Jim Corr - Mental? (1 Viewer)

  • Thread starter W.
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Jimm Corr is obviously an agent of European Imperialism trying to discredit the no camp.
He's not saying anything new judging by what the original post says. And he's probably right. This is how the world works. This is what Benelux was all about.

It's all about money. It's always been about money. Money is power.

Every American President/Would-Be American President of the last three decades are always talking about the New World Order. They say it as if it's a good thing.

Icke is only half-wrong.
Re: Jim Corr

What's he saying? Doesn't play in work.

There's a much more fashionable thread happening in the music forum.
Basically he's wearing tinfoil helmets and drinking his own urine.


In an interview with Matt Cooper on Today FM’s Last Word on Thursday evening, Jim Corr of The Corrs made the case for voting ‘no’ to Lisbon because it will introduce the death penalty to Ireland and contribute to a “new world order”.

Corr’s opposition is based on three years “studying the New World Order which the European Union is a part of.” He told the show that “the EU is a stepping stone towards a world government, they will merge it with the Asia Pacific Union, the African Union and the North American Union.”

The Lisbon Treaty itself will introduce “a scientific technocracy” to Europe which will erode national sovereignty. Corr claimed that The Charter of Fundamental Rights allows for the introduction of the death penalty “it makes provision for the introduction to law for the death penalty in times of war or imminent threat of war.”

“What we are seeing is tip-toe totalitarianism in the West,” he continues, with 9/11 the key to understanding this.

“When you study 9/11 it becomes very apparent that not only is all not what it seems but it was a staged terrorist attack, what they call a false flag operation.” When pressed by Cooper, Corr said that overwhelming evidence suggests that 9/11 “was carried out by rogue elements in the Bush neo-con administration.”

The interview airs today, Thursday evening, at 5.45 on Today FM 100-102fm.
Didn't he used to go out with Andrea Roche? Ex Miss Ireland who looks suspiciously like his sisters? He's a one way man mental. I agree with all his views though. Lisbon = Armageddon
"i hate conspiracys...i've never been into conspiracys...what i've become is a truth seeker!"

ah jim...c'mon now...worse than portrid. check out 9/11 mysteries
on google video lads...

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