skinnywolves distribution (1 Viewer)

skinny wolves

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2002
here's a list of the stuff SkinnyWolvesDistribution has at the moment:

unless where stated

email [email protected]
to organise something
website up soon.


TWELVE INCHES:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"this is the same 12" that was released on SOUND VIRUS in the USA, but since we thought that this record is soooo good, we felt like making a license-pressing and making it affordable at a better price for the european market! it's just 4 songs of brilliantly rocking and emotively driven hardcore-punk with the amazing vocals of singer Andrea, who als used to be in AREA 15 and the DEATH WISH KIDS! Actually also bassist Derek used to be in both these bands as well, and along with guitarist Nate, they're also active in a band called the MURDER CITY DEVILS... so that should be enough name-dropping for you to check out the PRETTY GIRLS MAKE GRAVES!" from X-Mist site

SEVEN INCHES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
"True Stories EP"
"Estel are essentially a strange proposition. Somehow they seem to be clinging onto post-rock; offering cut up melodies, semi-chunks of growling riffs, thumping stop-start instrumentals. Yet at the same time, they seem to be doing something completely different. They're not a post-rock band but really there's no other word to describe them - they are taking math-rock, chopping it into pieces, using the bits they like and then running off to find the old Casio keyboards that Grandaddy are finished playing with, and using them to fill in the gaps.
It's true to say that with most 7" records there is always one side that tends to usually be face up on your record player. However Estel's inventive thirst and inability to do anything that isn't soaked in originality ensures that True Stories and My Raymond is Contagious easily match each other, with the result that I'm constantly flipping the record over. I can't wait for a new band to appear that sound a bit like this irish fourpiece so that then we can all call them Estel-esque, and coin a new word for a sound that is almost impossible to describe. But right now I don't know what words to use to describe Estel, apart from absolutely stunning." electric honey review

"Irritation For The Masses"
"New EP exclusively released on X-MIST (no US-pressing available!) by South-Carolina's ambassadors of smashism! Featuring ex-members of notiable bands like ANTISCHISM, INITIAL STATE, FUCKINGCOM and the notorious Chris Bickel of IN/HUMANITY fame! Four frenzied hardcore-smashers, fast as hell and cool as fuck! And naturally including Chris Bickel's sarcastically funny and politically enlightening rantings. Comes with a huge lyric-postersheet. " from X-Mist site

"Reprobate's Resume"
"an exclusive single by New York's finest, featuring two new songs, and since self-praising sucks, here's what Chris of their NY-label SELF-STARTER had to say: "You are going to pee your pants when you hear the 7"recordings! the song "Reprobate's Resume" is my favorite LES SAVY FAV song EVER!!!! it's sooooo fucking good, you are lucky guys... and i'm jealous beyond belief, i have to admit. the song is so AMAZING!" from X-Mist site

"Picking A Man Off The Ground EP"
"Features 3 new tracks by this sensational british band! Anybody heard their Debut-CDep on COWPAT? This is Punk flavored with Funk and Groove. Music to get the punks dancing!" from X-Mist site
Soeza have developed a strangely elusive , angular, yet soulful rock sound. They feature people from John Parish's band. Someone said that this might be what Sweep the Leg Johnny might sound like if they were from Bristol!

"Song for Satellite"
Two track 7" single by tracer amc from Bangor, Northern Ireland
Instrumental tunes with guitars weaving around looping bass lines and intricate
percussive rhythms.
Limited to 500 copies in hand made sleeves with 6"x4" photograph attached to the front

"Pelican EP"
The second seven inch from Tracer Amc, sees them share a label with Rumah Sakit, Redneck Manifesto and other fine bands. 3 songs this time, added with extra instruments to propel there already fine instrumentations which has gained them a comparison of a mix of Mogwai and Low.

