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  • Before: Feb 27, 2003
  • Users: rumpus
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  1. rumpus Christmas Extravaganza!

    Herv, oi herv... sorry I took ages to get round to this... 1.Stereolab - yer blues 2.Radar Brothers - Tar 3.TMBG - Ana Ng 4.Howe Gelb - Hard on things 5.Jonathon Ritchman - Abdul and cleopatra 6.Elliot Smith - Between the bars 7.Cole Porter - The man I love 8.David Byrne - Angels...
  2. rumpus

    beyond ridiculous...

    Shit Chin up. I hope you get a job 10 times better after xmass.
  3. rumpus Christmas Extravaganza!

    Just made me CD mix...whole afternoon it took. now I want to own it. Fecking family...I hate you all. seerlyously, I've done a good'n.
  4. rumpus

    Hungover on Thursday? Playground Psychotic + Capratone + Speedman

    It was maybe the best use of a song I've seen in a movie ever. And a great cover version of the song too....d'yuo know where I'd get that version? (don't say the soundtrack) egg_:"did you like the film" Rump:"I did and I didn't, know what I mean?" egg_:"You tell me!" Rump:"welll...yes...
  5. rumpus

    Ad's Of The Year, 2002

    No, it's more like TVandvideoonly299atpowersitythisweekendpleasecomedownmejobisontheline!
  6. rumpus

    I am smoking a fag!!

    I'm one of those anoying hambones who can quit neh bother I was really getting into the cigs for a few years, then one night in july last I just said 'nah, I'm sick of that' may go back on them one day. I like them. most I ever did - 20 silk cut blue a day... what a stooopid...
  7. rumpus

    Fave Album of 2002

    emm, I guess I'll go by what I'm still listening to regurularly that came out this year...... Jim O'rourke's insignificance, and MurraySt, Is a Woman (for nite time lisnin) dont have the tacky Bra album yet (hint hint, but dont all yiz buy it for me) but like what I hear. also, Radar...
  8. rumpus

    The Chalets, DA2 27th November

    It was an A1 Sharon gig. Much fun had and the chalets were as tight as a camel nun's knickers in a sandstorm.
  9. rumpus

    Fair well sweet thumped...

    so would you be radio silenced and jammy dodgers if every post cost you money!
  10. rumpus

    Fair well sweet thumped...

    Good luck Dan! Look me up when you get there. I'm not there, never have been, but it's something to do if your bored.
  11. rumpus

    An Diabhal

    I had an adult sized spiderman suit I could wear, cept it got a bit wrecked last time I took it somewhere...... plus I looked like a sexual deviant in it. I mean more so.
  12. rumpus

    settler and richer than astronauts

    gig. here. here gig here...
  13. rumpus

    Caption Competition

    "ooh, wait a mo'...I think my much maligned uterus just fell's alright."
  14. rumpus

    The office

    it strikes me how much happier I am not being in an office. Lap top, cupsa on me stereo... this teleworking lark is feckin grrrreat Not much thumped though :(
  15. rumpus

    Ballroom #4

    it has to be said......even from me.....a now home (tele)worker who can't afford to pay for daytime has to be said........hats off to unclealo and phil and company for making ballrooom a genuinely interesting thing. see u friday. :)
  16. rumpus

    can't be arsed...

    velly velly soon richie, prolly end sept / start oct.
  17. rumpus

    can't be arsed...

    ...digging out that old thread about this gig.... so, anyway, says I....
  18. rumpus

    i'm being fired too.

    I was checking in and read yer news silo, Sorry to hear it. Chin what I'm doing...spend 2/3 hours a day looking for a job and the rest doing all those other little things you've been meaning to get done...
  19. rumpus

    nice working with you

    mmmmm teacher....that could be fun, thanks again everyone..(specially 10 years. yer a gas man ;) ) ...the search begins...
  20. rumpus

    nice working with you

    that sounds like a great idea Dan, I could develop my people skills and......SAY! Wait a minute! WHY I OUGHTA!!!! Knuckle sangwich in the mail for you boyoh!