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  1. S


    here's my tuppence worth on this topic: i have deemed this the appropriate juncture to draw everyone's attention to the phenomenon of diphallia, or "double johnson....ness (...ity?)" as i prefer to refer to it. to the age old question "what do you give the man who has everything?", we may now...
  2. S

    St. Petersburg-Russia

    St. Petersburg is my favourite city. Been a few times and lived there for a few months. Everything is difficult though, which I guess you're beginning to appreciate as regards the visa. There are lots of stories about muggings too, though I never got mugged myself. Hmm, what do I recommend...
  3. S

    Thom Yorke solo album

    Presumably most people know about this already. Out on July 10th.
  4. S

    Real Life Book Club

    Hey, I'm new to the thumped scene. Stumbled across this here post and must admit to being suitably intrigued. I consider reading a very personal thing, but I'm willing to forego my principles in the hopes of meeting some nice intellectual totty. Points for honesty? I'm currently in Belgium, so...
  5. S

    Depressing Films

    Best and most depressing film: Dogville. End of discussion.