"4 song EP"
Posthumusly released. In my opinion this is one of the finest 7" releases from Ireland. Highly original and passionately preformed post punk/ new wave noise. The Waltons featured Andrew from Estel on drums and Mattie from the Redneck Manifesto on guitar along with Hugh and Aidan Holmes. Back photo shows Hugh fucking a toy duck

"features two exclusive tracks by New York's freedom-fighting, culture-jamming and horns-fuelled punk-orchestra! Powerful and danceable at the same time, and insightful lyrics sung by the evergreat entertainer Peter Ventantonio, this single captures the bands sound closest to their amazing live-appearances - and note: both tracks are NOT on the GERN BLANDSTEN singles-compilation CD! " from X-Mist site
toured Usa with Robocop Kraus

7 songs
Daemien Frost are one of the wonders of the Dublin scene. Already, legendary drug fuelled live performances have added to their reputation. Krautrock influenced grooves and intricate rythmns reminisant of people like Don Cabellero. Someone said they were like Moss Icon on caffiene!
They have split records with the Jimmy Cake, Melt Banana and Montana Pete.

"All Eyes Open"
10 songs
27:52 mins
"Death Of Marat - Unwound covers Joy Division - a strange but concise description for the Phoenix based three-piece, Death of Marat. Members John Brandon, Mike Juliano and Jef Wright construct a delicate balance of modern off-kilter musicianship, smoothly blending it with the early Goth and New Wave sounds of The Birthday Party and Bauhaus. The trio's sophomore release, "All Eyes Open", delivers 27 minutes of dark, introspective post hardcore. "All Eyes Open" walks a fine line of frustration and urgency, contrasting catchy hooks and pop melodies with arty noise and sober moods. Death of Marat create well-structured dark pop that conveys an originality all its own. Formed in 1997 under the name Mars Observer Mission, Juliano and Wright originally started as a two-piece, releasing their first split 7" with Sea of Cortez. Brandon joined the group in 1998, and soon after the three released their self-titled 7". Death of Marat also appears on a split 7" with Half Visconte and on two local Phoenix compilations: "Libations Unlimited" and "Not One Red Light". Their debut album, "The Shattered", was released on Satellite Transmissions in July of 2000. " from Stickfigure site

"invent the fortune"
8 songs
35:16 mins
"Glasgow's most under-rated band are here with the goods to claim their crowns. Sure, they can master the slinky genre bending instrumental, but they are also adept at the dual vocal math-pop rock that has won them all that airplay and all those adoring fans. This record sounds less-straightforward and more inventive with each listen but you'll never forget the first time that the catchy opening wriggle of "Goodbye To Victories" sucks you in. Colin Kearney contributes the finger-mashing heavy string riffage whilst Chris Mack brings in the frail heart-rending voice that spills over into his solo work as The James Orr Complex." from Gringo site

Eska has been most famous for the fact that their old drummer, Stuart Braithwaite, left the band in order to start Mogwai. People have said that they sound like Black Sabbath raised on a diet of Don Caballero and they hint a bit at Superchunk, and the rest is reminiscent of bands like Archers of Loaf with the melodies of Mogwai or CHAVEZ meets DRIVE LIKE JEHU.

"Angelpie, I think I ate your face"
10 songs
44:42 mins
“Angelpie... is virtually faultless, and when was the last time you heard a first album this good? A weird, wonderful and wicked debut.” - Eamon Sweeney - Hot Press
“'Angelpie' takes them a step further - an album brimming with confidence, packed with ideas, one which excites and emotes in equal measures and stands up to repeated listens effortlessly. Though this is what you could term 'post-rock', there is not a trace of derivativeness, as they put their own idiosyncratic spin on the genre.” - Paul Fogarty [Event Guide]
“Dublin band Estel belong to this adventurous class of 2000, a four piece who have fashioned a distinctive record brimming with artful, naive soundscapes and a willingness to push the envelope that older, more successful bands lost the will to push many years ago” Tony Clayton Lea - Irish Times
“It’s great when you stumble across something really special isn’t it? Estel are a great new band from Dublin who are making really inspiring music. They sound vaguely post rock, but far from introverted, as much of the genre tends to be, instead being highly uplifting and life affirming” Monograph zine #2. Shropshire, UK.

