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  • Before: Jul 7, 2023
  • Users: Reets
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  1. R

    Major Complaints Thread

    Ohhhhhh shit, I thought that started at about 7pm.
  2. R


    I’m supposed to be going to Southern Italy at the end of next month (looking a bit unlikely now) and I tried Duolingo for a while until I was told that they have a regional dialect so there’s no point. I know a few curse words though, so that’ll do.
  3. R

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    It’s not open for the under 40s yet. No definite date on when we can register either .
  4. R

    Minor Pleasures

    When a friend makes you a playlist. It’s pure joy.
  5. R

    Your Health Is Your Wealth

    Is your Spidey sense tingling?
  6. R

    Minor complaints thread

    My room has a slight slope and sometimes my chair rolls back. Twice now it rolled when I was going to sit down. I think I’ve broken my ass.
  7. R


    Hives and I raised quite a few glasses to Diddles last night.
  8. R

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    How’d it go @pete ?
  9. R

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    Maybe try heroin first, then it shouldn’t bother you as much.
  10. R


    Oh I knew it was bad but always figured she’d get better. She was a funny and lovely woman throughout and even made the trip to visit us in the pub once.
  11. R

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    I’m half way through “Malice”. It’s book 2 of John Gwynne’a The Faithful and the Fallen series. It’s a brilliant fantasy series and a complete one too, so no waiting on the rest of them. Basically there’s going to be a God-War and people need to pick a side without really knowing who’s good...
  12. R

    Eurovision 2021

    With the Irish entry, her vocals sounded a bit off and the staging was shit so no surprise she didn’t get through. I had Italy picked from the start (kinda a Placebo meets White Stripes thing) for the public vote. There’s a clip of the lead singer “cleaning broken glass off the table” and...
  13. R

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    I’m nearly finished the season now, but there’s enough memes going around that I can kinda guess how things play out.
  14. R

    You know you're getting old....

    Over the weekend I helped my brother in law file his Income Taxes for the last few years. Not too sure we did it right but he promised not to blame me if he goes to prison. As a thank you, my sister offered to pay for me to get Botox. So yeah, clearly I’m not looking that young anymore.
  15. R

    thumped=sausage fest

    I’m probably not a regular poster, but not male either.
  16. R

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    I’m nearly finished Shadow and Bones. It’s a nice bit if Fantasy escapism with magic, a heist, bit of young love and a few funny moments too. I haven’t read the series but I’m getting a lend of the sequel (six of crows) which is supposed to be the better one.
  17. R

    What's the protocol for dealing with people in messed up relationships?

    I’m hoping something not absolutely shit?
  18. R

    Minor Pleasures

    That depends on how nice the cake ends up being.
  19. R

    What's the protocol for dealing with people in messed up relationships?

    This is all excellent advice. The fact that they felt safe to confide in you (even if you may have originally figured it out or however the conversation came about) is pretty brilliant. Actually being able to discuss the situation with someone is a huge thing so whatever other support you offer...
  20. R

    Minor Pleasures

    I got an email today to say I’d officially gotten a promotion and that I was staying put in the section I’m in already (it’s civil service so could have been sent to work anywhere in the county). The job is interesting and the people have been brilliant so far, so I’m pretty chuffed. Also hives...