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  1. 7 - No tomorrow


    Some soothing sounds and words of wisdom from Adam Curtis
  2. 7 - No tomorrow


    Yes, agreed. In 2019, Remain is a lost cause. But I think the vote was on a knife edge in 2016 and Corbyn could have tipped the scales by simply doing his job as leader, but he did more or less fuck all. Cos he wanted out. Everything since has flowed from that.
  3. 7 - No tomorrow


    Not the end of history, just the end of the post-war consensus. State socialism broke Britain in the 70s, and people voted for Thatcher. The country was fundamentally altered in the 80s. Blair knew that that genie doesn't go back in the bottle. Whatever comes next for England, it's not...
  4. 7 - No tomorrow


    Not to pile on, but he was completely AWOL in the 2016 referendum - because he's a Leaver - and let his party's voters down with a lack of leadership and clarity on the most important vote of their lifetime. He's as much to blame as anyone on the result. Useless sod. And he's been seen through.
  5. 7 - No tomorrow


    Everything coming off from voxpops is that it was Corbyn Not sure how you separate the man from the policies from the leader and so on Anyone else in charge, particularly a centrist, would not have lost bread & butter Labour seats The English got rid of socialism when they elected Thatcher and...
  6. 7 - No tomorrow


    Ann Post thinks you have ideas above your station if you want train service through Tyrone to Donegal
  7. 7 - No tomorrow


    I honestly don't know enough about geology to say it has caused the economic division in the north. You could say, I haven't a bog! In general, the track (bonus pun!) record of inequality in the north speaks for itself, or I'd have thought so.
  8. 7 - No tomorrow


    I live and work in the US Thankfully I'm healthy as an ox, because the few times I've had to use my insurance it hasn't been all that great. I'd personally reckon that the Brits love the NHS like they love the BBC, and Boris is too much a populist to mess with those things. Also he has a bunch...
  9. 7 - No tomorrow


    I'm not an expert, but you can compare the electoral map to the infrastructure map and it tells the story of an unequal society, run for the benefit of one community. Not only that but the people running it are religious fundamentalists, who block progressive legislation- abortion, same-sex...
  10. 7 - No tomorrow


    Good news for what matters to us. The union breaking up is good news. England has voted for England and everyone should leave them to it. Scotland voted for Scotland, and I'm very happy for them. The North returned the first Nationalist majority of MPs for the first time - breaking up the DUP...
  11. 7 - No tomorrow


    You love to see it Absolutely brilliant results on this island, and for this island.
  12. 7 - No tomorrow


    Customs checks at Gretna Green You hate to see it LLLOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
  13. 7 - No tomorrow


    Corbyn's lost 71 seats Man oh man The English people want nothing to do with what Corbyn is selling For two elections on the bounce now
  14. 7 - No tomorrow


    Jeez, Louise Conservatives: 368 Labour: 191 SNP: 55 Liberal Democrats: 13 Plaid Cymru: 3 Greens: 1 Brexit party: 0 Others: 22 Tory majority of 86
  15. 7 - No tomorrow


    Yeah, Fianna Fail let them do whatever shit they felt like, then gave it the Brexit shrug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  16. 7 - No tomorrow


    Corbyn's complicit in the whole Brexit mess. AWOL for the original vote. Prevaricating for this one. Gifting them both to the other side. An utter disaster of a leader. It's your basic Shakespearean tragedy.
  17. 7 - No tomorrow


    Nope And for the first time ever, I feel kinda feel okay with the Tories winning this one in the UK Pros The May/Johnson deal with unify Ireland economically - while separating the north from the UK – closer to a United Ireland and the sidelining of fundamentalist Unionism Scotland will...
  18. 7 - No tomorrow


    The attitude of the Brexiteers that the backstop is all just a bargaining ploy - as if anyone could have real concerns about what happens to the people on this island - says a whole lot about them
  19. 7 - No tomorrow


    A gift by proxy I am tempted to get it. I just feel like the columns give me more than enough righteous-anger fuel.
  20. 7 - No tomorrow


    Yeah, a friend sent me this cos I sent her that Paranoid Fantasy piece Fintan wrote in the Guardian I got asked twice in work this week what the backstop was Brexit has managed to pierce the All-Trump-All-The-Time news cycle here The paranoid fantasy behind Brexit | Fintan O'Toole