Major Complaints Thread (3 Viewers)

Super fucking blast of desperation about no one digging my lyrics

OH GOD....give me the strength I need to keep writing in the face of indifference

Just a few more songs and I will be done I promise
the repeated presence of what I presume was the garda helicopter, which was so close and low it sounded like they were looking for someone in my back garden, at around 3-4am. Thankslads.
Clerys closing down. fuk sakes o'connell street.

A great shortcut for getting to talbot street when it's raining as well.

This sucks. The staff were out protesting outside it today. Felt so bad for the poor lad that was on the news last night, 42 years in the job.
Yep. It's my money. If I choose to spend it all on this hape of shite then that's my choice.
Will the heaps of artwork, posters and instruments you've collected not get jealous?
I don't really have much artwork and posters. And the instruments are all bargain basement or charity shop finds..with one exception. I spend all the money I would have spent getting a mortgage or raising kids on the car these days.
I'm sat here waiting for my yoke to be healedup in the local greasemonkeys.

Quick tighten of the handbrake cable turned into a whole new set of brake shoes whatever they are.
I feel like the greasemonkey is grinding the organ here..but I'm too deep into it to do anything about it

Then I still gotta get a new lamp for the number plate and get it back for a retest ..and taxed

But won't it be nice to have a fully decorated windscreen!LONGGGG TIME since I had one of them!

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