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  1. madlad183

    dont poke fun at Islam!

    Does anyone else find it weird that nobody in the media is criticising the savage way the official muslim world reacted to the cartoons, imagine the pope issuing a bounty for the heads of the south park guys for having jesus sleep with satan. The hypocritical lefty media would jump on him like a...
  2. madlad183

    please let it be george please let it be george please let it be george

    give george a break Lay off george bush for a change hes bringing freedom to a savage wasteland, as for cheney dont think its funny to make fun of an old guy that had a bad hunting accident
  3. madlad183

    Is it all ironical imag-o-logical bullshit

    Is there nobody that can talk about anything that is remotely interesting. All I can see is people adapting the ethics and morals of mediokre bands that believe making a statement involves shouting I hate the system at the top of their voices whilst simultaneously rejecting big brands like nike...
  4. madlad183

    Argh Lads!!!

    keds keds keds this is mantra that echoes around my head. Nobody has any idea of the pain that that band have put me through, cant anybody talk of anything else but the keds, there timing is way off, leaking news of the reasons for the cancellation of their asian and south drogheda tour wasnt...
  5. madlad183

    Power/Pop Punk Outfit 'theKeds' Require Bass Player

    Lads, If you are one of those 'pesky kids' then I have some bad news for you. Your timing is way off. My only beef is with the keds, heres a suggestion, make up a new thread and you and your witty friends can slag each other off to your hearts content, with comebacks like that you make nine...
  6. madlad183

    Power/Pop Punk Outfit 'theKeds' Require Bass Player

    What may add the fuck snowt?
  7. madlad183

    Power/Pop Punk Outfit 'theKeds' Require Bass Player

    Lads, What the flip is all this cack about me being anti down syndrome. I'm not, I am anti keds but am growing less patient with all the left pc bullshit being thrown at me in here. You're forgetting the true enemy, da keheds ahhh du anamy heeuh naw me. How come noones mentioning how the keds...
  8. madlad183

    Power/Pop Punk Outfit 'theKeds' Require Bass Player

    Lads, Okay that does it. For the past few weeks I have read many posts highlighting how much of a prickstaffed, cunthooked, twisted kippers little cunt nine is. I have not taken part in these slagging matches as I prefer to restrict my posts to musical topics. Nine mein freund, you complain...
  9. madlad183

    Power/Pop Punk Outfit 'theKeds' Require Bass Player

    Lads, Quite true, nobody deserves to be compared to the keds.
  10. madlad183

    Power/Pop Punk Outfit 'theKeds' Require Bass Player

    Lads, More evidence that the keds are a very "special" band. Saw-wee lads faw been negihev.
  11. madlad183

    Hope St

    The Following is proof that the keds are a special band, this is a copy of TREVUH CLAAAKS profile from the bands hilariously cheeky site Date of Behhht: 08-02-76 Plays: Drums - Can't sing to save his life - (honestly!) Musical Influences: Led Zeppelin, Counting Crows, Ocean Colour Scene, Rush...
  12. madlad183


    The Following is proof that the keds are a special band. Date of Behhht: 08-02-76 Plays: Drums - Can't sing to save his life - (honestly!) Musical Influences: Led Zeppelin, Counting Crows, Ocean Colour Scene, Rush, Pantera, 'the the', Supergrass, Radiohead, The Jam, Sex Pistols, Pantera...
  13. madlad183

    Hope St

    Lads, just heard some bad news for all you keds fans(they still aaaa shih). The Keds were planning to do a tour of asia. Two weeks before they took off for the tour they went to the doctor to get their shots. The doctor became concerned when he noticed swellings of the tongues and folds of fat...
  14. madlad183

    Hope St

    Lads, I smell a rat, nice try at the old reverse psychology there, I have been leafing through your posts and its been a while since you spoke about music. Maybe you should relax on the slagging matches, quit the buzzin and bring it back to where its at keeping it real, about the music man...
  15. madlad183

    Hope St

    Lads, That shit pisses me off, you try to get things back to the way they used to be and some humpy cunt like Professor Cunthooks, accuse you of being a pisstake, there is a serious buzz of paranoia going around, Prof, relax the suss and quit wrecking me gaff, AND THE KEDS ARE SHIT.
  16. madlad183

    Hope St

    Ah Lads, Professor prickstaff, chillax the cax bud
  17. madlad183

    Hope St

    Ah Lads here how the fuck can you say the keds are "DEADLY", the keds are as they themselves would say "shi". So in their native RETARD language, the deds aaaaaa shi yeah they aaaa.
  18. madlad183

    Hope St

    Come on lads lets get this notice board back on track, so who thinks the keds are a bunch of drogheda knackers making shit videos driving around drogheda (or is thatdrawda) in a white ford thats supposed to be a squad car. The keds are no good, their just a bunch of offspring want to bes that...
  19. madlad183

    Hope St

    Hey lads whats with all the bady karma around here. I can remember a time when we all of youse used to talk about cool stuff like how unbefuckingleivably excellent the frames are and how bono is king. If you want to just slag each uther off yis should go to yahoo chat or someshit site like that...