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  • Users: wolfe
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  1. W

    mr moanbag

    Hi, there is a new website that takes the mickey out of ... everything. It is called It looks new but it's updated regularly. .|..| Now back to the !ironyyy before the Russians turn off the power.
  2. W


    I live in Clare and they have 10 people/families on a waiting list for an allotment plot in Shannon. The scheme (30 plots i think) was opened earlier in the month. They are tring to develop one in Ennis too. Seems a popular idea. The shannon scheme is run by the council BTW.
  3. W

    help me

    Spybot is very good and has got me out of all sorts of pickles. Hasn't helped me to find a new job though
  4. W

    Anyone got any CD wants?

    would some west german hindu folk-crust/breakcore do? I thought I was the only one into this type of music. Send me a PM. Maybe we coudl hook up. !baggyyyy