Irish Politics. (1 Viewer)

all landlords are bastards?what an intelligent observation to make.
and i believe discussion of political theory is just as important as anything else.get back to me when you`ve overthrown the state.

I take it your being tongue in cheek there boss. "elvis assured me that the pills were harmless"

I like the the last two sentences the best, cause the discussion about which party to vote for as being considered "political theory" is a good one, especially how it's linked into overthrowing the state.

Try instead, janer too, rather than discussing parliamentary politics on a board where at least most ppl on it interested in politics are some shade of anarchist. This might go some way to explaining why NOBODY GIVES A FUCK (!) about this banal and inane conversation !!!

After nearly a fortnight of political turmoil, which Bertie really wishes would have died down by now, today seems to be the D-day on which all of his future will be decided. After his Nixon-esque interview on Six-One, the FF strategists were surely hoping that his personal life being laid bare for the cynical public, as well as his stated intention to pay back the "loans", were enough to silence the hounds. However the Manchester payment, by some group of businessmen, for some vague reason or other, is going to cause him enormous damage, and it remains difficult to see how he could come out on the other side of all this with his image as a simple man of the people intact. Surely even FF are going to be wondering if sticking with their leader is worth it. In the last general election, his face was the face of Fianna Fail, adorning the posters on the lamposts, with the slogan 'A Lot Done, More To Do'. They face losing the next election if Bertie is still at the helm and is the brand of FF.
But by the end of play today - if McDowell does pull the plug and Bertie gets the chop in an internal putsch, and we're all watching a leadership contest, or maybe even a general election nine months sooner than expected - will whatever happens make the slightest bit of difference? I find it hard to believe so. I dont think that any replacement for Bertie will be any less susceptible to corruption. Fianna Fail has always been the friend of the builder, developer, businessman, and whoever else is interested in getting access to the tent at the Galway Races - for the right price.
The party is completely devoid of any political ideology whatsoever, occupying a bland populist space somewhere between centre and centre-right, with the odd bit of rhetoric about social democratic values post-Inchydoney but not doing a fucking thing about it, and not exactly sure of how green it is either but willing to play that card whenever Sinn Fein threaten some of its marginal seats. Ahern's laughable claim to be a socialist at the helm of FF shows just how muddled and directionless the electorial giant really is at its core. This is the party that gave rise and shelter to Liam Lawlor, Ray Burke, Beverly Cooper-Flynn, Ivor Callely, Charlie Haughey, Ned O'Keeffe, Frank Dunlop, John Ellis, Padraig Flynn. These are just the people that got caught out. Who knows what else is happening at the moment.
So whats the alternative then? The Mullingar Accord, linking Labour with Fine Gael, is the one being pushed on the public at the moment, with the two muppets at the helm claiming its the only viable option. Enda Kenny's billboards, which no matter which way I go I cant escape from, strike me as particularly vacuous and inane. The man is like a washed out version of the Tories David Cameron. Kenny has no substance and even less style. FG are like their counterparts across the floor, ideologically dead and their only platform is to get the other lot out. This is the party that has given us the likes of Michael Lowry and Anne Devitt. You cant help but feel that FG would definitely have a lot more corrupt members - if they ever stayed in power for the same amount of time as FF.
Happy to help this right wing shower on their way is the ex-Stickie Pat Rabbitte. Hard to believe that at some point in the past a chunk of the Labour front bench were actually Marxists. Never mind the fact that FG are possibly even more right wing and conservative than FF, Rabbitte and the other Labour Party people have shown themselves to be total careerists by abandoning their ideals for the sake of a slice of power. A slide to the right and a sweeping under the carpet of eventual coalition-destroying policy clashes such as abortion, homosexual marriages, and the US Military in Shannon; Labour have tried to make themselves into a New Labour a la Tony Blair, but without the same success in the polls.
Neither of these options strike me as attractive. I think I'm perfectly happy to occupy a neither/nor position. What is it I'm looking for, I hear you ask. Well, all of Irish parliamentary politics (bar one or two members, you can probably guess who if you're reading this site) strikes me as incredibly childish and stupid. Trying to explain the divide between FF and FG to foreigners just shows up how the public have bought into this false opposition between one right wing party and another - and constantly given them 75% of the vote, year in, year out. Labour are all the more pathetic for buying into this, as are the Greens and Sinn Fein who never rule out going into coalition with anybody. FF and FG are mirror images of each other, yet for decades the public, more the fools, believe that somehow a civil war is enough to divide them for eternity. Labour as pawn brokers in any hung Dail could have sat it out and let the two big boys cobble together their seats, thus opening up the paradigm of a left/right divide in Ireland, like any other mature European country, yet every time they've hopped into bed with the right wing with the thirst for power. And so we'll hobble along again until the next election when nothing ever changes. Where is the real opposition to all this?
I take it your being tongue in cheek there boss. "elvis assured me that the pills were harmless"

I like the the last two sentences the best, cause the discussion about which party to vote for as being considered "political theory" is a good one, especially how it's linked into overthrowing the state.

