Oxbow, Tophi (ex-Gout) & Easpa Measa - Whelans, 17th July. (1 Viewer)

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Apr 17, 2003
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Alpha Relish presents...

Thursday July 17th, 2003

Whelans (Wexford St.)

OXBOW 10:45 – 11:30
Tophi (ex-Gout) 10:00 – 10:30
Easpa Measa 9:15 – 9:45

Adm. 12.50 Doors: 8:00


The quiet kill off the country road, the time before the time when everything went wrong and the last 16 hours of that great love affair are the seminal beginnings of OXBOW.

Designed to be the last aural will and testament of failed humanity, OXBOW actually garnered listeners from among the ranks of the fucked, with their 1990 release FUCKFEST (cfy/pathological). Followed by KING OF THE JEWS (cfy), THE BALLS IN THE GREAT MEAT GRINDER COLLECTION (pathological), and LET ME BE A WOMAN (brinkman/crippled dick hot wax) recorded by the estimable STEVE ALBINI, SERENADE IN RED (SST/CDHW) also recorded by ALBINI and GIBBS CHAPMAN (FAITH NO MORE, RED HOUSE PAINTERS), and various singles and dance remixes, OXBOW has met with increasing critical acclaim and popular support.

The OXBOW core membership -- DAN ADAMS/bass, GREG DAVIS/drums, EUGENE ROBINSON/voice, and NIKO WENNER/guitars -- has been supplemented by the subtle stylings of LYDIA LUNCH, KLAUS FLOURIDE, MARIANNE FAITHFULL, RICHARD KERN (SONIC YOUTH et al), JON RASKIN from the ROVA SAX QUARTET, and a string section that would make Barry White wince.

Though claiming San Francisco as their hometown, OXBOW played in England in 1990 and toured Europe and Japan in 1995, 1996, 1998, and 1999. OXBOW has also performed in London, Berlin, New York, Vienna, Prague, Portland, Paris, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, Gent, and almost every other place people will pay them to hear them play.

View the trailer to Oxbow’s forthcoming documentary ‘Music For Adults’ (Adults only!): http://www.3580.com/oxbow/


"Suppose I expected something a lot more uptempo than these blood curdling psychos crawling around on all fours, but I can't say I'm at all disappointed... the guitar feed back and rumbles while someone altogether unwell screetches indecipherable lyrics... dangerous and uncompromising. Oxbow are hellbent on clinging to their original vision. Their aim is true, their trajectory deadly..."

"That OXBOW still rattles me. These are some of the most complex and fearfully well-arranged compositions I've ever heard. This OXBOW features a live string quartet, and organist, and faded recordings of big band and sacred music. And then this booming, often vaguely Zeppelin-"Kashmir"-esque rock and Robinson's wailing. The results ring with amazing clarity...songs are full of buried melodies and crushed, detuned progressions that seem to slide off the earth..."

"Live, the San Franciscan band are fronted by a huge body building skin head. And they cause a great deal of discomfort to their audiences' ears. On record they achieve the same end by extremity of dissonant, densely-packed sound... filled with thigh-slapping percussion, orchestral samples."

"As loud as a slaughterhouse and almost as messy, and probably more cathartic than any release you'll hear this year." - Alternative Press Magazine

"(A) daredevil dive into the abyss of the abject." - The Wire

"When OXBOW explode it's with a metaphysical heaviness, drawing in intangible elements, breathing with indescribable import, like a late-period Coltrane freakout" - Careless Talk Costs Lives

"The greatest art rock band in the world." - VICE Magazine

Oxbow latest offering, ‘An Evil Heat’ was released on Neurot Records in February, 2002.

