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  1. Richie

    European and local elections 2024

    Ryan is hardly perfect but in fairness to him, he's led the most effective charge in the history of the Greens in terms of getting what they wanted implemented. Has always seemed to me to be basically a well-meaning & pragmatic guy who has acted as a public focal point for a torrent of hatred...
  2. dudley

    European and local elections 2024

    I mean, you wouldn't blame her for not wanting to it either. This is the shit that a lowly councillor has to put up with.
  3. therealjohnny

    People Who Died

    Noam Chomsky
  4. Unicron

    European and local elections 2024

    Martin made a god run at the seat in Kildare North last time around. Funnilly enough I got a flyer from him in the post this morning
  5. R

    European and local elections 2024

    The only TD I can think of that would be able for it is Roderic but he has his hands full, and no one else would want that ministerial post. Maybe a Senator would be a good call?
  6. Cormcolash

    Upcoming Gigs of Interest

  7. M

    The WTF Thread
  8. dudley

    European and local elections 2024

    She already gets horrendous amounts of abuse. I'd say she's cognisant of having three young kids and how much worse it would certainly get.
  9. Cormcolash

    European and local elections 2024

  10. Cormcolash

    The Boys Season 5

    Take that
  11. M

    European and local elections 2024

    Catherine Martin has ruled herself out. Wouldn't blame her. Ryan took a huge amount of flak as it was, she'd get even more.
  12. Jill Hives

    The Boys Season 4

    Yeah, that's a good way to put it.
  13. rettucs

    Your work situation

    was it this?
  14. Jill Hives

    Major Complaints Thread

    You wore me down a bit and we reached a comfy common ground.
  15. R

    Your work situation

    I'm trying to just focus on the fact that it wasnt "The good ship Venus", which is the greatest sea shanty ever written. Last time I spoke to one of the TDs there, I was trying to get him to eat sandwiches and kept saying "they're like really good funeral sndwiches". Apparently I said it a lot...
  16. ann post

    Your work situation

    I know it's embarrasing for your and all but we absolutely adore you for craic like this dude.
  17. ann post

    Jaysus cycling!

    I know I'm taking the bait by sharing this (still maintaining a work twitter here....) but eh, that's me done with Ryanair for life
  18. N

    Major Complaints Thread

    Have spoken to my mother about this and got a good response. A bit of clean as you go and letting me know when people are coming or not coming. Communication would sort all this out. You can never give me too much information. My nephews and their folks are going to Catalunya on Friday. They...
  19. therealjohnny

    The Boys Season 4

    It's very "on the nose". It was never subtle but it feels hamfisted this time
  20. Jill Hives

    The Boys Season 4

    Seems a bit off it's game to me this season.