Try instead, janer too, rather than discussing parliamentary politics on a board where at least most ppl on it interested in politics are some shade of anarchist. This might go some way to explaining why NOBODY GIVES A FUCK (!) about this banal and inane conversation !!!

all landlords are bastards,all cops are bastards etc etc,just spouting the same rhetorical bullshit,what concrete achievements have anarchist `politics` (for want of a better word) achieved over the last ten years? can go out and do actions/protests/whatever you please but you really think its gonna bother the boys in charge?they`ll just send in the cops to kick some heads in and thats it.
and yes,maybe political theory was a bit of an overstatement so ill retract that part of it.
you can go out and do actions/protests/whatever you please but you really think its gonna bother the boys in charge?
do a bit of research and you'll see any serious anarchist doesnt spend all their time going form pointless action to pointless action.
whats voting for smaller/seemingly more liberal parties who'll inevitably repeat the mistakes of the likes of fianna fail gonna achieve?
do a bit of research and you'll see any serious anarchist doesnt spend all their time going form pointless action to pointless action.
whats voting for smaller/seemingly more liberal parties who'll inevitably repeat the mistakes of the likes of fianna fail gonna achieve?

thats exactly the point im trying to make.protesting outside the imf/world bank/shell or whoever isnt gonna change a thing.
i never endorsed voting for smaller parties either.
Most people on this site are of an anarchist type, thats fucking hilarious,its a mixture of all of society,record nerds,political wannabe s,realists,arseholes, supriseingly knowledgeable?????? people,loners, rick out of the young ones types of students which we all are one if not more of including myself.Politics mean fuck all to most people cause they are jaded with it ,its understandable,personally ido think voting for a independant is a great thing to do ,it shows all the big boys they offer you nothing,FF spent 50 000£ yo yo last election trying to figure out why people voted for independants instead of their pricks, that makes me a happy man,espeiciallly in politics you have to enjoy your self when you can
As bad and all as it might be in Ireland... like, you wanna see the fuckin state of the place in the US. Honestly... I mean, the word joke doesnt come close.

I try not to even think about it. But, like, basically the people here give more of a fuck about who wins Dancing with Celebrities than who is their governer.
And that's another thing. Its fucking unbelievably complicated, the whole system here. I am no political heavyweight I suppose, but, I still dont really understand how "Democracy" works in this kip. Cause, like, to me, it doesnt seem like democracy at all.
It seems like... as South Park put it, picking between a giant douche and a shite sandwige. You dont have any option, no nothing really. They bang on and on about how free everything is... but, most of the people dont want this Bush gobshite in charge now. Most of them voted for Gore in the election. I know that Bush might have won the second election... might, cause, those voting machines are a fucking sham too, and they also took loads of blacks and hispanics off the registar as well.

I am not saying that Ireland is perfect, but, being able to vote for someone you think might do a decent job, even if s/he has no chance of winning is not a bad system. There exists the possibilty that there wont always be those that buy the election in charge in Ireland. Its possible.
Also... these coalitions all the time, I mean, they might not get everything perfect, there might be corrupt dudes, but they dont just whip through an amendment of an afternoon to blow up / kill / lock away for any reason anyone they dont like either. Cause, someone will pull down the government.

And then everyone turns around, and goes, "Well, I dunno, I didnt vote for the prick...", rings their hands a bit, and fucks off.

I dunno man. It saddens me.
Most people on this site are of an anarchist type, thats fucking hilarious,

thats fucking excellent. Now go back and read what I actually typed. See that bit "board", that's referring to eirecore, the board you're posting on right now.

rather than discussing parliamentary politics on a board

its a mixture of all of society,record nerds,political wannabe s,realists,arseholes, supriseingly knowledgeable?????? people,loners, rick out of the young ones types of students which we all are one if not more of including myself.Politics mean fuck all to most people cause they are jaded with it

Now go back again and read my qualifier, see it? Good!

where at least most ppl on it interested in politics are some shade of anarchist.

If you wanted to criticise my post, maybe try the vagueries and slight contradictions of "at least most", but then resorting to grammar and semantics ....
ahhhhhhhhh SHORTY are you a lawyer,,barrister or something of that type,cause if you re an anarchist ,im fucking delighted im nothing of the sort,but you have the " im talking down to you " vibe even in print
which is a hell of an achievement,last time i was preached at like that was in school or maybe by a copper,could be a good career move for ye
ahhhhhhhhh SHORTY are you a lawyer,,barrister or something of that type,cause if you re an anarchist ,im fucking delighted im nothing of the sort,but you have the " im talking down to you " vibe even in print
which is a hell of an achievement,last time i was preached at like that was in school or maybe by a copper,could be a good career move for ye

well said.
ehhh so are you saying that everyone should just lie down and do nothing. that is a radical idea i have to say no voting, no action, no demonstrations. hmmm i wonder.... This somehow sounds bad. could it possibly be that if their was no oppostion to these things say rossport (shelltosea) for example. do you think shell would say oh well theres no point building a station there as we have no protesters to draw attention to what we are doing in the back arse of no where lets leave, or might they possibly say on an outside chance 1000 -1 lets wreck the place in the cheapest and worse way that we can possibly think of yipee no media attention. so deafmute i think im still going to go to pointless actions if it means that i can draw at least 1 person to my cause it will be all worth it.
You misread my post, you replied by saying "thats fucking hilarious", you meant it in a derogatory way (or do you normally talk to people like that?), it smarted, I retorted, the " im talking down to you vibe" was intentional (I'm glad you picked up on it :p), it was a debased version of sarcasm (the lowest form of wit and all that)... I mean, if you want an apology, I can say sorry! (?)
Also, anarchism is a set of political views/opinions/ideas (and/or a tendency within social struggle) which can be held by anyone whether they're "record nerds,political wannabe s,realists,arseholes, supriseingly knowledgeable?????? people,loners, rick out of the young ones types of students" or anything else, it is not a type/sort/identity (so play the ball and not the player). People don't differentiate enough between the views, opinions, tastes, hobbies, etc. that ppl have and what constitutes personality or the self.

Perhaps too many are still of the High Fidelity "It's not what you are like, but what you like" point of view, ah well...
my original point was about the mass demos outside world bank meetings etc,those boys dont give a fuck,just business as usual inside while outside skulls are cracked and so forth.
i have nothing but sympathy for the people affected by shell in mayo and i agree it is disgraceful whats happening up there.

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