I fucking hate George Bush (and his da too) (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2002
Lets take a snapshot of Dubya's moving and inspiring speech, shall we?

"The United Nations Security Council has not lived up to it's responsibilities, and therefore we must live up to ours."

Well spoken Dubya! A vigilante couldn't have said it better themselves! You have learned alot, my hillbilly pal!

Now George, follow it up by showing how much you care for the Iraqi people! Go on, show them that you're not just after oil!

"We urge you not to destroy the oil wells, the source of wealth for the Iraqi people. Oh, and don't use weapons of mass destruction on the people either."

A clever feint George! Pretend that you care more about oil than the Iraqi people, that way your friends in the oil companies will think you're actually helping them and not the Iraqis! Expertly done my friend! You complete fucking idiot!

Now, how can you follow up with something even more convincing? Surely an impossible task!

"The terrorist threat to the world will be diminished with the dismantling of the Iraqi regime."

My goodness! Is this true? I thought Saddam was a nice guy! Obviously your pal Osama is in Iraq too, so that theres no need to even mention him? I take it for granted! After all, he certainly has no links with Saudi Arabia, your oil rich airfield lending friends. You complete fucking ape.

Come now, a rousing finale will surely gain you world support!

"The Iraqi people deserve their freedom, blah fucking blah blah."

Bravo! I will not rest until I see the Iraqi people liberated from that madman that threatens to develop weapons of mass destruction! I much prefer following a madman that already has weapons of mass destruction! In fact, once you're finished, you can move west a few hundred miles and liberate the Palestinians, another race which is being brutally oppressed by a regime which you helped to develop weapons of mass destruction! No? Oh I forgot, the Israelis are nice guys. You war-mongering piece of shit.

Well, I wish you all the best Dubya in your war on terrorism. I have nothing to worry about, as I am just finishing the lead lining on my 100 foot deep concrete bunker in the back garden, and I should have it done in time for Wednesday night.

I think tomorrows headline should be

"Bush in don't destroy oil wells shock!"

(Please note, all quotes are taken loosely, he didn't really say blah fucking blah blah on national tv.)
well said! the thing that i cant understand is why he is so annoyed about france threatening to veto any resolution authorising war. why is preventing war seen as so bad, and stranger still, didnt the U.S decide they were going to go in and bomb the place no matter what anyone else said last year? the U.S is the bully of the world playground and it really fukks me off how they change the rules to suit themselves. hypocritical fukkers.

anyway, go to http://www.bretzelforbush.com made by someone in france after the U.S renamed french fries 'freedom fries'. its in french, but it urges people to send georgey a pretzel for the cunt to choke on :D .|..|
Anti French?

Given that Bush and co. are trying to remove any mention of France from their shores, shouldn't someone point out to them that they will need to deport the Statue of Liberty?

Anyway, I was looking at a really interesting page on the Worlds oil reserves earlier, check it out here:


The truth will be told.
Yeah, all of a sudden it's France's fault there's gonna be a war. It's because it's easy to swing things around n put the blame on someone else. It's all Blair can say today. He reckons if it wasn't for France It would all have been resolved peacefully.... by passing a resolution to support war.... yes....
makes perfest sense:(
Originally posted by XjohnnyX
the thing that i cant understand is why he is so annoyed about france threatening to veto any resolution authorising war. why is preventing war seen as so bad, and stranger still, didnt the U.S decide they were going to go in and bomb the place no matter what anyone else said last year?

That whole situation with the current U.S. hatred of France over their opposition + threat to use their veto is so pathetic...look atfuckin America...they use their fuckin veto every two seconds to make sure poor little Israel and murderjunki Ariel Sharon get to do whatever the fuck they like.

U.S. -constantly uses veto to prevent action against Israel, a State who go against the U.N. and are engaged in the murder and oppression of minorities in their own country.

France -made to look like the devil for threatening to use veto when U.S. wants to go to war against Iraq, another State engaged in the murder & oppression of its people.

Fuckin story?
george bush has previously commented on his idea of french stupidity, he was quoted as sayin (something like,): "the french are so stupid, they dont even have their own word for entrepeuner, they have to go and use ours!"
and his fave childhood book was published only a year after he graduated college.....most of you probably heard that before though

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm freedom fries
Freedom Fries, surely not that has to be one of the dumbest things ever. Actually has anyone noticed how much Dubya use’s the word “freedom”? Weren’t the military operations in Afghanistan called something ridiculous like operation: endure freedom.
I think if you’ve got leaders constantly reminding you how free you are it’s a pretty good indication of what little freedom you actually do have: coke or pepsi? assembly line or supermarket checkout?

"So you can stay cool behind your window and choose the view you want to see but as long as there are others held captive do not consider yourself free" Embrace, 1985
Freedom Fries? Jesus Christ, those cheesy fucking warwhores. Are they going to rename the Hamburger too? They could call it a Liberation Sandwich or Justice Bun.
Food comedy aside, the next few days are going to be 'interesting' for the US and UK. That's if you find massive terrorist attacks interesting. Back when I was a nipper we just had to make sure we looked left, right, then left again, and not to go off with any unshaven strangers who smelled of cum (Like Lyncher now that I think about it). Now we have so much more to worry about. Fingers crossed Sellafield doesn't go up in smoke and we don't all die slow, painful deaths. What a great time to be alive. If an illiterate ex-dipso and his perma-grinning poodle doesn't get us all killed, it'll be a martyr wearing 9 sets of underwear or an Asian superbug.
I'm just back from the cesspool called New York,and I noticed a lot of anti French sentiments like ''Scum,Go Back To france'' on some houses and some cello player from France had his cello robbed and threatened on his phone .. but i learned lot's of interesting facts ..

- When people escape from mental institutes there most likely to be found dancing to cheesy music on an ice rink.

- After a hectic day at the office,buisness men like to chill out by going ice skating.

-People like to wrap themselves in plastic

-Being against war results in assholes shouting and chasing you on trains.

-Anti War protests are very original.

-Everyone wishes they where irish and it's pretty sad that they celebrate Paddy's Day hell lot more than Ireland.

-Wrestling fan's are idiots(queing for 5 hours to see wrestlers,and ironically i hate wrestling and got to see the wrestler's much better than all the fanboy's just by walking through the crowd)

-Irish math's teacher's kick NYPD copper's asses,and on one occasion knocking them unconcious ..

Any excuse

Does anyone else think it would be utterly hilarious if, in the next few hours, Saddam and co. left the country after declaring all weapons the state possesses and standing down the army?

I mean, what the fuck sort of excuse would Bush have left then? It would be interesting to see that happen, just to hear the lies that the Bush regime would invent as an excuse to go in anyway.
seems like the soldiers themselves have no idea what they're fighting for; anyone see that photo a while ago of troops spelling out '9-11 LET'S ROLL' on the deck of an aircraft carrier?? must because everyone who wears towels on their head comes from the same country somewhere over there in desertinia or whatever it's called............shouldn't someone point out al qaeda isn't based in iraq......
sand dunes

they're a threat to democracy all right
well in fact sand dunes are a threat to communism cos not many people know this, but desertification is a major problem in china.....a possible new angle by which to stop the war? depends on if they hate communists more than towelheads
those damn towel-heads are all a bunch of commie-nazis as it is

ugh. I spent ages looking for the logo from the commie-nazi plane in the simpsons but couldnt find it.

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