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  1. lemonbravo

    Meteor Choice Music Prize Shortlist

    I think there's a spotify playlist somewhere.....
  2. lemonbravo

    Meteor Choice Music Prize Shortlist

    Actually, don't think I'd ever heard of Wallis Bird before. 'Double meteor award winner', I'm out of touch it seems.
  3. lemonbravo

    Meteor Choice Music Prize Shortlist

    in answer to this!
  4. lemonbravo

    Meteor Choice Music Prize Shortlist

    Just the one this year, MDR's.
  5. lemonbravo

    Meteor Choice Music Prize Shortlist

    Would love to see MDR get it, but agree it's a long shot, given the judges previous form. I thought Spook and Katie Kim would have been on it for sure though.
  6. lemonbravo

    David Bowie returns

    I got a few mins in and then couldn't get this out of my head-
  7. lemonbravo

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    pretty cool summary there.
  8. lemonbravo

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    I use Samplitude now and don't hear this phenomenon at all.
  9. lemonbravo

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    I used to use cubase and definitely was sure I heard this also, so I would do the same, record the outputs in realtime. On the other hand, I was doing a sample rate test a while ago, comparing various sample rate conversion software. Any ho, I was comparing a 44kHz file, re-sampled from 96kHz...
  10. lemonbravo

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    I understand mono compatability, I still don't understand what that has to do with uploading and media player playback...
  11. lemonbravo

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    Loads of M/S dohickey goes on in traditional radio broadcasting.
  12. lemonbravo

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    I'm not sure i really understand this statement. If a mix has elements that are panned left and right, it has dual mono information. How will uploading it/streaming it change it?
  13. lemonbravo

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    I know, I'm all for DIY learning, just not everyone has your tenacity, capacity!
  14. lemonbravo

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    Plenty of 'pros' master their own mixes, plenty don't, there's no rules. If it sounds good, and sounds good outside of your studio, and you're happy with it then then mastering may not give you anything much more positive. It depends on what you're hoping to achieve, if you want more warmth...
  15. lemonbravo

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    Having the information and knowing how to apply it are two different things. Not everyone wants to be a jack of all trades. Plus if your have a seriously flawed listening environment, then you're not going to get great translation.
  16. lemonbravo


    There was an interesting article about copyright etc once 3D printing technology evolves, comparing it to the music piracy debate. New Lego toy comes out, somebody buys it, scans each piece, then torrents a 3D printing file of the new set. People stop buying lego so much. Something along those...
  17. lemonbravo

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    one the noise note, some plugin developers add noise to their signal to make them sound better, more 'analog'.
  18. lemonbravo

    Lets talk about audio.Only nerds need apply.

    How loud you can get a mix is very largely down to the arrangement of the song, and recording/mixing. I had a mix recently from someone finishing up their diploma at Pulse/Windmill and all I could think was, 'what are they teaching there!" Sanitised, sterile, lifeless production. Everything...
  19. lemonbravo

    New bandcamp

    this is true, but is it an optional thing? Do you have a fan page automatically if you've signed up to bandcamp? I don't think it effects how bands/label's pages look anyway? Doesn't seem to at the moment anyway.
  20. lemonbravo

    Cheap Android tablet recommendations?

    mine does. a few games, drawing apps, youtube, netflix. She loves it. A lot of the 'free' games that the kids seem to like invariably have some features where you have to 'buy' some stupid thing within the game, so you make sure you've things set up so you don't come in one day to find €100...