Pighead was victorious in all three events you would claim to be the better man because "Pighead refers to himself in the third person" Ridiculous. If you're...