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  1. G

    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback'd probably hate us, so i wont waste my time describing us.... I'm not here to promote my band anyway.....
  2. G

    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    I shall not be threatening anyone with violence, thats not my style. I do however take offence at being branded a racist. wheres my white hood and burning cross???
  3. G

    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    andrew, while i do have a sense of humour, you are very close to crossing the line......I suggest you take that back....
  4. G

    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    I fail to see how me expressing an opinion and my bandmates choice of body art are linked, but i am in a cliched rock band with tatoos, so i suppose i'm just too stupid.....oh well shall it cause me to lose any sleep? no. it is only the internet after all.....
  5. G

    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    yup, you're right, but i fail to see how its relevant to this topic, if the other guys in the band want to put up those pics of us looking stupid, off with them, i dont care, like i said , i'm ink free (and i have a sense of humour) we're a shit band anyway.......
  6. G

    What albums can you listen to repeatedly at the same sitting?

    The Saw Doctors: "If this is rock and roll i want my old job back" ....."shes a fourth year dead feek presentation booooooarder"
  7. G

    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    hmmmm i dont have any tats, what are you on about? ....and no, we're not a nazi band, in fact what has my band got to do with any of this?
  8. G

    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    Thank god i dont know most of you in real life, you sound like the dregs of humanity. I'm sure your parents are proud....... ...reminds me of a deftones song.......but wait! more than 5 people know who the deftones are, thats so uncool! oh such a faux pas to make...... :D
  9. G

    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    I'm here a minute and already i've annoyed people. Good. ...i thought it would have taken me at least a week! I'm a cheeky prick, so it looks like i'll fit right in around here.
  10. G

    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    ...the picture used may not be in good taste, but the sentiment is valid. .....and lighten up, christ its only a picture. have a sense of humour or does thumped not allow that?
  11. G

    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    ok, my rant got a little out of control there.....i've come across people who patronise me because of the music i like, and its usually people who like indie music (you seem, and i emphasise the seem, to be the most closed minded of music lovers) so when i read certain peoples posts on this (and...
  12. G

    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    hear hear, speed. what pisses me off are the "muso" types that hang around forums like these and spout shite like "well i'm into this band, and only me and 5 of my close friends have ever heard of them, so they must be cool, so therefore i instantly have much better taste than you will ever...
  13. G

    ISH Magazine - feedback on your feedback

    wow, bit of venom in that post there fram.....whats that about?