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  1. XjohnnyX

    For anyone who can watch ITV/UTV

    the breakfast club is awesome although i think that the best comedy ever (obviously as 95% of the best movies ever came from the 80s) has to be planes trains and automobiles which is directed by the same guy that did the breakfast club. almost more quotes/one liners than commando!
  2. XjohnnyX

    some ineresting websites

    but obviously nowhere near as good as
  3. XjohnnyX

    some ineresting websites

    haha thats fucking genius! havent seen that before
  4. XjohnnyX

    For anyone who can watch ITV/UTV

    check out this site for the best commando review ever!: the rest of the site is amazing too with the 80s action film reviews. oh and rocky 3 is on BBC 2 (i think) next wednesday!
  5. XjohnnyX

    For anyone who can watch ITV/UTV

    except beat rocky ;) oh and you can't talk about arnie without mentioning commando. only beaten by the rambo and rocky series as the best action film ever because of - "don't disturb my friend...he's dead tired" the "shopping" scene and the last 20 odd minutes of pure fucking...
  6. XjohnnyX

    Tell me what yis are listening to

    poison the well - opposite of december bad religion - stranger than fiction, the gray race, generator mike ness - cheating at solitaire social distortion - mommys little monster pennywise - from the ashes megadeth - peace sells... DMX - its dark and hell is hot anti flag - a new kind of...
  7. XjohnnyX

    Random crap.

    ali boulala and geay matter? are you referring to the flip skateboards video? cos ali has gray matter in his section...actually geoff rowley does too come to think of it.....
  8. XjohnnyX

    bush and blair for belfast

    well apparently saturdays protest goes from the art college to the US consulate instead of to the city hall. going by that i'd expect full riot police brutality, whoops, i mean a full riot ploice presence.
  9. XjohnnyX

    bush and blair for belfast

    yyyeeeoooooo cormack, you were on the local BBC news there! yyyeeeeoooooooo!
  10. XjohnnyX

    bush and blair for belfast

    anyone from belfast going? i hear theres something on at 4 or so. where is hillsborough anyways?
  11. XjohnnyX

    bush and blair for belfast

    anyone else just see this on the news? apparently our two favourite warmongers (well not counting the almighty donald "holier-than-thou" rumsfeld) are set for belfast next week for 'peace talks'. wonder where theyll be and at what time.....
  12. XjohnnyX

    sin dios

    nah that was the last one. the new one is "odio al imperio" (hate the empire)
  13. XjohnnyX

    sin dios

    anyone know when the new sin dios album is coming out on vinyl in translated form? i have the cd but its all in spanish :rolleyes: im such a language-fascist but does anyone even know if theres any websites with it translated as i dont wanna type it all into an online translation machine. cheers.
  14. XjohnnyX

    I fucking hate George Bush (and his da too)

    well said! the thing that i cant understand is why he is so annoyed about france threatening to veto any resolution authorising war. why is preventing war seen as so bad, and stranger still, didnt the U.S decide they were going to go in and bomb the place no matter what anyone else said last...