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  1. sweetoblivion


    Bet they were the kind who got up at 7am to study etc...I don't think anything beats consistent work though. I did really well in the LC (not that it means owt now) and it certainly wasn't from busting my ass studying. People take it a bit too far with studying sometimes. I used an Elliott Smith...
  2. sweetoblivion

    One off Cleaner needed - ideas?

    How dirty does your house have to be before you hire a cleaner? Or is it just for people too busy to tidy? I'd feel guilty paying someone to do something I just couldn't be arsed to do.
  3. sweetoblivion


    When did CSPE come in? It wasn't an option when I did my leaving, about 9 years ago (??) Sounds like a laugh... Got an A1 in English and would've cried if I hadn't, nerd that I am. I was shocked that I managed to scrape a B3 in Irish which shocked both me and my teacher, who was convinced I'd...
  4. sweetoblivion

    (Ask nlgbbbblth) - My Weekly Bank Related Question

    I'd get onto them ASAP about it. I'd say missing a loan payment would be worse than missing a visa card payment to be honest, although I'm not sure. How do you check your credit rating?
  5. sweetoblivion

    Nouveau Vadge

    Looks good LaLa! :).|..|
  6. sweetoblivion

    you KNOW its summer when...

    Some of us were not made for temperatures over 20degrees....
  7. sweetoblivion

    you KNOW its summer when...

    I don't know how people look composed and cool during the summer...damn sexy summer people.
  8. sweetoblivion

    Sinusitis due to mould on walls

    yeah Threshold are good for that stuff alright. they painted over the mould in our gaff recently, I'm patiently awaiting it to reappear....
  9. sweetoblivion

    you KNOW its summer when... suffer yet another allergic reaction to suncream. :rolleyes: I like the summer, I only wish it liked me.
  10. sweetoblivion

    'Subtle' Keyboardist sues Ford - wins

    That is so sad :( at least he got money to pay his medical bills, but still. YouTube - Dax Pierson of Subtle in rehabilitation after accident
  11. sweetoblivion

    congrats to schmegeggin

    Congrats to Richard and his lovely wife-to-be! :)
  12. sweetoblivion

    post pictures of perfume ponces please

    oh me too, I'm deffo gonna be an old woman who wears it! I don't think the bottle has changed much over time (I used to work on a Chanel counter many mons ago, wasn't one of the proper consultants though). Remember lads and lassies that the Eau de Parfum is more expensive for a good reason -...
  13. sweetoblivion

    post pictures of perfume ponces please

    Chanel No 5 is a classic! I love it. I don't own any fancy perfumes though as they're too expensive (or maybe it's just that I have expensive taste, heh).
  14. sweetoblivion

    post pictures of perfume ponces please

    Mine would kill me if I got her Youth Dew, heh
  15. sweetoblivion

    Happy Birthday to Dave Eyesclosed, Winty on 26th May 2009

    Thanks hon :heart: every year it's the same, Thumped forgets about my birthday, ha! I thought I changed the settings last year, weird. Is Killy Kill still around? It's his birthday too! :)
  16. sweetoblivion

    Groom album launch 24/4/09 upstairs Whelan's

    I could put 'said Ruan, unprickishly' after it if you want? ;) you don't sound like a prick dude!
  17. sweetoblivion

    Groom album launch 24/4/09 upstairs Whelan's

    At last!!! Got seriously delayed tonight, story of my life: the interview's online now.
  18. sweetoblivion

    Groom album launch 24/4/09 upstairs Whelan's

    Yr very welcome dude! Will put the link up here when it's done :)
  19. sweetoblivion

    New Music You're Listening To

    you got a tenori-on!?!?! Wow! Got this in the post today - drool.
  20. sweetoblivion

    Groom album launch 24/4/09 upstairs Whelan's

    All going to plan I'll have an interview with Groom on my blog tonight! I'll let y'all know when it's up.... :) Thanks to the lads for doing the interview, was one of my favourites for sure, we had a great laugh! Find out how they tried to kill At the Natural History Museum...but failed ;)