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  1. ernesto

    Ads you HATE!!

    Yeah their marketing / or team need sacking. That was a shocker
  2. ernesto

    General Election 2025

    ‘But running’ ? Excuse me?! right you’re canclled With me and Jonny
  3. ernesto


    Oh it’s about being bent alright; Bent in the corrupt sense (Also cancel me)
  4. therealjohnny


    for a moment I thought this was a homophobic slur please cancel me
  5. ernesto


    The back door
  6. rettucs

    -crisp reviews-

    up the nostril
  7. R

    -crisp reviews-

    You need to crush them up and eat them as a powder. Nom,nom nom.
  8. R


    Can't really blame him for stepping down now. I don't know how anyone gets in to politics now.
  9. jimmybreeze


    There's some lovely cycle routes, you could rent bikes there too
  10. David Kronenbourg

    Your work situation

    I'm alive!
  11. chris d


    Pub chats.
  12. Unicron


    This seems pretty bad, they went as far as to start sourcing a hitman to take Varadkar out. Saw a clip online last night of one lad calling for Harris and Mary Lou to be shot. The state, at least publicly, don't seem to be taking these people seriously enough...
  13. ilovehoovering


    Oh dear, info my sister - 'Killarney actually has nothing much when you think about it'. She mentioned Kennedy's pet farm although they might be too old for that. I expect you're not venturing too far from Killarney but if you were then she mentioned Star Outdoors Adventure Centre in Kenmare...
  14. Jill Hives

    -crisp reviews-

    I bought those once by mistake thinking they were cheese puffs. I was very disappointed.
  15. Jill Hives


    Boom! Wordle 1,124 2/6 ⬜⬜🟨⬜🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  16. Jill Hives

    Ads you HATE!!

    Poonami. Enough said.
  17. sleepy


  18. ilovehoovering


    What ages are the kids?
  19. sleepy

    Ads you HATE!!

    The main appeal for running with me is that there’s no possible way for work to contact me. It reminds me of that 3 ad from years ago of a woman working late on her own in an office but it’s all ok because she’s able to do a video link in to her kid’s 7th birthday party. Just fuck off with...
  20. S

    Ads you HATE!!

    Someone on the radio jogging and recording using their iwatch, because her phone network let's the watch work even when the iphone is at home, or something like that. "Feeeeeeeeel the freedom!" What freedom? You're willingly tethered to your devices.