gurl qweschun (2 Viewers)

La La

i drink your milkshake
Dec 27, 2003
the bang bang club

I know this is stupid and nothing compared to what lots of people go to.
i'm a 20 year old guy, and basically i was at a party a couple of nights ago and got my first kiss which is late i know but i've never had any luck with women... well it just kinda happened unexpectedly but it was nice. a few minutes later we bumped into each other again and we, uhh, went out the front alone and kissed some more and held hands.So i have the girl's number and I'm pretty sure I like her

but here's the crunch...
i think it seems that we liked each other but i dunno how to tell... we were kinda looking at each other on and off all night and we danced together (to "i wanna hold your hand", incidentally)
we were both quite drunk, and a few minutes after we kissed she got sick and kinda passed out on the couch for half an hour before me and someone else walked her home...

and basically i don't know if it was just a stupid drunken thing or if the fact that we kissed more than once means it was more serious and if it's ok to call her... i don't want to look like i'm chancing it because she was drunk... the last thing i am or want to be is a dodgy predator type.
i think i always have pretty low self esteem and self respect so i guess that's just that part of me talking again but i'm not knowledgeable at all on this stuff and i dunno if i'm meant to call after something like that that didn't involve much talking at all... what i'm trying to say is that she was quite out of it and i don't want to seem like a creep following up what to her seems like nothing at all... and i know it's because i've waited this long and it's never happened before that i'm making a big deal out of it.

so if i call her would she remember me or be like "whaaa?"... would you want to be called after something like that?

and if i do call what am i supposed to say? i'd like to see her again but i can't afford to take her out, i've been out of work for a while and am starting a new job v. soon but won't get paid for a while. is it ok to just go for a walk in the park or something like that to talk and see what's going on? is there anything i'm supposed to say?...

thanks for any advice, it's mucho appreciated.

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Unread 12-06-2006, 13:04 #2
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Well theres no harm in giving her a call and seeing what she thinks or remembers of the night. If you haven't much experience, then what you view as a big thing could be a regular weekend occurrance to her. Give her a shout, sound it out, but don't be to disappointed if she brushs you off.

In terms of going out, I suppose a walk in the park would be ok, but a casual drink or two in the local would be better. Nothing heavy, just a few quite pints.

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Unread 12-06-2006, 13:28 #3
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call her and be cool about it. Act surprised if her memory of that night is a little hazy. It could well have been a drunken thing but dont waste time worrying about it. Chalk it up to experience if it goes no where and move on.

Call her. You should always regret the things you do, not the things that you dont do.
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Unread 12-06-2006, 13:39 #4

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hey just ring her. if she says no put it down to experience that getting involved with drunk girls is not the way to go. and a walk in the park is acceptable. talking is more important then dinners or going to the films. moojuice is right, its true ppl live to regret things they did not do as opposed to things they did do. i learnt that inpsychology 1st yr arts haha
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Unread 12-06-2006, 23:16 #5

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Chances are that she will have vague recollections about being with "someone".

RIng her and see if shes up for it.

If shes a bitch to you then you know to move on,

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Unread Yesterday, 01:25 #6
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LOL! Those kind of parties brings back fond memories!

Just bite the bullet and do it. She could be thinking the same thing. Believe me there's plenty of way more embarrassing moments to come before you hit 30, but like me you'll look back and laugh at those times.

It's all part of the game...

Have fun.
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Unread Yesterday, 02:24 #7

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thanks, i've decided to go ahead and do it... if it works out then fine.

i always told myself my first kiss would mean something, but even if this one didn't, i don't regret it, we'd been dancing and it felt right and i think we both enjoyed it so that's ok...

i have a little money in another account so i'll be able to afford to take her out for a couple of pints

thanks for the advice everyone. i'll call or text her and see how she is, and if it goes ok i'll "ask her out"

if anyone has any advice as to what the, uhh, legitimate wording for the question is, then tell me, because "wanna go out with me?" sounds cringeworthy.
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Unread Yesterday, 05:54 #8
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Call her! Be polite. Show interest. Avoid using "one liner" pick up language. Just be yourself. Don't dwell or otherwise bring up the fact she was drunk when you first met. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained!"
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Unread Yesterday, 09:12 #9
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Em..I'd give her a text. Wouldn't straight out ring her because that could be embarrassing! Especially if she doesn't remember you. You could have the whole ''who's this? ooooh right, eh...hows things'' conversation and what else would you talk about really. I know it was your first kiss and it is special for you and all that but it's not really that big of a deal. Just because she kissed you on a drunken night out doesn't necessarily mean she wants to start going out with you so be prepared for rejection. I think your chances would have been better if she hadn't of been so drunk. Anyway I'd just text her saying something like ''hey, how's it going? have a good weekend?'' or somehing along those lines. Good luck!
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Unread Yesterday, 14:20 #10
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Hi OP! You sound like such a nice a guy!!I'm sure that regardless of weather she has a full recollection she'll be delighted to hear from you!
If you feel good about it then go for it! I think the idea of texting first might save you some awkward questions.... but on the other hand phoning is the stronger thing to do which she might respect.
Best of luck, hope it goes well!

