Bandicoot (split from Therapy? Cork gig) (1 Viewer)

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Re: Therapy? Cork gig

I agree, they stopped being interesting around the time of nurse and fyfe leaving was the end, in my eyes. still listen to my battered pleasuredeath/babyteeth cassettes tho', classic stuff!

Nonetheless the cork gig will be stuffed (Sonic Vista & Rulers of the Planet support).
Re: Therapy? Cork gig

oh yeah and divers... well they put out the 'little less nothing' single and then were gonna tour, but apparently fyfe left and they kept going for a while, but as with Therapy? they'd lost the one thing that made them stand out so no one cared... the guy was like an engine, innocent x might as well be techno, its incredible. also got me into Cop Shoot Cop through that tshirt he was always wearing...

im going to ignore that, Ronan.
Re: Therapy? Cork gig

never having caught Zep's Bonham play live, I always thought Fyfe was the best drummer I'd ever seen 'til I attended a Shellac gig for the first time but yeah, Fyfe was truly amazing!!!!!
Re: Therapy? Cork gig

Jim A. Morrish said:
so what you're saying is based on hearsay, obviously based on garbage, from people who won't go on the record. Very accurate indeed.

Many people here on thumped (me, hag, niall mcguirk, madouva, chalets, etc) have worked with Bandicoot in the past who no problem that I'm aware of. Ask any of them were any bands not paid fully.

In fact, whenever he hasn;t got a crowd to a gig he's always paid the bands their guarantee out of his own pocket and whenever he can get sponsorship he runs free gigs in places like lobby, pine lodge, connollys for bands such as I am kloot, redneck manifesto, czars, warlords, chalets, supersuckers, explosions in the sky, french toast, yumi yumi, and tons more.
I can think of a certain band from Cork who share their name with a Fugazi song who would beg to differ!!
My favourite Bandicoot moment was when the Ex played. As they came off stage "he" said to the singer you can play only one song during the encore, they proceeded to play two. I have heard too many bad stories from reliable people about bandicoot not to believe that they are true
Re: Therapy? Cork gig

Here's a thing then. Band I was in (joan of arse) were booked to support Low on 4 Irish dates by Daragh Purcell. Belfast and Galway both fine. We get to Cork and even though TBL had been in touch with him before, Emmet is immediately rude. We hang around for 4 hours waiting to soundcheck. Emmet has put Semi onto the bill inbetween the touring bands and agreed that they can make a video during their soundcheck. This takes *hours*. We soundcheck, leg it out to get a chinese, then while we're eating it backstage we're told to get on. Now. We go on and play. 15 minutes before our set is due to end, Emmet walks on to the stage and tells us our set is over. This is the single rudest thing I have ever seen a promoter do. Ever. Gumbo gives him the finger and we leave the stage. Stand up arguments ensue, his main problem seems to be Gumbo's gesture. Ours is that he is a cunt. We don't get paid, but apparently nothing had been arranged. Daragh pays us back in Dublin. Low come on and play Joan Of Arc for "our friends in Joan Of Arse" which is a nice gesture.

I haven't bitched about this to many people cos I don't give a fuck about Bandicoot. I like playing in Cork and I'll just avoid him/them. But if you're staying this is a stand-up nice guy who's never fucked anyone over, I beg to differ.
Re: Therapy? Cork gig

dont worry, you can avoid Bandicoot easily... unless of course you wish to support the latest Japanese psychadelic band he brings over
Re: Therapy? Cork gig

Seeing that I'm on trial, here it goes

Well first regards the Ex. The reason that I said one more song to the band regards the encore was because the venue they were playing in has a club night (nothing to do with me) on Sundays that starts at midnight and venue management wanted time to strip the backline from the stage to make way for this club. Stripping backline down takes about 20 minutes to half an hour and also you need to allow 20 minutes for the act to wind down after a gig. Common sense. The Ex were also told this in advance of the show and everything was fine regards the strip down. The Ex were no way offended by me saying 1 more song and I was not pissed off with them for doing a 2nd song as time allowed for it.

Regards the famous Joan of arse story. I book Low with Darragh Purcell and proceed to book a local support band shortly after. I get an email a couple of weeks later from Darragh saying that Joan of arse are to support Low. I say to him that I have a support booked already so no need as budget doesn't allow for a third act. He tells me that Joan of arse have to play and have to be the only support on the night. I tell him that I'm cancelling Low if thats the case coz I've already booked a support and I'm not cancelling them just to put another act on. Darragh comes back to me and says "oh don't cancel the gig, you can have yer local band on the bill". He also says "can you also put Joan of arse on". I said that I would do a 3 act night BUT that Joan of arse has to go on first and that there is no money (the costs of the gig were high as a kite and Low weren't that big in Cork back then).

