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  1. P


    1) is it going on this year? 2) what date is it on? be ace to come across for it!! cheers x
  2. P

    scottish electronica looking for shows..

    haha.. that ireland isnt part of the uk thing is well comedy!!im HOPING your having a over aw the time.. when i say i'll come across WHEN im touring the uk its like saying i'll come across to germany WHEN im playing france.. does that make sense? anyways.. if anyones having bother...
  3. P

    scottish electronica looking for shows..

    hahaha... amazing, i love message boards.. glad you like it plug.. ..and um, no im not in bloc party.. why dya ask?!x
  4. P

    scottish electronica looking for shows..

    hiya, toying with coming over to ireland to do a few shows in february when im touring the UK.. play electro stuff like a mix of aphex twin, sigur ros, kid 606, mum, venetian snares, one am radio.. ..tell us what you think! any feedback would be great!! thanks xx
  5. P

    anyone book electronic stuff??

    hiya got advised to come post on this board.. im trying to organise a tour for Feb, I play electro stuff with my laptop/synth/guitar.. along the lines of mum, aphex twin stuff like that.. -give us a shout if anyone would be up for putting this on,would be...
  6. P

    anyone on here book electronicy stuff??

    oh mate, that'd be amazing! thanks!
  7. P

    anyone on here book electronicy stuff??

    ah right cool.. was just testing the water, i mean.. i dunno.. its the first time ive ever thought about doing a tour with this stuff.. i normally play in a hardcore band, thats why i posted on this forum.. played a few shows in the summer and they were well good fun and i dunno, i wouldnt know...
  8. P

    anyone on here book electronicy stuff??

    Hiya everyone.. Dunno if its anyones cup of tea but im trying to organise a tour for kinda febuary time about the UK and would love to come across on the ferry if people are up for it.. Its electronicy stuff.. umm, someone said its like a mix of portishead and aphex twin.. but i dunno bout...
  9. P

    leechrum fest

    black tax are also well up for this! anyone know the best way/cheapest way to get there??
  10. P

    Some new Heroic Doses tracks you might like?

    these guys are fucking class! hopefully all the dates'll get filled.. gutted i cant hear the new tracks, every internet cafe in the big smoke wont let me listen to em! pants.
  11. P

    any chance of super last minute gig in ireland on the 7th?!

    Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 9:19 am Post subject: any chance of super last minute gig in ireland on the 7th?! Hiya! We just had a gig pulled last minute on the 7th of June.. playing:Galway on the 6th and Dublin on the 8th.. we've booked the ferry over for 3 days and would love to play on...
  12. P

    Black Tax Ireland tour..

    so after a million emails/phone calls back and forth, finally sorted it.. Monday 6th June - Galway Venue TBA Tuesday 7th - Manorhamilton SJs, Co. Leitrim Wedmesday 8th - Dublin Boh's Bar, Dalymount Park Phibsborough , Dublin 7, with Complan, Based On Reason & Knife at a Gunfight...
  13. P

    london fast punk/hardcore band looking for gigs..

    ah yes indeedy! thats kay there, she helped put on the gig!! CDH do all the wicked hardcore that comes into endinburgh.. so any news about these dates? we went into the studio at the weekend and recorded some new stuff! check out!! cheers! paul - black tax x
  14. P

    london fast punk/hardcore band looking for gigs..

    hiya again! right i think we've got galway sorted for the 6th.. so can anyone help us out with a date for TUESDAY 7TH JUNE?! (possibly also sunday 5th/wednesday 8th) we'll play anywhere.. any help or contacts you can give would be amazing!! we're all well looking forward to it.. :) thank you...
  15. P

    london fast punk/hardcore band looking for gigs..

    oh wicked thanks man!! we'd love to come over, makes a well nice change from playing all the same places! hopefully we can get some dates!! cheers, paul
  16. P

    london fast punk/hardcore band looking for gigs..

    hiya guys! im in a band called black tax, we play fast punky hardcore stuff like kid dynamite, spazz, lifetime and i farm.. - for mp3s and we're doing a few shows in scotland and have a few free dates 6,7,8th june i think and'd be well up for coming across in...