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  • Before: Feb 27, 2003
  • Users: rumpus
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  1. rumpus

    Home and away.

    and from the very first moment I saw you I never felt such emotion I'm walking on air just to know (just to know!) you are there-ee-er-er Hold me in your arms don't let me go I want to stay forever closer each day home and away I don't know what song you mean, these are just my...
  2. rumpus

    Voodoo Listings

    I so want to see the 'Ro ensemble! Tuesday you say......voodoo you say.........hhhhhhmmmmmm
  3. rumpus

    Roller/Sparkers &

    The more I think about it, the more it seems independent music here gets about as much media support as me ma's coffee mornings. stoopid feckin hotpress stoopid life stoopid world
  4. rumpus

    Loose Fur

    Sounds velly interesstink Theory - There are 15 clones of Jim working all over the world...and 10 more just in shicargo.
  5. rumpus

    So Solid Ballroom

    Happy birthday to egg Happy egg day to birth Happy birthegg to da-ay Happy birthegg to birth
  6. rumpus


    uh oh I foresee another mucho packed lower deck better be early
  7. rumpus


    How do you think I feel. My head is a marrow placed on a stick. LIVE IT UP, FLESH-BOY! In other news, I also heard that all thumped threads are now available on DVD.
  8. rumpus

    smoking in pubs banned

    No more stinky coat yey
  9. rumpus


    yes you will like it and replace 'bickety' with 'blayden' and 'bockety' with 'deadly' gick rules is the phrase 'I've a ging-load a work to do'
  10. rumpus


    His name (as you well know, Snaky) is Robert. Robert schmlaarrgh. He'll be thrilled you asked.
  11. rumpus


    check out the big marla face on him!
  12. rumpus


    Yes. it was brillah I made one of Krull's spinny blade things out of icepop sticks and razors I was too terrified of it to play with it... Krull had great hair too, I recall. Lots of body.
  13. rumpus


    Buy 'Lull' An album of piano-only music by Howe Gelb Buy it and listen to it tonight. me so happy me heard it.'s the thing..... buy 'Lull'.
  14. rumpus

    Tainted Love, need a loaner...

    I'm going to assume you mean the HGF album mr man and based on that assumption: I.|..| can't.|..| wait.|..|
  15. rumpus

    hey snaky

    :D :D to the choon of 'The A-Team' THIS is the BEST thread I've read got a laugh and a half As I sang and sang along (dun dun dun) From HERE to the END I vow my friends I'm comm-un-ica-ting everything through song
  16. rumpus

    Support slots and Free Venue

    the silken thomas.....sounds nice
  17. rumpus

    deputy fuzz

    :eek: ;) :eek:
  18. rumpus

    Bored in Work 31

    I'm ever old that is......
  19. rumpus

    deputy fuzz

    They are sooo good...and I never heard them sound as good as monday night. More please. Graham and Val are totally mad deadly good sound people.
  20. rumpus

    Who are you?

    oh dear, me too let us marges unite (with hair by frank loyd wright...)