Time goes on and coming up to the gig Ross from Joan of arse rings me. We have a good chat on the phone as I know him for years and I say to him that Joan of arse will be first on the bill, that there is no money (but if gig does really well money wise, I'll give them something) and I also offered to put them up in my gaff. He said that they had a friend in Cork so accom was not a problem. I tell him that I could only give them a couple of names for the guest list as things were tight . He says that a couple of names was fine, playing on the bill first was fine, playing half an hour was fine, them using the Cork bands backline was fine and we agree that Joan of arse would be in Cork for 5pm. Darragh Purcell was kept fully informed of all these details as they were agreed. Joan of arse were travelling from Galway to Cork as they were playing with Low in Galway night before.

Come the day of the gig, Low arrive on time. THey set up their equipment and proceed to soundcheck. The local support arrives on time with a different set of backline as it differs to Lows set up plus Low did not want anyone using their stuff.

Joan of arse arrive in the door near enough to 7pm (as Low just finish checking) 2 hours late. I tell them that they'd be better to move their car up the road as they were parked outside someones house. They ignore me, start talking to Low but eventually, move it. I also ask them to close fire escape when they finish bringing in their small amount of gear. They ignore this also.

The local support set up their gear. All the local supports gear needs to be checked as it was all being miked up (venue is 400 capacity). To check a full drum kit, a guitar amp, a bass amp, a trumpet, a keyboard and vocals normally takes about 3 quaters of an hour. All the backline had to be checked first. This took them up to 8pm. Low finished checking around 7pm and moved their drums / bits and pieces. Local support started setting up their gear straight away. Once entire backline for local support was set up and miked and checked it was 8pm. Local support then proceeded to do a soundcheck (which is different than an equipment check) which was for about 20 /25 minutes (the standard time limit for any band to soundcheck). They were finished by 8.30pm. During the local bands soundcheck, some guy was taking pictures of the band with a video camera for a website that the venue were getting done up.

During the equipment check, Joan of arse came up to me and said could the local band go on first. I looked at them in amazment and said to Ross that we talked about this already on the phone. Joan of arse started saying to me "cool down, we just thought we'd ask". While they were asking me the singer for the local support act just passes by and over hears the conversation. Now he goes and tells his band that they might be put on first. This potentially could have started unbelievable trouble for me but luckily it didn't. I go to Joan of arse and ask them for the 2 names for the guest list. They start asking for about 5 names after I told them on the phone that I could only give them a couple of names. We eventually settle on 3 names.

Joan of arse set up at 8.30pm. They use the local bands backline (which is already miked up and ready to go) as agreed. The bass player from Joan of arse ignores me after I said to him that he had to use the local supports bass amp (which was a much bigger and better amp). He said that he was using Lows bass amp. Tour manager for Low specifically asked me to tell Joan of arse NOT to use Low's backline.

Joan of arse finish their soundcheck at 8.50pm. Doors are at 9pm. I ask them to go onstage at 9.45pm. They say fine and say they are going out to get something to eat. I point them to a Chinese across the road from venue. I explain that its important that they go onstage on time as it will only fuck up Low's set time and venue owner wanted bands to finish at a specific time. Also take into account that there needed to be 10-15 minute switch over time between each band due to set up and strip down of backline. I also explained to Joan of arse that people were paying their money to see Low so value worth is top priority.

Joan of arse go out to Chinese take away at 9pm and arrive back into venue at 9.40pm. They bring their take aways in with them and start to eat their food at 9.45pm backstage. This is the very time that they are to be on stage. I don't say anything but eventually ask them to go onstage around 10pm. They proceed at doing this in full slacker mode, taking about another 10 minutes to get going. Come about 10.40pm, I go to the side of the stage (not on stage) and tell them that the song they were just about to play had to be the last one. I go down to sit with a friend who then informs me that the bass player of Joan of arse stuck his finger up at me in front of the crowd. I took this as very insulting (as you would) and called Ross into the back room after they finished. I told him that I found him and his band really rude from the minute that they arrived at the venue plus they were acting it up coz of the fact they were not 2nd on the bill despite being told a week earlier on the phone that they were first on the bill. I also stated how angry I was about the bass player sticking his finger up at me in front of the audience. While we were having this discussion, the drummer from Joan of arse came in to the back room and started saying all this nonsense (that made no sense whatsoever) to me. I told him to Fuck Off and he did. Ross started saying to me that I thought they were a burden (which they were coz they were acting so difficult) from the minute they arrived. To be honest, Joan of arse pissed me off to all limits on the night and ruined the gig for me. They asked for trouble and they got it. I make NO APOLOGIES whatsoever for my conduct that night. I was shocked the way Joan of arse were acting on the night but when I talked to some close friends in Dublin about them, they informed me that Joan of arse had a reputation for starting trouble anyhows. This was refreshing news to hear. Basically it all boiled down to Joan of arse being totally unprofessional and acting like selfish bastards.