Review of 'An Evil Heat' from Pitchfork.com

An Evil Heat
[Neurot; 2002]
Rating: 8.1

Out of this summer's furnace, their first album in five years. Oxbow, apostles from that small seam of true, gut-wrenching horror. Oxbow, who stink of phlegm and germs and unprotected sex. Oxbow, whose live shows frighten even the few converts who've come to see. Hard music born of slow, corruptive bile from deep down inside, not the tantrums of chugging cheerleaders of doom. They'll put the lie to your grindcore bands right quick.
With titles like "King of the Jews" and "The Balls in the Great Meat Grinder Collection," it's not hard to fathom Oxbow's lack of fame. But you'd think the foursome would at least be known for their frontman-- if only for the hecklers he's beaten down in his day. There are few spectacles like Eugene Robinson, more than six feet of black muscle standing downstage, thighs spread, brief-clad crotch thrusting forward, eyes rolling in holy fervor. The crowd steps back a few feet and eyes the exits.
The two-track opener, "The Snake & The Stick," finds him perched in the pulpit more than ever before. Cursing, shouting, screaming from the background, his cries come like those from the drunks you see stalking down the street, lost in their own private stew of hate. At the same time, he whispers up close with allure: "One Sunday morning, the preacher went a-trawling/ To the House of Fuck, he come a-calling." A raspy voice admits, "I got couch sluts of every stripe, sir, boys and girls and the in-between types," and right afterwards the band busts into an exaltation of Sabbath riffage. Might as well strip your clothes off, burn your Preacher comics and bask in the squalor because Garth Ennis ain't never going to come close to this freaky.
In times past, Oxbow sounded somewhat like labelmates Neurosis, or a spoiled Birthday Party. An Evil Heat cools the fire just enough for a slower burn. The main hooks of these songs seem blues-based, at least at the beginning, as you're reeled in. "Stallkicker" opens with a rough blues crunch, and the cymbal crashes resonate like electric shocks. It even ends with a brief coda of almost pretty guitar picking. But they return to their trademark queasiness-- a sidelong slither between noise-rock and metal-- on "S Bar X," on which former Swan member Jarboe guests. Her low moans circle his high-pitched keens until it all mashes together in a swirl of seething feedback.
Given all the old folktales of forks in the road and deals made at midnight, the whiff of blues here makes sense. Scent-words seem to be the most appropriate; there's an odor of pheromonal aggression that's just tangible on this record, and it alternately sickens and succors. Rarely have I been so thoroughly seduced after an averse reaction, and rarely have I been so driven to get up and thrash around and feel the blood pulse through my veins. "Skin," in particular, grips me until I'm aware of the sad state of my own flesh, what with the brutal whip of the snare and the tale of "the cockhorse, teeth like sugar cubes/ Play the blues, balls hanging/ Between his between, like crab apples... hating his hide, and hiding his hate/ Potentate of the small, and the great."
What wages do you earn after the sins of the first half-hour? The other half: a thirty-two minute (near) instrumental by the name of "Shine(Glimmer)." It builds in buzzing bass drones and dives back down into distortion, endlessly climaxing and clenching up and coming at you again. It's a primal jam, fueled by pure carnal libido, so get together with some inclined bodies and slap skin together. An Evil Heat may not be for everyone, but you're going to keep an open ear-- it's been too long since you've listened to anything this hard. So kneel yourself down now, and look upwards at old Eugene. It's time for your confession. - Christopher Dare

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Also from Alpha Relish:

- Japanese New Music Festival featuring Ruins, Acid Mothers Temple & more!!!
(The Village, 20th of October)
- Melt Banana (Japan) + Daemien Frost + xKnifedx (The Village, 5th of November)
- Circle (Finland) + Support (TBC) (The Village, 27th of November)

Tickets for the above 3 shows are on sale now from Road Records, 16B Fade Street, Dublin 2. Tickets will be available from Freebird, Sound Cellar, Comet, City Discs etc over the coming weeks.

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go to this if you can get the money together, OXBOW are fucking amazing and this gig will totally kill..
i'll in be bradford seeing WHN? buh.
damien said:
go to this if you can get the money together, OXBOW are fucking amazing and this gig will totally kill..
i'll in be bradford seeing WHN? buh.

Argh, foiled again..no WHN for me.

But yeah, what he said.I have to gush about these I'm afraid, sorry for boring ye, but fact is OXBOW are one of the greatest fucking bands in the world, and possibly the most evil sounding bands to grace a stage since the early days of the SWANS.They're heavy as fuck, and SEVERELY confrontational, like it says above so I'd maybe not go if you're easily offended. But otherwise if you like heavy, visceral music of any type you will be floored by these.

And you just know the minute they bust out "The Stick" I'm probably going to lose my shit completely.

Just wondering, any chance we get to see The OXBOW movie before they play (I know this is happening at some of the UK dates)??
oscardagrouch said:
Argh, foiled again..no WHN for me.

