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    america is shite

    You know coming from a country that is such "shite"and all. i'm not even going to bother talking to you about this...
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    america is shite

    oh you were being ironic? really? sorry i wouldnt get that...for obvious reasons...
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    america is shite

    America is shite? Is this actually a post? C'mon...this is ridiculous...seriously... Damon...thanks...again...
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    Whelans last night!

    Anyone else go to see The 66 Electric last night in Whelans???They were amazing...really good...the lead singer has a helluva voice, musically they are so tight and inventive and I just commend them on taking well spent, damn good band.
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    National stereotypes

    Latex, Of course I can! My sense of humour is firmly rooted in the world of sarcasm but I am making a point on this thread so of course I am going to back it!
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    National stereotypes

    exactly my point...
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    National stereotypes

    I am not speaking from anger and completely understand that some of it is tounge and cheek and believe me I understand that. But I felt that the point had to be made that it is wrong to stereotype especially in the current climate. I read this message board mainly because of the music info and...
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    National stereotypes

    P.S. Barry-Toronto is in Canada
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    National stereotypes

    I am an American who believes that this war is wrong. I am a person who protests against the decisions that the American government has made. I believe that a nation whose population is 42% children should not be bombed today. I am furious that over 2 million Iraqi people are in danger of...
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    National stereotypes

    No, no I am not.
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    National stereotypes

    Ignorance "Dubh is the only American I've met that doesnt spew out such ignorance on worldly matters" "I'd choose a frog over a yank anyday" " 9-11 Lets Roll " "I've met ruder yanks" "It is quite simple really, ignorance is bliss, ask the Texans!" Please think before you write...