To bring all this to an end . I'm not out to give crap bands breaks or to launch their careers or to be a target for peoples abuse and bitterness if I dont conform to their whimpering needs. I have no interest in the failed musicians club (you know who you are). I promote bands that I like (most of the time) and I have met the best of people and the worst of people and the sneakiest/nastiest of people in this game over the years. The gigs are not about me whatsoever (I have no interest in fame or vanity) but if certain people dislike me that much or dont like the way I do things, then please just go somewhere else (there is a very large amount of people who are into the bands that I promote so you won't be missed).

I'm only interested in looking after the paying customer to the best ability I can and giving them the bands they want to see in the venues they like and also making sure that production / sound and advertising are to quality levels. The bands/acts ALWAYS get what they are promised. No band has ever been ripped off by me. Its worth noting that I keep recorded info on all my dealings. I'm also the only promoter in Ireland (that I know of) that has put on free gigs (as a thank you to the paying customer) of quality acts such as American Analog Set/Explosions in the sky/Zu and Guapo/I Am Kloot/Sweep the leg Johnny/Rednecks/Happy Stack/Eddie and Ron (from the Supersuckers)/ Mark Mulcahy/Jeffrey Lewis/Willard Grant Conspiracy/Czars/the Posies (featuring Ken Stringfellow)/Soledad Brothers/Pearlene/David Viner/The Apes/Alta May/Pernice Brothers/Rockers Hi Fi/ISM/Redneck Manifesto/Warlords of Pez/Different Drummer Soundsystem/Apeonaut/Immortal Lee County Killers/The Chalets/Bob Log III/Lonesome Organist/Yumi Yumi/Enon/Bloodthirsty Lovers/Plaid/Bluefoot Project COMPLETELY FREE ADMISSION. No cover charge whatsoever. This has happened in a range of venues both rural and city.
Re: Therapy? Cork gig

bitchin' . . . way too much bitchin'

for what it's worth, bandicoot have been the bastion of alternative music in cork for a few years now, and the shite that must go on between bands and promoters is the stuff of legend . . .

from a punter's point of view, it's good to go see these bands, but jesus lads, sort out your differences in private, dirty washing in public suits no-one.

love tha lotta ya

Re: Therapy? Cork gig

i agree.

if people don't want to go to a show run by promoter X, Y or Z then simply don't go but don't spread lies and misinformation either. it costs nothing to e-mail or ring a promoter to get the actual facts from the horses mouth BEFORE telling all and sundry what might be erroneous information. Always remember there's 2 sides to every story.

Bands like shellac, fugazi, the ex, etc keep their collective ears pretty low to the ground and so i very much doubt they'd be dealing with bandicoot if he had a bad rep amongst the touring band scene or with agents.

In fact I think i can say without fear of reproach or contradiction that IF bands were being ripped off then the numerous agents he deals with certainly wouldn't send him acts again, which plainly hasn't happened.

In fact if any touring band could honestly say in public that he had ripped them off I'd be absolutely astonished/flabbergasted/stunned.

There's two people in cork I trust implicitly in all dealings (be they financial or otherwise), one is Morty from the Sultans, the other is Mr. Bandicoot.
Re: Therapy? Cork gig

Does anybody know why we were booked to support FRENCH TOAST in limerick a couple of weeks ago by Mick Dolan and then kicked off the bill when a promoter from Cork phoned him and advised him not have us play?

I might be wrong but, i'd take this personally.
Re: Therapy? Cork gig

Bandicoot Cork said:
bla bla bla

I spoke to all of Explosions In The Sky in Limerick (the night after the Cork gig) and they told me that they were really pissed off with Emmett.
They said he left them short (not much, but what's a guarantee if it's not a guarantee!)
They said he wouldn't let them put anyone on the guestlist!
They said that when they asked him for some water, he said no, cos there was no water on the rider!
They said that they were going to recommend to their agent to never deal with Bandicoot ever again.

Just sayin'...
Re: Therapy? Cork gig

they said all of the above to me also. And anybody who's spoken to Explosions will know they are the kind of people it almost impossible to make angry.

also, i think it's more Irish bands that have problems with Bandicoot than foreign ones.
i've split this thread off from the therapy? in cork thread & i'm locking it now before anyone says something I might regret.

if anyone wants to respond or feels they should address subjects that have been raised here, PM me
i've been asked to post the following by emmet (bandicoot):

Ok, here goes the explosions in the sky situation (the whole truth and
nothing but the truth)

EITS got the EXACT fee that agent was looking for regards the Cork show. I
have RECORDED PROOF of the offer which has been sent to them TWICE. I still
have not got a reply from them. I'm also looking for them to to send me an
apology for making me out to be dishonest by spreading lies to their

Regards the rider situation, EITS got paid a foodbuyout on the night plus
got money for a rider (they can spend that on whatever they want). Worth
noting, you can drink the water in Cork. Its not dodgy.