"Wearing Your Heart On..."
"ever noticed that since KURT (and that's a fucking longtime ago!) we haven't released any german band on our label? well, there was a good reason to it: we just did not get to hear ANY german band that we felt like "we have to have this band on our label"! (maybe except for a few real BIG bands, that we can't afford to have on our tiny label anyway...)
BUT finally we came across a band that we did not feel only musically "good enough" but also gave us this needed feeling of hearing something inspired and inspiring! so there was no doubt about it, from our idealistic point of views, FLAMINGO MASSACRES are THE band we want to have on our label! these three girls use two basses and a drumkit, add their wonderfully harmonic but also energetic vocals, for producing heartfelt songs without any pathetic shlock... this sort of feeling that (dare i say so) seemingly only female musicians are capable of. free of the clichee-ridden formulas, oh so common in the boys' world - not afraid of being fragile, but yet filled with an emotional strength. can you get what i'm trying to say? well if not, here's the usual name-dropping: AT THE DRIVE-IN heard their first 7", and invited the FLAMINGO MASSACRES to support them on their german dates this February!" FROM X-MIST SITE

MEN'S RECOVERY PROJECT "resist the new way" X-MIST
13 songs
20:48 mins
"We are proud to present the new record of Sam and Neil (of ex-BORN AGAINST-fame...) joined this time by Mr.Joe Preston of the THRONES, ex-EARTH and also ex-MELVINS! Get ready for the 21st-Century-Technoid-Punk!!! (Or are you resistant to the new way?). The CD features 13 new recordings" FROM X-MIST SITE

11 songs
31:19 mins
" Futurisms" was originally released by point the blame records which was based in Canada, however point the blame is now no longer a label. Stickfigure has now acquired the rights to "Futurisms". Anyhow, "Futurisms" was milemarker's long lost second full length. "Futurisms" is considered by many to be milemarker's new wave record since a lot of the songs posses a very contemporary new wave edge, because this is the first full length where milemarker used keyboards. Finally, "Futurisms" was also milemarker's last record with just the original line-up, featuring Ben Davis
come's with CD-Rom features for Mac. includes fliers, manifestos and video footage

"Changing Caring Humans"
18 songs
53:39 mins
This CD contains every Milemarker song released as a single between 97 and 99 [including their splits with Division of Laura Lee, Yellow Road Priest & the Blood Brothers], including two from compilations [one being a cover of "tame" by the Pixies, the other recorded at Electrical Audio in Chicago].

General Info: No one is completely clear what the motivations of the loose-knit organization known alternately as the Milemarker Collective, the Milemarker People's Liberation Army, or the Milemarker Entertainment and Reprogramming Consulate are, and attempts at pinning down this agenda and its mode of implementation have proven frustratingly futile to scholars and ethnomusicologists attempting to track their virtual supervirus of cultural infection. Early reports, though haphazard and scattered, mention violent performances, broken instruments, self-immolation, spattered blood of both performers and unwitting audience. Disorienting lights and soundscapes, strange garb and unsettling chanted mantras combined to seal tight the membrane of mystery around these young rebels. As word spread, and (as is the nature of words) solidified into the formal language of labels and cliches, the collective only veered more wildly, confounding audiences searching for rote predicatability with performances conducted behind blackscreens, video projections of simultaneously teleconferencing band members, and concerts carried out entirely by automated robots of the group's devising. The actual music seemed at times chaotic, improvised noise, at other times ice-cold with synthesized contrivance. Manifestos and footnoted reference guides to the philosophical and political undercurrents of these shows were distributed in such volume that truly diligent followers of the group soon found themselves too busy underlining important passages to attend the performances themselves

NINETY NINE Ninety Nine Patsy
11 songs
25:39 mins
Following the break up of her long running band, The Sea Haggs, in the mid 90s and prior to her involvement with US acts, Sleater Kinney and Cold Cold Hearts, Laura MacFarlane began Ninetynine as a solo project in 1995. Originally recording some songs at Horsekitty studios in Portland, USA, and with further tunes recorded in Melbourne, Australia, Ninetynine’s first self-titled release was issued on Laura’s own Patsy label in 1997.
180 degrees
Radio One/ Patsy
14 songs
their third release, 180 Degrees, is built far more extensively on the foundations set by the previous two albums, incorporating a more textured array of non-rock instruments to produce the band’s individual take on vibraphone-driven Casio rock.
Ninety Nine also feature Amy from the Vivian Girls and Cameron from Baseball.
Ninety Nine and Estel will be releasing a split 7" early 2003.

