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    India Against Coca-Cola

    diet fizzy drink actually erode your fucking insides look for aspartame on the side of the bottle that shit so bad for you
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    emo lads fighting

    that stacey was a bittova spa
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    Punk For It Picnic Details.

    that reply was the product of countless hours on internet boards. but my god that was well played:eek: and rowena if ur the crazy riot grrrl rowena then i was talking to u at a gig. if ur not crazy or related in anyway to riot grrl then feel free to let out a sigh as you realise that youve...
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    Punk For It Picnic Details.

    id say theyd be condescending towards us bray scum but dont you live in dublin4?ok now imagine em with bats
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    Punk For It Picnic!!!

    here yis are puttin was too much thought into where yis are gonna skull your cans. fuck it get your booze start drinkin and think on the move or the stagger as the case may be
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    Gig in Kilcoole This sat Dec4th

    here easy solution...............send da bois down ta bait deis gots here i know this is kinda ''all on wheeler lads'' but i think you took those quotes completly out of context to try and make your argument in someway stronger or just to put punk for it or the posters of, in a bad light...