They also got accom (also paid for by me) but did not even go to the accom.
Instead they went off and booked themselves into a hotel. That was their

The tour support (Bikini Atoll) got their fee also that they were

Rest asked me to play on the bill and because I had to drop them from
another gig (due to the main act bringing a tour support), I agreed to let
them play. I checked out the production side of things and it was fine. I
never guaranteed them anything but gave them a small bit of money on the
night as a token.

The venue that EITS were playing is 110 capacity. I issued 93 tickets
(which sold out at 7pm) on sale to the public plus there was 6 press/help
out names on a list which always get left in for my events (unless the band
specifically don't want press people there). Add the entourage of
explosions (6-with some of them up in dressing room as well as in the
venue) plus the tour support (4) and Rest (4) to 99 and hey presto you have
a full house. Can't leave anymore in coz (a) people will be uncomfortable,
most importantly the paying customer and (b) fire regulations is a key
factor here. The band approached me at 9.30pm thereabouts when they arrived
back at the venue and asked about guests. There was no mention of guests
prior to this and I was sent NOTHING about the band having a guest list on
the night. I said I cant do a guest list coz we have gone to full
capacity. They said fine and that was the end of that.

When I first did EITS when they first came to Ireland, there was only a very
average attendance at the Cork show. I heard that this was the same in
Limerick also night before coz they told me and plus their Dublin show was
cancelled (due to lack of venues) so they only ended up playing just Cork
and Limerick on their first Irish tour. I recon at that point there would
have been about 30/40 max people in the whole of Cork who actually knew who
EITS were. Some of them might not of even heard their music. They played
Pine Lodge in Myrtleville which is a 20 minute drive outside the city and
there was 40 people at the show. Pine Lodge is 80 capacity so the gig was
half full. Plugd Records ran a mini bus (25 seater) down from the city that
night as they thought they'd stand a good chance of filling the bus. They
were getting interest from some customers in their shop so thats why they
decided to do it . The gig in Pine Lodge was FREE ADM and I think the bus
was about 6 or 7 euro return which is a bargin. Only 12 people turned up on
the bus. Its also worth noting that buses to gigs always do well. However,
its down to the fact if the band or event is popular enough also that the
bus will fill.

When I was offered them again for this year, I booked them this time into a
city venue. My prediction was 70 payers on the night but it ended up
selling out. The reason why it sold out was (a) They played a blinder of a
gig in Pine Lodge previously (b) I had been advertising the gig since
before Xmas (c) the band released a new album which was getting favourable
press (d) the local press and radio gave it a big push (e) people who
never heard of them trusted my judgement so they took a risk (f) being
signed to Bella Union Records put them on a more serious platform as its run
by the guys from the Cocteau Twins.

So there you have it. I recon someone from the EITS camp messed up on
figures and this has confused them in some way or else they are truely
losing their marbles. Either way, I have recorded proof of the fee they
wanted and thats what they got on the night. They got foodbuyout and rider
money and accom also. I can do no more. The gig was sold out so they
played to a bigger crowd than last time and I plugged their name and new
record release heavily through my pr network (and did not charge them a fee
for this either).

I await for an apology from EITS but something tells me that this will
never happen.
and also from emmet:

The problem with you Dave is that you take everything personally. You know
I'm not into your band, nothing personal, just my own opinion but I do try
to book bands I actually like when I arrange bills.

For production reasons, there is only 1 act (Windings, who is a 1 man act
and he is the guy from giveamanakick who are from Limerick. This is his
solo project) on the bill. I was looking into a full band supporting before
I got the spec. Also it was never billed or given a go ahead as a 3 band
night to start with???? French Toast play side by side and have lots of
gear (keys/percussion/samplers/sequencers/guitar/drumkit). They also put
their amps behind them.

I haven't used this new smaller venue in Dolans before so I'm not taking any
chances first time around. French Toast are headliners, Windings are
support - end of story.

I'll be fucked if I'm going to get them to move all their gear around just
to accomadate you plus they do not want people using their gear either (wake
up Dave and smell the coffee, this is a very common thing). Also, I see NO
REASON WHATSOEVER paying extra unnessecery money out to another band on the
night (to come from Cork) when people are paying to see French Toast not
you. Your band also play Limerick every second week by the sounds of it so
don't know what your moaning about. The good people of Limerick are not
missing out.

So there you go folks. More abuse and bitterness when I can't and don't
conform to whimpering needs. A perfect example. Thanx Dave.
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