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  1. kthozoid

    Pete Doherty on the Late Late

    holy shit, the wee lad be on fire. even more than his 80's 90's self. though he shredded fairly handy then too..
  2. kthozoid

    animated gif thread

    does someone pin a note onto Obama's jacket? kind of looks like that...
  3. kthozoid


    Stephen Sniegoski's 'The Transparent Cabal' offers an interesting analysis of the current US foreign policy ties to this ongoing disaster.
  4. kthozoid

    The places going bust thread

    that doesn't seem to have prevented you from enunciating to all and sundry though, has it? Although to be fair, thumped is for pricks. Pricks like you, perhaps.
  5. kthozoid

    Conor Cruise O'Brien RIP

    he outlived himself drastically. he was thankfully diminished in recent times.
  6. kthozoid

    mac intel cd craptitude.

    thanks. the problem is that the computer just sees the CD as blank, even though it's definitely not. can't figure out if it's a hardware or a software problem. maybe it's all those breadcrumbs.
  7. kthozoid

    Progressive Democrats Finally Go Away

    well she did marry Brian Geoghegan, former director of economic affairs at IBEC, who i guess were the armed wing of the PDs. i don't think this either proves or suggests she was corrupt in the 'lining her pockets' kind of way though. on a personal note, a few years ago i decided to move to...
  8. kthozoid

    mac intel cd craptitude.

    anyone else have this problem?:::: every time i put a CD-R (with either music or data burned to it) into my laptop it sees it as a blank and launches Toast, or some other crap. it burns CD-Rs ok, but it won't read them. anyone has any ideas? it's a total pain. thnak yuo. (Macbook Pro 2.16 intel...
  9. kthozoid

    UCD Public Meeting on Anarchism

    the strange guy- apologies, i quoted you in bold as i couldn't figure out the multi-quote thing. but don't worry, i've got society figured out. except the how do you repress everyone you don't agree with? part. 'Ah, I don't know where to start.' well, it's a relief to know that there is so...
  10. kthozoid

    UCD Public Meeting on Anarchism

    it is free market capitalism for sure. i'd be surprised though if there was a mobile phone network (masts etc.) in Somalia prior to 1991, when they last had a functioning government.
  11. kthozoid

    UCD Public Meeting on Anarchism

    let's not forget the present boom industry in maritime piracy there either. i reckon they must be world-leaders in that area.
  12. kthozoid

    UCD Public Meeting on Anarchism

    i don't know of any technology that was developed in Somalia. it wasn't the point i was trying to make. the fact that telecom systems have managed to flourish in an otherwise thoroughly messed up place would seem to indicate that central government is not a prerequisite for some kind of...
  13. kthozoid

    UCD Public Meeting on Anarchism

    we seem to be going round in circles here. i fail to see where exactly i said that the present situation in Somalia was ideologically motivated. much less linked to an anarchist platform. to clarify: Somalia = a thorough mess = bad. dismantling of infrastructure = also bad. technology in...
  14. kthozoid

    UCD Public Meeting on Anarchism

    perhaps i haven't made myself sufficiently clear. or maybe you did not read my post. i was merely pointing out that the absence of government need not preclude the development of modern technologies. the point being that if it is possible in a basket case like Somalia, it is probably possible in...
  15. kthozoid

    UCD Public Meeting on Anarchism

    sign me up. cheap AK47s, Blackhawks down, broadband interenet access. what's not to like?
  16. kthozoid

    UCD Public Meeting on Anarchism

    it might be that you are excessively skeptical concerning the potentials of an anarchist entity. regarding the necessity for supply and demand of essential basic raw materials required for the functioning of industry etc, it's quite probable that the prerequisite nature of these commodities...
  17. kthozoid


    here's a pointless video i made of the copenhagen metro
  18. kthozoid

    mono-ing the bass (vinyl related thing)

    ok, i might need to get something ready for a vinyl release sometime soon. the thing is, the stuff is really heavy drone-sludge like stuff with lots of low end on it. but some of this low end is hard-panned in places with differing low-end info on either channel. so, i believe this situation...
  19. kthozoid

    thomascow. the new something or other

    this guy. strangest thing i've heard for some time.
  20. kthozoid

    Kevin Myers is back on form

    everybody, please. the oxygen of publicity, etc etc. Colonel Myers (Armchair Division) exults in this sort of notoriety. the act of ignoring his sort negates his very being! try it! it almost works...