Just wondering, any chance we get to see The OXBOW movie before they play (I know this is happening at some of the UK dates)??

they're showing the video in limerick
so i'd imagine you'sell see it too
what's yer new band grimes? tell me bout it!
they're showing the video in limerick
so i'd imagine you'sell see it too
what's yer new band grimes? tell me bout it!

It's tuned down, it's shouty and it's a lot of fun.Sort of Buzzoven or Damad type stuff with occasionally faster bits. Not quite the grindfest you might be expecting, but certainly far from being wussy.we're playing with boxed in in a couple weeks.Oh, and we're called Already Dead.
Expect me to harass Limerick people to see if we can play there over the next few months.

Oh while you're there Andy,might have some 7"s for sale soon you might like.I'll fill you in when they arrive.
do you know who to talk to about limerick?
(albert / jane / ivan) - i can mention it to em if you like.
i'll be back in dublin in a couple of weeks so lemme know what's up with records. going to america soon - wonder how many million records i'll buy this time...
going to see the Neon Hunk, the locust, Neon Hunk, Neon Hunk, i am spoonbender, Neon Hunk, Rah Bras, Neon Hunk, Chinese Stars (ex-arab on radar), Neon Hunk and Neon Hunk in chicago
how psyched am i?!

oh and check this out - the other night this head started asking me what my tshirt was (a DEBT shirt!) and where she could buy one! ha

do you know who to talk to about limerick?
(albert / jane / ivan) - i can mention it to em if you like.
i'll be back in dublin in a couple of weeks so lemme know what's up with records. going to america soon - wonder how many million records i'll buy this time...
going to see the Neon Hunk, the locust, Neon Hunk, Neon Hunk, i am spoonbender, Neon Hunk, Rah Bras, Neon Hunk, Chinese Stars (ex-arab on radar), Neon Hunk and Neon Hunk in chicago
how psyched am i?!

oh and check this out - the other night this head started asking me what my tshirt was (a DEBT shirt!) and where she could buy one! ha


ah dear.that's sad really.i don't actually even have one myself and they're all long long gone.actually the new band's kinda like a slower debt with more of a sense of humor (sense of tumor even).
Yeah I'm gonna bug Ivan in a few months,not right now though, we're just gonna write a few more songs first, and i'm quite keen to record soon,in a fourtrack stylee.
records..emm,hopefully 7"s byThe Murder Of..,Army of Flying Robots, Vincent Price's Orphan Powered Death Machine, Apologia and Daughters (if city of hell get back to me).Plus more stuff that you probably won't like.Wait and see.All will be revealed when the records actually get here!
oscardagrouch said:

They're heavy as fuck, and SEVERELY confrontational, like it says above so I'd maybe not go if you're easily offended.
I should actually be a little more specific:
If you had a problem with the Dillinger Escape Plan throwing mike stands at the audience, you're going to probably have a coronary over these.

Seriously, I'm gonna being watching from the bar, and I pity whoever is up front.There's is a very good chence you're going to be smacked around the place,regardless of your age,size or sex. You oughta see the size of the fucking singer.

seriously, have a read of the post about this gig on the main board.
and then check out

I'm fucking terrified.But I can't wait.
oscardagrouch said:
records..emm,hopefully 7"s byThe Murder Of..,Army of Flying Robots, Vincent Price's Orphan Powered Death Machine, Apologia and Daughters

who are Vincent Price's Orphan Powered Death Machine and what do they sound like?
can you let me know when you are getting this stuff?
jamie - oxbow was amazing last night
i shook my fist a lot - really good shit
and yo - i'm seeing daughters/an albatross/sick lipstick on sunday. some mad noise shit on monday and passing up going to see dropdead on saturday. booya!
jamie - oxbow was amazing last night
i shook my fist a lot - really good shit
and yo - i'm seeing daughters/an albatross/sick lipstick on sunday. some mad noise shit on monday and passing up going to see dropdead on saturday. booya!

Shamon Muthafucka!No fair, I wanna see Daughters.They look like The Darkness and sound like the Locust and yet I STILL love them and I STILL don't know why..YEEEARRRRRGH!!!!
Fist at the ready sir.Don't you worry about that.I'll be shakin, my fist and indeed making porn faces while The Bow play,gettin my groove on and doing the funky chicken while Tophi play, and getting my booze on in an undisclosed location that isn't Whelans before Tophi play.
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it.

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