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  • Before: Jul 8, 2016
  • Users: HMD
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  1. HMD

    Tablet Thumped

    yeah but iPad Air 2 or the new iPad pro
  2. HMD

    The great Creme Egg crisis of 2015

    The American one will have more calories Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. HMD

    Tablet Thumped

    I use tapatalk and find it good. It used to be shite a few years ago but they've sorted out most of ux issues. I use it on phone and tablet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. HMD

    Prince - 1999 (1982)

    Who needs a copy of this? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. HMD

    Thread for Current pop songs you like

    I had a Darren Emerson mixtape that came on a Mixmag or some such magazine from the 90's and at one point a song plays that has the beeping for the blind from Dublin traffic lights.
  6. HMD

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    They got damaged whilst being removed from the anal cavity of the rebel and they had to freeze them on Hoth to retrieve the data
  7. HMD

    Little Green Cars - Iveagh Gardens

    I was surprised at Macklemore as well, I'm brining my young lad to it as his first gig which i'd much rather than a sig from a lot of pop shit that's out there.
  8. HMD

    Comprehensive list of Thumped people who ever had dreadlocks.

    Most people with dreads smelt of stale petula oil in my experience. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. HMD

    Farewell TXFM; welcome...

    Easy enough AFAIK and they aren't shutting them down these days.
  10. HMD

    AC/DC - Let There Be Rock (1977)

    I think I voted for highway to hell but this is quality. I had first listen today for the review(oz version) and so many memories of my childhood came back.
  11. HMD

    The HMD Radio Show

    Jaysus i've missed a few weeks and so have you. Here's the links The HMD Radio Show 167 | Radioactive International This weeks show has new music from Church of Misery, Beaskmaker, La Chinga, Entombed and the beers are Pokertree Dark Nirvana and Boyne Brewhouse Born in A Day APA The HMD Radio...
  12. HMD

    Soundgarden - Superunknown (1994)

    It's always done my head in. Maybe on a different album is like it more.
  13. HMD

    AC/DC - Let There Be Rock (1977)

    @pete solid choice, i listen to his album a bit so look forward to reviewing it in the coming week.
  14. HMD

    Soundgarden - Superunknown (1994)

    I’ve listened to this album a few time the last week and forgot how deadly it is. Granted it is a long album and the slow, down tuned riffs don’t help that. As for the vocals, i don’t get what people are saying about the wailing, it suits the songs perfectly. Let me drown & My wave - either of...
  15. HMD

    Farewell TXFM; welcome...

    That's what i was getting at and taking it to the masses.
  16. HMD

    Making a Murderer

    there might be some pillow talk
  17. HMD

    Farewell TXFM; welcome...

    How much does a license for a radio station cost? it can't be that expensive to run a commercial station as a collective.
  18. HMD

    Thumped album club

    I was away last week so i've two to catch up on. I feel i should Joanna a proper go and better review and then Jellyfish.
  19. HMD

    Soundgarden - Superunknown (1994)

    I'm listening to this on the bus into town, same as 22 years ago.
  20. HMD

    Soundgarden - Superunknown (1994)

    I've never been as disappointed by a gig. I was so excited about seeing them on that tour and it was like they were at the end of a really long tour and they were wrecked. White Zombie stole the show that's how bad they were.