Out of the other side of my mouth I just wanted to say that before you phone her you should about this. Are you calling because you really liked her and would like to see her again or is it just because she's the first girl you kissed?
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Unread Yesterday, 17:59 #11
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A dodgy predator type would have done something while she was drunk, not contacted her days later, sober

You have nothing to lose by just sending her a text or calling her.

"Wanna go out with me?" is a bit secondary school though. Ask her if she wants to go for a drink/coffee, or "do you want to meet up sometime?".
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I think you should call her La La. She'll probably be flattered. You could take her to the zoo and show her snow leopards.

Best of Luck.
He should take her to the cinema and then to the chippers just before their mammies come to collect them.
Myself and my boyfriend have been together almost 2 years. Although we never had much of a sex life I always put it down to us not having anywhere to go! We both live at home and never have the money to go away for weekend's etc.
We went on our first holiday together a few weeks ago, we went away for a week. We had a brilliant time and we really got on well!! There was no action though... no matter how much I hinted!! He even slept on the couch for 3 nights out of the 7! Im a good looking girl, I have a nice figure and I never had any problems getting men before!!
He accidently forgot to log out of his email while in my house one night and I was being curious I just had a quick look through his inbox! There were loads of emails from Porn sites! It really upset me to think that he enjoyed looking at other women but yet he show's me no attention whatsoever! I confronted him about it and told him exactly how I feel. He tried to assure me that I was bing silly, the reason why he was like that when we were on holidays was because he was sick (which he was) and that all men whether us women like it or not enjoy looking at porn! (Which I completely understand and accept only it annoys me that he looks at porn but not me!)
My parents went away this weekend, for the two nights they went away my boyfriend slept on the couch, while I slept alone upstairs. This is really upsetting me and I'm not sure what I should do. As I said earlier, Im not ugly and I do have a nice figure so please no smart remarks!
Every other aspect of our relationship is perfect. I would hate to loose him because of this. I need some advice, has anyone else been in a similar situation? What could be wrong?
Brian Conniffe said:
Myself and my boyfriend have been together almost 2 years. Although we never had much of a sex life I always put it down to us not having anywhere to go! We both live at home and never have the money to go away for weekend's etc.
We went on our first holiday together a few weeks ago, we went away for a week. We had a brilliant time and we really got on well!! There was no action though... no matter how much I hinted!! He even slept on the couch for 3 nights out of the 7! Im a good looking girl, I have a nice figure and I never had any problems getting men before!!
He accidently forgot to log out of his email while in my house one night and I was being curious I just had a quick look through his inbox! There were loads of emails from Porn sites! It really upset me to think that he enjoyed looking at other women but yet he show's me no attention whatsoever! I confronted him about it and told him exactly how I feel. He tried to assure me that I was bing silly, the reason why he was like that when we were on holidays was because he was sick (which he was) and that all men whether us women like it or not enjoy looking at porn! (Which I completely understand and accept only it annoys me that he looks at porn but not me!)
My parents went away this weekend, for the two nights they went away my boyfriend slept on the couch, while I slept alone upstairs. This is really upsetting me and I'm not sure what I should do. As I said earlier, Im not ugly and I do have a nice figure so please no smart remarks!
Every other aspect of our relationship is perfect. I would hate to loose him because of this. I need some advice, has anyone else been in a similar situation? What could be wrong?

take some xanax, valium, imodium, caffeine, flagyl, synflex, rohipnol, herbal etc etc etc.

i can't do it as well as you brian :)
La La said:

I know this is stupid and nothing compared to what lots of people go to.
i'm a 20 year old guy, and basically i was at a party a couple of nights ago and got my first kiss which is late i know but i've never had any luck with women...

Have you been reading my diary?
La La said:

I know this is stupid and nothing compared to what lots of people go to.
i'm a 20 year old guy, and basically i was at a party a couple of nights ago and got my first kiss which is late i know but i've never had any luck with women...

How thefuck did you get into my diary?
sugar_referee said:
Have you been reading my diary?

the only diary i've read apart from my own belonged to some chick called anne frank.

oh, and the fictional diary that is the best book in the world - Ende by Anton Adreas-Guha
La La said:
Gorillas mot as scare now.

hey Damon, if you and I ever had a child together could we call it Gorillas mot as scare now?

*adopts whiney voice/faux American accent*

Oh God, i don't know. I'm just not in a very 'name my kid Gorillas mot as scare now' place right now....

!cheezy !cheezy !cheezy !cheezy
Damon_Kind said:
*adopts whiney voice/faux American accent*

Oh God, i don't know. I'm just not in a very 'name my kid Gorillas mot as scare now' place right now....

!cheezy !cheezy !cheezy !cheezy

Gorillas mot as scare now.
Re: Gorillas mot as scare now.

La La said:
Gorillas mot as scare now.

Damon_Kind said:
Gorillas mot as scare now.

La La said:
Gorillas mot as scare now.

Damon_Kind said:
Gorillas mot as scare now.

La La said:
Gorillas mot as scare now.

Damon_Kind said:
Gorillas mot as scare now.

La La said:
Gorillas mot as scare now.

Damon_Kind said:
Gorillas mot as scare now.

made for each other, so we are.

the baby will definitely be called Gorillas mot as scare now.

do you think we may be evolving...backwards?
La La said:
not yet, but george mcfly has some sexxxy armour lined up if we do.


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