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    Max Cavalera at Trinity

    maybe sarcasm doesnt come throught very well on a screen but isnt max selling less records now than when sep were an underground band? sellout. he does however need the money because he has about 40 kids. you dont have to be in the college to go, im not in trinity and im still going in
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    since when did being new and shiny become a bad thing? and last time i went on a wander down strange corridors in a pub in ended up in the girls bogs. the only way i could tell was because there was no piss on the seats. and because women kept walking in and out. weird looks ahoy
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    michael moore is hired by the us government. what better way to get the pro bush crowd shouting and making themselves heard than to give them something to put down and shout about. all the administration have to do is deny and call him unpatrotic and they seem like their fighting the evil at...
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    Need help - tough one!

    nobody likes everyone they know so thats not a very tough one. isnt there someone youd take great delight in ripping off their head and shitting down their neck? i can think of a few
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    punk shows in trinity?

    Eh, when is it? What gear would you need? And for the drinks we'll have whatever we can get the most of with the highest percentage alcohol. Preferably beer. they only drink heiniken in trinity so you have the choice of heiniken, heino or ken. it only comes in scoops aswell. also...
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    Kill Bill

    yeh it did what the matrix did but without the computer generation. you know that the matrix films has so much computer graphics in it that you dont even watch it in a cinema, really its just a shed which along with all your friends is just a computer graphic. so really tho you may now think...
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    whats tinkling your speakers today..

    have been listening to mars volta all dat so i just went to play the new perfect circle album on my pc only to find its pirate protected so it wont open. it also cant get raped and pilaged by johnny depp. that could be a lie
  8. S site subscriptions

    Re: I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay