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  • Before: Jul 7, 2023
  • Users: Reets
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  1. R

    You know you're getting old....

    The kid was stopped by someone from Hot Press to take their photo today. I then had to explain what Hot Press was.
  2. R

    Hellworld Thread

    It’s getting worse nationally with the vast majority going unreported. Seems to be heading that way for all minorities though. Walking around Dublin City centre in the evenings isn’t all that pleasant a lot of the time.
  3. R

    Minor complaints thread

    I honestly don’t know, just he said the guy was both, like it’s a normal thing. The village he lives in is a 14 hr drive from Bangkok and a population of about 500. He’s 70 and still pretty fit but he’s too old to be working the rice fields or doing construction in 40 degree heat. He spends...
  4. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Well Thumped has gone and jinxed me. My Dad called to say he has sepsis in his foot. He’s currently living in a mountain village in rural Thailand and said the local pharmacist (who he insists is also a doctor) gave him some IV bags to use and that should sort it. He’s building a house and...
  5. R

    Minor Pleasures

    I’ll get you on discord.
  6. R

    Minor complaints thread

    6 hours of meetings with a 30 min break between them. They were on really interesting topics, but I’m wrecked.
  7. R

    Minor Pleasures

    My childhood dog was half pit bull and half bull staff, and the best dog there ever was. He was well trained but my dad made sure we knew he was there as a guard dog, and to never forget that he could hurt us without meaning it. He was bred to fight though, both parents were prize winning...
  8. R

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    I watched season 1 and liked it. My daughter loved the books so her tutting and bitching about inconsistencies weirdly added to it. Started season 2 and even after the recap, it’s a blank. I don’t think I liked it enough to watch all of season 1 again, but I’m going to have to.
  9. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Have passport, will travel.
  10. R

    Your work situation

    That some of us didn’t want to sit with her at lunch time. She took her break at a different time to most of us. Still got called in by the manager to make more of an effort with her. I’m not sure why we didn’t go to the union then, as it was ridiculous. All grown ass people from mid 20s-mid 40s...
  11. R

    Your work situation

    Similar thing happened in my last job (not the pub) but it was a full on dirty protest. Shit on the walls, sinks blocked with tissue and the taps left running. We all knew who was doing it but they couldn’t prove it. She even had her sister (who was temping there at the time) go in and do it one...
  12. R

    People Who Died

    Im sorry for your loss. I was talking to someone in Tipp last weekend that was a really good friend of his. Seemed like a decent chap.
  13. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Ear fucked
  14. R

    Hellworld Thread

    I live in Pearse st flats half the week with my boyfriend, who’s lived here 40 years. There’s only about 300-400 flats here in total. When everything was kicking off he went down to join the counter protest and didn’t recognise a single person l, other than a few standing there to protect the...
  15. R

    Minor Pleasures

    Ok I just read that last post back. I may not be as sober as I think I am.
  16. R

    Minor Pleasures

    I got a little …tipsy in work last night during my managers birthday party. I managed to not publicly humiliate myself and no hangover this morning. I should probably mention that the first time I went to an after work drinks thing in this job, I walked straight into shot while they were...
  17. R

    Meeting People

    If you’re in Dublin for that, give me a shout and I’ll bring you into work for a nonalcoholic pint.
  18. R

    What's wrong with

    Are you sure?
  19. R

    Moving to the sticks

    I mean the building does, not you. You’re grand.
  20. R

    Moving to the sticks

    You need to practice your surprised face for when the builders find all the unmarked children’s graves, because it kinda looks the type.