12 songs
26:36 mins
Re-released and Remastered with new art-work!
"Finally, after a delay of over a year, "abracadaver"has been repressed on cd. The repress has been repackaged in a jewel caseand remastered so this version is definitely improved over the previousversion. For those who are not familiar with the party of helicopters,their second full length "mt forever" made spin magazin's top 10 records of the year in 2000, and their new 2xcd is coming out soon on troubleman. As for what the party of helicopters sound like, "abracadaver" is the fulllength that started paving the way for their moterhead/black metalinfluenced brand of in your face rock and roll. " from Stickfigure site
Features members of Harriet the Spy and The Man IFell in Love with....

"Die Me Infinity + 4"
STICKFIGURE / Donut Friends
13 songs
"Hailing from Jacksonville/Daytona Beach, Providence Union create a wonderful adventure across numerous genre's of the past 20 years of underground music.Providence Union draw and utilize to create their own sound numerous wide ranging influences. From the drawn out pauses of Hoover and Regulator Watts,to the full on mid 90s Indian Summer/Oordination of Aaron meet's mid 80s Rain/Rites of Spring DC emo spazz to the total rocking Drive Like Jehu's riffs,Providence Union put everything together in a fashion that makes for a definate refreshing and original listen." from Stickfigure site

"36 strings"
10 songs
34:39 mins
If you live in Dublin or Ireland, this band need no introduction really. This is their debut album. Post rock superstars, the kids love them , the press love them, now find out if you do too...

"Stimulant Skin Included"
11 songs
32:57 mins
"Retconned is one man. Retconned is a band. This unique CD features catchy, simple songs assembled out of burned, drowned and alien sounds. Retconned has been described as "having pop sensiblities without the pop," and sounding like "quicksilver through the veins ." Retconned's live shows have been described as "very foreign," and compared to "walking in on your parents having sex." "from Stickfigure site

"Field Recordings By"
11 songs
52:17 mins
"Painstakingly self-recorded for an ex-quisitely precise listening experience, this album captures Reynolds on the cusp of a transformation from melodic vocal hardcore to an instrumental trio obsessed with technology. Tracks like "Humble Pie" and "Friday Bridge To March" embody all that's best about the fraught battle of wills between Matt Tagney's impassioned vocals and the sinuous backing of the band. The voice and the instruments dare each other on to greater heights in a frenzy that leaves the listener (and no doubt the band members!) sweaty palmed and breathless. This record screeches "hard work" and is a telling forerunner of the tireless work the band do today to do things their way" from Gingo site
like a mix of Mogwai, Unwound and some little bits of Sonic Youth
features members of Wolves of Greece and last of the Hard men

"Nothing New Ever Works"
11 songs
39:48 mins
"A testament to regional music from Sabbath country. San Lorenzo grew up by the wayside, and thank L.Ron Hubbard for the uninhibited self-belief it gave them. Comparisons capture the spirit but sell our Midland heroes short. Still, Shakespeare I ain't. Thrift-store electro opener "Jun" is a "Blue Monday" for people sick of drugs, and kicks off a selection of tunes which take in the freeform narrative folk of "My History is Valid", the precise rage of "Life Without Mountains", the smile and blush boy/girl ache of "Tension Halved", the searing "Julie James" and the frankly Sabbatical "Dead Amps"." from Gringo site

"Nuee Ardente"
4 songs
25:06 mins
From Belfast, N.Ireland and featuring one of Cirlce Again, this CD highlights 4 songs of emotional hardcore meets post rock. Driving and Passionate.
Toured with Estel and split 7" to be released between both bands.

"False Object Sensor"
20 songs
50:13 mins
compilation with rare and unreleased tracks from :
amps for christ w/ thrones * auto da fe * bad neighborhood policy * body part * born against * controlling hand * the convocation of... * fast foward * hail mary * heroin * moss icon * mens recovery project w/ le tigre * mutician * rah bras * sinking body w/ bastard noise * six finger satellite * skull kontrol * tara tavi * thrones * towel

LONG PLAY VINYL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

BURNMAN "Notes for a Catalogue" NO-IDEA
The only Full length from this Gainesville three piece. They feature 2/3 of I Hate MySelf.
Stop Start Shellac type indie hardcore with poetic lyrics.
Yellow vinyl

ESTEL "Angelpie, I think I Ate your Face" LITTLE PLASTIC TAPES
As Above:

PALATKA "The End Of Irony..." NO-IDEA
The final and posthumus release from this legendary Gainesville band. Some people have tagged this emo-violence but this is so much more than one name tag can give to it. Highly political but with a sense of humour too. People from Discount, End of the Century Party, Asshole Parade, Hot Water Music, Moonraker do guest vocals.
Graphics from Mike of Scenery fame.
1 sided vinyl with wonderful etchings from Mike on other side.

"the CD, released on 5 RUE CHRISTINE, was one of the BEST RECORDS in 2001 to us - and we could not be any prouder and happier, now being the label to release the vinyl!!! The SECONDS are a three- piece from New York City, being on the forefront of the Neo-No- Wave/Post-Punk scene along with the LIARS, RADIO 4 and EX-MODELS (actually guitarist Zachary plays as well in the EX-MODELS, and drummer Brian is also in the YEAH YEAH YEAHS!). Their incredibly tight and frenetic proto-punk, with buzzsaw-like guitars, punching bass and driving drums, reminds of GANG OF FOUR, Richard Hell, early DEVO and the MINUTEMEN... and then there's an extremely cool cover-version of MADONNA's "Burning Up" on this record! AWESOME!!!"
from X-Mist site

TRUE NORTH "We Speak In Code." NO-IDEA
From the ashes of the already influential Gaineville bands Palatka, Strikeforce Diablo and Asshole Parade along with a member of Twleve Hour Turn. On this, their first album, their sound would be closer to that of Palatka rather than their other bands. Toured the states with Red Scare.
I think they may be coming here in the Spring time.

This, the first Twelve Hour Turn LP see's them enter the same territory as such bands like Sleepytime Trio and the like, but Twleve Hour Turn have enough talent and ideas to make a sound of their own, backed up with amazing live shows.
true north, coming over here? that'd be class-i fukin love them they're gonna have a new 12" out in 2003 called "put your nightlife where your mouth is" can't wait. does anyone else like them? cuz i've never actually heard anyone else say they do, altho i've never talked to any of you guys before so.............
yeah well, matt from true north says they are gonna make an extra effort to come over here in 2003. as when he was touring with asshole parade [and end of the century party] they were supposed to play dublin and belfast, gigs were booked, but then cancelled because [as far as i know] of something to do with AP playing during the orange parade up north. [might not be true though?]. and with the fuck up with twelve hour turn missing two ferries to ireland a few months ago. and although 2 members of palatka lived in dublin for a few months they never got to play here....
new european pressing of BLACK EYES 7" coming in a few weeks too, on Release the BAts from Sweden.

"Recorded by Ian MacKaye and Don Zientara at Inner Ear Studios, the BLACK EYES consist of 2 Drum Kits, 2 Basses, 1 Guitar, 1 ³Piano², some Percussion, and some mouths. Black Eyes admire the UK rhythm of the Slits, Pop Group, and Gang of Four to the US No Wave and Dance punk of Liquid Liquid and DNA to the Afro-Beat of Fela Kuti. Throw in Einsturzende Neubaten, The Ex, Faust, Dub, Can, Black Flag, Miles Davis, Birthday Party, Brian Eno, Haitian Rara, and IDM. Split 7" with the Early Humans on Planaria Recordings soon."

from Planaria site
THT missed 2 ferries coming here! i missed them when they came over (bastad!) or did they come over?all this talk of missing ferries. ya know who else i missed anti flag supporting dead kennedys-did that actually happen cuz i would have gone if i had known anti flag were playin but i didnt go since it was the 'fake' dead kennedys, only found out the anti flag bit a couple o days ago!(bastad!)
hey cormy,
yeh i was talkin to benjamin, all the palatka's are now gone gone gone, benjamin bought one actually.
i'll bring one of the guyanna 7" along to mero's gigs in the next week for you.
story with the tape you wanted made?
what you gonna make me?
send me an email or private message thing...

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Landless: 'Lúireach' Album Launch (Glitterbeat Records)
The Unitarian Church, Stephen's Green
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